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Everything posted by hoojiwana

  1. I've just uploaded this to SpaceDock (nearly wrote Spaceport ) and ticked the CKAN button there so hopefully someone with the know how will sort out the CKAN listing, when they get a free moment. Hopefully the listing will be updated soon with this new download link, but the CKAN team are pretty busy right now so it may be a bit of a wait until it's all updated on their end.
  2. Check out the stock Mk55 "Thud", the paint effect that @Porkjet did on that is amazing. It's got what looks like different coats of paint that really makes it look genuine, like a layer of primer beneath the orange.
  3. Take a break now and you'll be better off in the end. Don't force yourself to work on KSP modding if you don't have any energy for it, that's a good way to get yourself to hate doing it and completely burn out on the whole thing. Better to take a little break, distance yourself from KSP modding until you can work your real life stuff out and come back when you feel the passion return. Speaking from experience!
  4. I love that the community is having this discussion, shows a great deal of care on all sides. Looking forward to seeing SpaceDock up and running, amazing to have it sorted out as quickly as it has been. Thanks to all the people who have been working so hard this last day or so.
  5. It's a good idea but the catch is that people need to take time out of making mods (or working on stock) in order to create such things. It's already been pointed out that if someone is so inclined they can pick apart an existing style and copy it or build their own style from it without the need for a pre-existing style guide. It's what I've done for everything I've made with the exception of when I started out and didn't know what I was doing. There's more to it than simple unification of styles as well; the act of examining other peoples art helped me develop understanding of techniques to replicate it, the act of asking myself why someone does something a certain why forces me to consider ideas I hadn't thought of before. All that helps me grow as an artist and I'm not entirely certain following a preset guide would give those same benefits. You may learn to do something but you may not gain any understanding as to why you should do it.
  6. @ferram4 and @BahamutoD do appear to be busy tracking down a bug of some sort, perhaps send them a PM or post in their threads so they can see when they get time.
  7. Give it a few days and its replacement will be up and running, with the CKAN guys at the helm.
  8. I got a good laugh out of that last post. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sarbian


      I clearly need more clone to carpet bomb the forum

    3. NathanKell


      Maybe you're just using Ted Cruz's definition of carpet bomb. :P

    4. sarbian


      Can I post until the forum glow ? Only the future will tell.

