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  1. I did a bit of screwin' around with the big VA. It'll usually explode on normal game play. And here we go... And we're back.
  2. CobaltWolf's Venus Flyby's module dish. It's a fun orange-red dish that I love.
  3. I present to you, the first international thru-the-heatshield conference:
  4. The one between Blok-G and Blok-D was more like an outer covering than a fairing, really, added for structural support, I don't think it split apart normally, just when staging between G and D. It had the added bonus of protecting the tanks from debris. This image shows the different separation planes between the fairings.
  5. It was a structural fairing to reduce stresses to the fragile LK Lander. In fact there was three fairings on the L3 Complex, one outer one, one between BLOK-G and BLOK-D and one between BLOK-D an LOK.
  6. Found the issue: in the CGF file. MODULE { name = sFX EngineType = LiquidFuel engineID = MainNozzles runningEffectName = running_closed allowRestart = true thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 41 heatProduction = 200 Should read MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX EngineType = LiquidFuel engineID = MainNozzles runningEffectName = running_closed allowRestart = true thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 41 heatProduction = 200 Anyway: She's a beaut:
  7. It's two separate parts, yes, but the BLOK-D Engine itself is for some reason in the tank section, and not functional.
  8. I'm having an issue with the BLOK-D Engine, it's not appearing as an engine, but a fuel tank.
  9. I had the same problem. I copied OV_deltaWing cfg and mu files from the previous version to the new, seems to work now.
  10. Seeing the unpainted, bare-metal N-1 fly in Kerbal is something special. I wonder what color it would have been painted if they ever solved all the issues? Military green?
  11. While waiting for Skylab/orbital thingy. I decided to make my own little Skylab analog for Interplanetary trips. Kinda inspired by the Ares from Stephen Baxter's Voyage, but much less complicated (no lander.) http://imgur.com/a/RXtMw
  12. Those engines look amazing. Such detail. The "waffle" of the bottom of the stage looks great too!
  13. Now that is INTERESTING! I wonder if they could have pulled off such a collaboration back then if circumstances were different?
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