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Dr. Muttonstache

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Everything posted by Dr. Muttonstache

  1. I would imagine he moved them around like Scott Manley does in his Reusable Space Program videos: Skip to about 1:20 for the relevant part. Wait, there aren't wheels on OPs, i'm curious too!
  2. The Dragon's Triangle (off the coast of Japan) is on the same line of latitude as The Bremuda Triangle, is something to note. Could be alien bases, yo. We barely know anything about the deep ocean, makes sense if you were going to build a base on an alien world, and you wanted to stay hidden, you'd put it underneath some serious waves. There are strange places all over the world with magnetic anomalies, like that place in mexico, where that missile got dragged to.
  3. All of this is relevant to if the big bang theory is correct. Nobody can't say that our existence is a simulation in a computer, whereas none of this would matter. In order for something to be stationary I think you'd need to have a rocket capable of running at the same speed the universe is expanding, pointing exactly toward the center of the universe. I like to think of the universe as a ball. You cant "get out" of the universe, you just rotate around it, like if you ran around a planet. Or, that the universe is like a big game of Asteroids, and you just pop out the other side if you cross it, making parallel universes possible.(like a stack of cards, you'd need to find a way to dig a hole out of the present universe into the other card below you) but thats not the point. Like westair said, energy would last forever in the orb universe, bounce around, and in the Asteroids universe, where it'd just pop out on the other side for eternity. Like Einsteins theory of relativity - there is no universal reference point in relation to which something could be stationary. Everything is stationary in relation to something, but moving in relation to something else, this means the Universe is moving along other universes, but what are all the other universes moving around, and what is that moving around? AGH MY HEAD HURTS
  4. Granted. Orbits are all whack and the planets are flung into empty space. I wish I was a woman.
  5. Not sure if this had been said yet but the U.S government seized patents on really nice alternative energy solutions because of the fear it'd screw up the economy. It's all about money, i'm afraid. It's a big problem.
  6. I wasn't aware you could do this, but with the problems you've mentioned, i think i'll pass on that for now, unless I get desperate!
  7. This pleases me greatly. Not enough anime astronauts, I tell you. Either that or I'm not looking hard enough.
  8. The Manmelter isn't big enough to be an engine, it's pistol sized. The poodle is enough engine for now. My thoughts too, scratch that one off! Looking to name the other items (Bubble pipe, Sight for Sore eyes too, doesnt need to be named after a part)
  9. Oddly enough, HEYEYEYEYHEYEYEY is the best song that describes me when i'm playing KSP. Laughed when the parachute deployed, surprised he made it back!
  10. Rockin' that stencil ruler bro! Anyways, looks badass!
  11. Any of you play Team Fortress 2? If not, go play it, its free. Anyway, I got a neat idea to create a Kerbal Pyro in Tf2, and i've gotten a few lines along "Go home Jeb, you're drunk" from more than a few people. I still need to name the Bubble Pipe and the Sight for Sore eyes, get creative! Feel free to add me on steam if you'd like to play some TF2 with me, or just talk about Kerbal Space Program, i'm around alot!
  12. Sooner or later a rouge SRB will crash into it...
  13. It's easy if you have a calculator and don't want MechJeb, you just take the mass of all the parts you put on it (including the number of which) and add them together. All the information you need should be right there when you hover your mouse over the part. Mass is calculated in Tons, i believe. A part weighing .2 would be 20% of a ton ect.
  14. I loved the Venture in EVE Online, would love to fly it around in Kerbal Space Program
  15. If kerbal space program was an organic thing, i'd have babies with it. Adult Swim already has NASA, so this is the next best thing. Seeing how I'm working for a degree in Astrophysics, (third year now) Kerbal Space Program is a great way to wind down my day of studies. Thanks, Squad.
  16. Is there an easier way to build rovers besides making them in the VAB? Symmetry with wheels gets all whack in there. I tend to guess where to place my wheels, one by one (because if I use x2 symmetry, one wheel is facing up, the other the right way) by using points where the wheel slips/flips/changes direction on the part where I'm placing it, and repeat for the other side, tends to work fine, but its a long process, or rather, could be shorter. How do the rest of you make rovers? (and actually fly them somewhere, mind you.)
  17. http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/8/83/Heavy_battlecry06.wav Yep.
  18. I have been using his reusable design for a bit now because i'm mentally challenged when it comes to building rockets that involve the bigger parts, it works like a charm, you just have to time the mainsail puffs right.
  19. True, I was known for eating excessive amounts of kiwi back in the day. The user below me has gotten into a fistfight with a dog before
  20. "6 months for this?" like a post above: "Oh my god, what IS that thing?!", then scream and cut your mic (would be god-tier) but seriously, i'd say "14 minutes ago, I took the first step on Mars."
  21. I've been playin' KSP for around 5 months now, and I absolutely LOVE this game. I've been browsing this forum for awhile, and I just decided to make a forum account today. You guys at SQUAD are awesome, and I'm looking forward to the many cool features to come! I used to be in college studying physics, but it got way to expensive. After work, KSP is probably my second favorite thing to do.
  22. BvB: Stab the knife into hat to make a Knife hat.
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