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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. I play Science mode, and what I did to avoid the early boredom/grind was to write a ModuleManager script that moved enough "stuff" down into the Start node to give me a head start. (But I still have to buy nodes, so I don't have *too* much of a head start like I did when I used cheats to add science... that was boring too.) // ======== Pods ======= @PART[probeCoreOcto] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Fuel Tanks ======= @PART[fuelTank_long] { @TechRequired=start } @PART[fuelTank] { @TechRequired=start } @PART[fuelLine] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Engines ======= @PART[liquidEngine3] { @TechRequired=start } @PART[liquidEngine] { @TechRequired=start } @PART[liquidEngine2] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Command and Control ======= @PART[sasModule] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Coupling ======= @PART[radialDecoupler] { @TechRequired=start } @PART[stackDecoupler] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Payload ======= @PART[ServiceBay_125] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Aerodynamic ======= @PART[noseCone] { @TechRequired=start } @PART[R8winglet] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Thermal ======= @PART[HeatShield1] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Electrical ======= @PART[solarPanels5] { @TechRequired=start } @PART[batteryBankMini] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Communication ======= @PART[SurfAntenna] { @TechRequired=start } // ======== Science ======= @PART[sensorBarometer] { @TechRequired=start } @PART[sensorThermometer] { @TechRequired=start }
  2. Need I remind you that Stratolaunch is an entirely different aircraft designed for an entirely different mission with entirely different structural loads due it's mission? Sheesh.
  3. I use KAC to set a repeating alarm, and thus allow myself a launch only every so many days.
  4. RCS Build Aid Pretty much any docking aid that doesn't add parts. (Such as NavyFish's HUD.) Pretty much any science tracking aid. Hyperedit. DMagic's Kerbnet controller. (Heck, almost all of his modlets.) ShipManifest / TAC Fuel Balancer (So long as you only use them in place of the existing tank contents or crew xfer system.) Kerbal Alarm Clock. MechJeb (so long as you use a module manager script to add MJ to command modules and probe cores rather than mounting the MJ case.) Unless you use a Module Manager script, KER violates your rule as you have to mount the KER 'chip' IIRC.
  5. The other folks gave good advice, but I have to toss in the downer... Even with all the data readouts in the world and all the fancy tooling about with engines, it does take practice.
  6. The anime you watch and go "o.0 what?". And then, knowing that, you still watch the second season!
  7. Says the guy who has spent this entire thread insisting the aircraft just has to fly fast - despite ever accumulating evidence otherwise. And that's the thing, we can make educated guesses as to the speed range it's meant to operate in based on available information. In addition to the information posted by Green Baron, it stands to reason that some degree of fuel efficiency is factored into the design. It does have to ferry, and it does have to be able to reach launch sites well off the coast - while carrying a significant (and draggy) payload... and fuel is going to be a major part of their operational costs. That also works into understanding why they don't further increase drag, compounding their existing problem.
  8. Welcome to the madness imhotep!
  9. My Minmus fuel depot/refinery tested, commissioned, and ready for operations. If you saw my earlier post, you can see the power and refinery modules have been moved. When I sent the OTV down to LKO to fetch the fuel transport tank, it brought the ore storage/adapter along. (There's already plenty of LF and Mono storage in the main body, and since I had to drag the adapter up anyhow I thought I might as well make it useful.) Getting those two modules up and away from the main docking adapter makes life much easier. Next time I go fetch ore from the Mobile Miner, I'll dock the ore transport tank (currently on the bottom) in the same plane as the fuel cannister to make swapping the OTV between them that much easier. If I ever build this in a real game (I'm currently screwing around in the sandbox), I'll remember to add docking lights...
  10. Actually... it's worse than that, the situation is dynamically unstable - as soon as the outer shell gets off center, the planet's gravity starts to pull it further off center... Something like this happened after Larry Niven wrote Ringworld - somebody figured out that it was unstable (for the reasons given above)... so he had to retcon into place an attitude control system. (IIRC, Bussard ramjets mounted on the rim.)
  11. I'm curious how this hinders you... I've been all over the system and have never once used a gravity slingshot.
  12. In theory, yes. In reality it's a horribly stupid idea and extraordinarily risky.
  13. As usual when you read the article, the truth is at least a little bit at odds with the headline. This isn't a Trump administration proposal, or even a NASA plan - rather, it appears to be an unsolicited proposal from Sierra Nevada for using the Dream Chaser. I suspect "considering" means "ya, ya, we got a copy of your proposal, don't call us, we'll call you". That being said... 0.o Dream Chaser, AFAIK, doesn't have the cargo space or the ability to dock/berth with Hubble. (Hubble never docked with the Shuttle - it was held by the Canadarm.) Sounds like Sierra Nevada is saying "look at this cool thing we bet we can do - if you pony up the cash for a new version". Which is a *very* old song-and-dance.
  14. ^^ This. KSP is a game of details, and we've all forgotten one at least five times. Also F5 (quicksave) / F9 (quickload) is your friend.
  15. I've been testing the mining rig I posted the other day by using Hyperedit... tonight it was time to do it the hard way, lifting each piece from KSC to Minmus using good ol' fashioned methods and proving the system could be bootstrapped from scratch. Finished everything but the final test - transporting fuel from Minmus down to Kerbin orbit. Too tired to tackle that tonight. Learned a great deal along the way, though there's still a few details that can be improved before the final version.
  16. Use solar panels that pivot to face the sun.
  17. In my case, I only played my first day or two without mods... Playstyles vary wildly, pick what suits you best.
  18. I wouldn't have spaced 'em so close... leaving a day or so apart helps keep them from bunching up on arrival.
  19. And Dragon, and Dreamchaser, and Starliner.
  20. NASA is serious about going to Mars, but they're even more serious about keeping Congress happy and the money flowing. Congress wants a dinghy, Congress gets gold plated diamond encrusted dinghy.
  21. Exactly this. Northstar keeps harping on the advantages that speed provides the rocket (in terms of payload and performance) - but doesn't seem to grasp that Roc is part of the booster system too and the impacts that speed would have there need to factored in as well. Increasing speed during the airbreathing phase actually provides little benefit to the rocket stage but has considerable impacts on the airbreathing stage in terms of complexity (design and manufacture), weight, operations, and operating costs. Increasing speed also has negative impacts on the design of the rocket stage as well, most notably the mounts will have the be stronger (read: heavier) - increasing the already significant impact that horizontal carry imposes. Altitude during the airbreathing phase is the real key (and one of the few benefits brought to the table). And all the evidence points to the obvious - Scaled is playing to their strengths by going with a (relatively slow) straight winged airbreathing stage designed for high altitude. The same aircraft they've designed and built before, only turned up to 11. This reduces the dimensions of the engineering risk considerably as well as reducing the engineering costs. It's not as obvious (because rocketry fans aren't used to thinking like actual engineers, let alone like accountants), but reducing the costs of the re-useable airbreathing stage has significant benefits. You reduce the per-flight amortized costs, and you considerably reduce the payback period... vital considerations when you're talking about a system that will likely have a fairly low flight rate the begin with. Did that once (with Burt). Only got a hand wavy answer, but I also got a pass to attend a family-and-friends-and-select-others day at the factory. (Couldn't take advantage of it because it was the next day and I didn't have the budget to fly to CA on short notice, but it was still cool.) But Burt is retired, and Scaled is now corporate...
  22. I presume you're using Kerbal Alarm Clock?
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