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Everything posted by hoojiwana

  1. I've cleaned up some posts that were going off topic, let's get back to the original intent of this thread.
  2. I think that may have been part of the reason for these new IVA shaders, @Porkjet will know for sure (if he's not too busy).
  3. You saw nothing. There was no announcement thread.
  4. Hey guys and gals, this is just a reminder to be civil and polite to each other when posting. Thanks.
  5. Done and done, good job I know you're both authors of the pack.
  6. Moved to Add-on Releases. In future pinging a bunch of moderators is probably not the best way of getting our attention, use the thread Beale linked for this sort of thing, thanks!
  7. Updates! Luckily the gimbals were all lined up for the 1.1 changes, and I took advantage of a new setting and locked the gimbal on the Cutter linear aerospike to only function in one axis (and roll) and increased it's range to 5. Also added search tags including "rla" which only has crossover with the survey scanner in stock. The full changelog is in the OP (and the readme) as always. And now it ends. Nope, that's roughly the balancing I went with, they should be about as good as their LFO counterparts but just using monoprop instead, the only different one is the Cormorant due to the higher thrust and better atmospheric ISP. The monoprop engines are a bit weird due to the odd way the stock monoprop tanks are balanced, there was a brief period during 1.1 pre-release where they were fixed but it got deferred until a later update. The tiny monoprop engines are less useful as well now since apparently you can tweak RCS ports to work with the throttle which is pretty cool.
  8. All locked up. You can post in this thread or report your own OP to get moderator attention, preferably by posting in the thread.
  9. I've cleaned up some offtopic posts, if you want to discuss computer builds then we have a great big thread just for that over here. If anyone wants a copy of any posts removed, please feel free to PM me and I'll get a copy to you. Thanks!
  10. Up-diddly-doodly-dated for KSP 1.1, changes are search tags (including "abl" and the names of each rocket) and adding some missing bulkheadProfiles on the 5m parts I forgot to add before. See the OP as usual for download links. I did check the gimbals on the engines since the way those are handled changed in 1.1 but they didn't need fixing, let us know if there's still issues with flight control etc. Thanks!
  11. In the process of updating AB Launchers for KSP 1.1, just uploading bits and bobs now! Totally using your Tantares search tag system with sizes and rocket names too. :D

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    1. Beale


      Awesome! Many thanks for putting in the work to do it :) 

      Should I send on over the updated engine model?


    2. hoojiwana


      I've pushed the update now! :sealed: I was still waiting for the new PBR stuff etc. with the stock part update (whenever that arrives) to do any other work to ABL beyond maintenance.

    3. Beale


      That's a very fair stance! sounds good :) 

  12. Is that intended to be used directly in KSP? It's got a high poly count compared to other parts with similar levels of detail. Also moved this over to the Modelling and Texturing subforum.
  13. May as well start with the small mod. New version (1.2) is up for KSP 1.1, fixing the gimbals (they can yaw again), adding part tags and moving the config definitions to use the same ones that the SRA version does (smokepoint to smokePoint).
  14. This is a known issue and is being worked on, sit tight.
  15. If you look in the bottom right corner of the Main Menu you'll see a version number (v1.1.0.1230), that has (x64) next to it (if you're on the 64bit version).
  16. For Blender, hit 'N' to open the Properties Shelf, one of the things in there is called "Transform". When you're in Edit mode you can select vertices to see their exact position (and change it), with faces or edges this will show their average position. If Blender has an option similar to the Wings option in Case 1 I don't know where it is, as a workaround I would Shift+A (in Edit mode) a new circle mesh with the settings I wanted, move it and the join it to the cylinder. Sorry for the rough images, was trying to do them quickly.
  17. My bad Majorjim, I should've left a note in the new thread. Sorry for the confusion!

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    1. Majorjim!


      No problem sir, I just have a habit of thinking I am going mad and that scared me for a second! No harm done though, sorry for stinking up that thread. ;-)

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