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Status Updates posted by hoojiwana

  1. In the process of updating AB Launchers for KSP 1.1, just uploading bits and bobs now! Totally using your Tantares search tag system with sizes and rocket names too. :D

    1. Beale


      Awesome! Many thanks for putting in the work to do it :) 

      Should I send on over the updated engine model?


    2. hoojiwana


      I've pushed the update now! :sealed: I was still waiting for the new PBR stuff etc. with the stock part update (whenever that arrives) to do any other work to ABL beyond maintenance.

    3. Beale


      That's a very fair stance! sounds good :) 

  2. My bad Majorjim, I should've left a note in the new thread. Sorry for the confusion!

    1. Majorjim!


      No problem sir, I just have a habit of thinking I am going mad and that scared me for a second! No harm done though, sorry for stinking up that thread. ;-)

  3. Hey Bealio, just letting you know AB Launchers is up on SpaceDock with you as a pending author. :kiss:

    1. Beale


      Awesome! Thanks hoojiwanio!

  4. I got a good laugh out of that last post. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sarbian


      I clearly need more clone to carpet bomb the forum

    3. NathanKell


      Maybe you're just using Ted Cruz's definition of carpet bomb. :P

    4. sarbian


      Can I post until the forum glow ? Only the future will tell.

  5. Wubwubwub HULLO

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