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Everything posted by Alex_Leonardo

  1. I think the box is the Human attachment system storage. Or it's mystery goo.
  2. You know you can still rename them, right? Anyways, If it's a big deal, just get the extra time warp, slow it down to 1/64 and rename them before anything happens.
  3. I would get a kerbal cannon, like the one used in Hocgaming's "THAT'S NO MOON BASE!" and launch a kerbal from jool's least massive moon, around jool, and straight back to the planet. That kerbal was thinking he was leaving, but he wasn't.
  4. That's so offensive! So you're basically saying that women are less wide and have different chins/jaws/mandibles than men! HOW OFFENSIVE! I think the women look like Sandra Bullock. They should make "Gravioli" over with the female kerbal. Also as a full-lenght movie.
  5. I still just think they should add gameplay features before graphic ones.
  6. I think what could keep your attention is a minigame of some sort. Or, the reason you should make a base is you get more funding via Kongress or Incentives. (Medals, Trophies, or even as you said, fuel production.) I think they should have automatic contracts, or permanent contracts, that say, "Every time you land here, stay for a certain time, and maybe get back to kerbin, we will give you a flat rate monetary reward." or If you accomplish missions, you get trophies or medals, and you have a trophy room, filled with your trophies. I also think there should be a "reputation" meter, and it goes up and down with every success, trophy, and failure. The reputation effects how many kerbals want to be recruited, making it harder to get kerbals if you kill everyone. So, in conclusion, I think there should be some incentives for bases.
  7. That's not happening. It's because this game isn't steam only and the majority chooses regular download.
  8. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42818-Kerbalizer-in-KSP-Game-Custom-Tools-and-utilities-for-each-Kerbal?highlight=Kerbalizer+game
  9. Unless you created barrier to stop the radioactive particles from spreading throughout the ship and causing fatal mutations such as cancer.. Or is he talking about launching it on the ground? That would be bad. Spraying radioactive particles all over the world.
  10. It's something called engineering that makes it work. The thing is very basic in concept. You throw a special nuke behind you, have some type of blast plate or cupping part for the back that will cup the expanding energy that it creates, then keep doing it every three seconds for ten days, ANNNNNNNNND you're going 20% the speed of light. See, if you got a giant pogostick, put a giant superstrong titanium cup on the end, and put an explosive inside the cup, it would push the pogostick forward and also absorb the shock created by the explosive without damage.
  11. I did a thread on this but for the real game. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42818-Kerbalizer-in-KSP-Game-Custom-Tools-and-utilities-for-each-Kerbal?highlight=Kerbalizer+game
  12. I'm going to build a self assembling mech. The arms will put the legs (thruster) on the torso, and the head on the torso (command module) while this construction happens in space, I'll deorbit it and terrorize everyone. But, can arms lift arms and put them onto things? What does the folded one look like? Will there be different sizes and strengths? How about cranes?
  13. It IS a valid answer, because animals/humans ARE computers in the first place. There is no logical reason why something, just made up of a different material (or metal, which somehow is a non-organic material even though we have iron in our blood.) or "non-organic" material is any different from a "organic" organism. You could have a robot with cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems just made from different materials, is not "non-organic" see, if it can exhibit the six principles of life, than it is no different from "organic" which is now a broken term.
  14. If I were you, right now I would get a test save and have one rocket ready with modded parts in the test save. Then, before you open the real save, go to the test save. Just wait until they fix it.
  15. To add to my own post, players could also form groups, fly in the same spacecraft, and also build together.
  16. Yes, they lose functionality. Yes, Kerbals can repair. No, it doesn't
  17. If you look on planned features on the wiki they have only "partially" implemented damage effects. My guess is that this is already planned to be implemented.
  18. By christmas you mean the holiday season right? Ahh, whatever with he politically correct stuff. I think that they should just offer a christmas pack or an easter egg pack or something that is special that you can add to the game.. The collector's pack sounds too bulky and useless. I'd like to get like a free kerbalizer or dlc or something.
  19. I'd like to see a turn-based system in MP. So one player launches a rocket, while all the others can: Design Use a Testing Chamber thing Watch the player who's actually launching Etc. When that player finishes (or you could set a timer), it randomly selects another for a turn. But, there would be exceptions in the turn based system, like if the player who is using his turn doesn't use time warp at all, he could allow the other players to play around or do stuff, like fly a plane, but all of these activities can't be time warped. Also, a player can pass his turn (If he needs to design), but it reserves him a spot after the next turn. Like I said, to test design flaws, you could use a testing room/chamber that's about 12km cubed or something. The testing chamber would be free from time warps and whatnot. Also, there could be a server time warp that could allow two people to fly, but they would need to confirm it, like in the post above.
  20. I'm sorry. I might have worded it improperly. But anyways, thanks for it anyways. Also, squad mentioned about the colonization and multiplayers as dlcs, suggesting if they don't add colonization (also resource mining, because it wouldn't be colonization if you didn't use the land or get benefits from it.) In the vanilla, meaning they most likely will add it as a dlc. When you say they dropped it in favour of multiplayer, it seems like they mean that they aren't going to add drilling into the vanilla, but most likely in a dlc.
  21. I know what they were talking about. I was saying that the devs shouldn't focus on the graphics of heat distortion and actually focus on gameplay features, such As the one you quoted.
  22. I wasn't looking for a mod. I was saying that a combination of these mods: Kethane Extraplanetary launchpad Kerbal Attachments mod (KAS) H.O.M.E. Mod (Maube B9 aerospace for the cargo bays.) Would be substantial for Sqaud to put together and make a Colonization DLC, like, if you created a official modpack. I was also looking for a mod that allows you to build single parts easily, without a setup and then use KAS to grab and repair rovers or other vehicles, like when a wheel completely explodes and is destroyed, you don't have to quickload, but you can repair.
  23. Hey, my relative works at unity. Anyways, MUCH OPTIMIZATIONS SO OPTIMAL SUCH PERFORMANCE WOW
  24. I think so. Anyways, it's a conspiracy to explain why they're so dumb and green. Really the reason why they are green is because the color of their skin, #84D455 (Hexadecimal RGB Value), Spells "Badass" in 133t5p34k. (Leetspeak or L33t.) So, in a parallel universe, if the hexidecimal system was different, we could have purple kerbals.
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