  9. Hopefully I can answer some of the questions raised in here! No style guide exists because the art style has been constantly evolving and changing due to the fairly large number of different artists who have contributed; The original art made by Squad staff whose names I do not know off the top of my head. The replacement art for those parts done by @NovaSilisko , who practically defined the artstyle that "stockalike" mods emulated (starting with KSPX the original thread is gone now I think) C7 made the original space plane parts, as well as some assorted science parts (lab, materials bay etc.), the Rapier and the Size 3 Kerboodyne rocket parts. Claira Lyrae (author of KSPX) then added some parts from the mod to the stock game (and some other art like a redone launchpad sans launch tower). Bac9 who made the majority of the Tier 3 space center and island runway revamp (dev blog already linked). Hugo Gutierrez redid the Mk1 spaceplane parts and made one or two other bits (monoprop engine). DanRosas and some other artists whose names I forget did the Tier 1 and 2 KSC as well as the destruction states and Tier 3 admin building. @RoverDude who has made some of the ISRU parts, the radiators and heatshields @frizzankcreated some IVAs, one of which is the science lab. And most recently we have @Porkjet who has redone (almost) every spaceplane part and is working on redoing the rocket parts. With that many artists all adding their own touches to an existing game, its easy to see why there isn't a single stock style modders can easily follow. "Stockalike" mods all look a little different depending on how the individual artists wanted to make their parts look. My stockalike looks a little different to @Nerteas stockalike for example, mine is lower fidelity and less realistic. Both of ours looks different to the way @RoverDude has developed his style for his mods and for stock since he errs strongly towards lower memory usage and a brighter colour palette. As for the future, we have Porkjet working on redoing the rocket parts for stock. How far he goes with that is entirely up to speculation, but even replacing the fuel tanks and engines will be a good step towards a unifying art style across all the parts, especially since there is only the one artist working on the project. Maybe he'll have the time to make a style guide or dev blog post-1.2 (or whenever the rocket parts are done), but for now it seems the mod community is left up to its own devices.
  10. They have a lower maximum heat value (1200) than most other parts (2000), that might be the cause.
  11. If you paint as many textures as Beale has you'd be just as good. Practice makes perfect!
  12. In the real world these engines (referring mainly to ions et al.) have extremely low acceleration (the 5mm per second per second you mention from The Martian) but extremely high efficiency. They measure burn time not in minutes or hours but in weeks or months or even years. Because those burn times are neither feasible nor fun in KSP, the stock ion and mod engines have hugely increased thrust. To give you some numbers, the stock ion has 2000 newtons of thrust whereas the NSTAR engines that propelled the stock ions namesake Dawn to Vista and Ceres have 0.092 newtons of thrust. It's just about amount of thrust. In KSP this means you may have to fly things a little differently since you don't have the TWR to do quick manuevers.
  13. Thanks! They'll be getting a few touch-ups in the next version to make them a little cleaner. Do you like the spray-paint effect on those arrows? The 2.5m decoupler is that long to keep node positions the same. I was surprised when I modelled it to see how tall it was, I guess the overly-chunky nature of the stock part hides that. It's less ugly than the others so I didn't feel the need to do it right away. I am thinking of tweaking the Mk1-2 pod to improve the hatch a bit so the chevrons might make it over.
  14. That seems like the perfect sort of thing to turn into an IVA prop you can hide everywhere.
  15. Thanks! I mentioned the ion engine in my last post. I've found the thumbnail numbers to be hugely useful since they make those parts stand out at a glance, I don't need to go hunting for the Rockomax Brand Decoupler, or having to remember which heat shield is the right one. For those commonly used parts like decouplers it's great. As for the number, it's actually four in a square so that whichever way it's rotated (since they spin when moused over) you can tell which it is. I supped the square could be rotated a little so only one is visible on that static image though. Good feedback!
  16. New version! KerbalStuff and CurseForge coming soonTM now. 0.3 Changelog: Looking for specific feedback on the new thumbnails (is it clear what they mean, any odd bugs with the parts). If you use Vens and this pack simultaneously and notice any weirdness with the parts, let me know so I can fix my MM patches, thanks! You're more than welcome to nag! I made the Mk2 can a flat cylinder because players (and that stock craft) use it for more than just landers, both cans also have non-functional hatches on the top and bottom for the same reason. I was also aiming for low memory usage so they're both on one shared texture rather than one each, if I wasn't going for that goal then I would've been less conservative with the models. Due to the way this mod works (it leaves the stock textures in place), I have to squeeze things into fewer pixels. Thanks! You hit the nail on the head for why I'm using this specific style for the parts. People like to use aircraft parts for rockets and rocket parts for aircraft, so they should look like they go together. CKAN availability is a CKAN thing. Thanks guys! Hopefully I can keep up the quality on future parts, I've had a really nice idea for the ion engine that I'll be doing next. That said I'm not terribly happy with the new Size 2 decoupler, I might change it in future to be completely flat and without the indented parts. Let me know what you all think of the shape of it right now. It is stock, in a manner of speaking. Thanks for pointing that out.
  17. RLA has a 0.625m NTR and a couple of electrothermal engines that currently run on monoprop but both could run on hydrogen. The arcjet is a bit iffy in that sense but the resistojet is functionally the same as a standard NTR with a different heat source.
  18. Thanks @NathanKell! That's exactly the thing I was wondering about doing, it works okay! Not perfect but so much easier to see at a glance what something might be. Here's a quick change I made to my three heat shields that otherwise look identical:
  19. Does anyone know if the Icon_Only tag is used for generating drag cubes? Gonna ping @NathanKell because he's awesome and likely knows.
  20. I'm waiting to see what Porkjet does with the rocket parts for 1.1 before adding any new bits and bobs. I don't want to speak for @Beale. As for a Zenit upper, I've used the Skipper in place of the RD-120. Those are nice parts! You should release them in Contares.
  21. There looks to be a couple of settings in the physics.cfg file that may be what you're after; blackBodyRadiationMin = 798 // Temperature at which a part's thermal radiation becomes visibile blackBodyRadiationMax = 7000 // Temperature at which the black body radiation gradient ends If you wanted to increase the temperature where it appears just increase the first one, if you wanted to make it hide completely I suppose you could set the minimum to be the same as the maximum. A setting in ModuleAnimateHeat for those parts that do use it to control emissives would be nice.
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