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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. No matter how many ways you put it, whether or not it's a waste depends on the quantities in can be manufactured in and the cost of manufacture. Period.
  2. Just how big an airship are you building? Unless you're trying to carry 300 kerbals, I have a hard time seeing one that won't fit in the SPH.
  3. It might not be the case, but it's what the data we have says.
  4. Welcome back! Sadly, FusTek is MIA... by there are two other decent ISS type mods: The Cx Aerospace Station Parts Pack and HabTech Stockalike Station Parts.
  5. Nope, you just need to plan accordingly, I've gone pretty much everywhere outside of Kerbin's (Kerbolar) orbit with TWRs in the .10-.30 range. 'Planning accordingly' means ensuring your departure orbit is high enough that your burn time is around 1/8 (or less if possible) of your orbital period to minimize the time and angle spent burning off-prograde. With a TWR of .14 and a 25 minutes ejection burn, my Jool-5 mothership departed Kerbin from a 3000 mile orbit (burn time=1/12 of the orbital period) - and my maneuver node was on the circle of the prograde marker at the start of the burn. (I.E. barely off prograde.) There's a school of thought that prefers burning much lower (to take advantage of the Oberth effect) and splitting the burn across multiple nodes (to minimize the time spent burning off-prograde), but I've never been fond of that approach. Any error in the earlier burn(s) propagates forward, and without recalculating between each burn you end up more and more off target. (Plus, if any of your burns have an Ap near or outside of the Mun's orbit, avoiding the mun constrains your burn times and orbits.) I prefer one-and-done.
  6. First thing you need to figure out is what G level you want the centrifuge to simulate... Then, knowing you want to keep it below around 1.5 RPM you can calculate your centrifuge diameter. (Above around 1.5RPM, people start getting dizzy.)
  7. Playing around in the sandbox, I decided to run a Kerballed mission to Dres... I've landed and returned from the Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, and all five Joolian moons... So why not Dres? The first step in this is to hurl a series of probes from Kerbin to Dres and back to get a handle on transit times and d/v requirements. I've always found the various d/v charts to be 'best of', and not very useful. (Plus they don't have helpful information like how often Dres->Kerbin windows open.) NASA no doubt has programs all set up, so all the engineer has to do is enter the parameters and hit 'run', and the data is all presented in a neat tabular format by the time he gets back from lunch. Me? I have the sandbox and my trusty steno pad. I've got a hefty desktop, a tablet, and a smartphone - but still I reach for my steno pad. Old habit, learned at my mother's knee... (Always knew when something big was coming up, long before they actually told us kids - because mom would start making lists in a *new* steno pad.)
  8. Could work, especially if it defaults to not needing an engineer - the more hardcore players are more likely to know how to jigger around with MM files.
  9. How can we solve this problem... When you deliberately give us the wrong information?
  10. Quoted for emphasis! I suspect the reason why KER is reporting different value in the VAB than it does in orbit is that (from KER's point of view due to the staging differences) it's reporting on two different ships.
  11. The trick is to set your decoupler as low as possible, but not zero, and then dump it retrograde or radial-
  12. You could use something like Modular Fuel Tanks to change the contents of a 'good looking' tank to ore.
  13. EER is, quite frankly, one of my 'must have' mods.
  14. In the Heisenberg Airships thread, folks were landing on to of the VAB... So I decided to land here.
  15. Working cross country, MJ handles stability and most piloting tasks, so all I have to worry about is WASD for steering and throttle (if MJ isn't handling those) and my mouse (for interacting with MJ's controls) on my right. Everything works fine there. Where I'm hitting a problem is fine work, getting on and off transport vehicles and docking. Because of physical issues, it's painful for my left hand to work anything to the right of WASD, hence my interest in figuring out why docking mode didn't work. Remapping puts all the work on my right hand rather than balancing tasks between hands and leaving the rover controls on the hand position it's already trained for.
  16. I've ended up remapping, putting the controls on the arrow keys, but I'm not very happy about it. It puts too much on my right hand side.
  17. I didn't say you did. I said you grossly and completely misunderstand the economics and economies of colonies and of nations. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I wouldn't consider the computer technology of the 0080's to be acceptable in any way. Or, in other words, Titan doesn't have the resources to support even the basics of human survival without massive and ongoing support from Earth. Ongoing support that won't be forthcoming because there's nothing on Titan worth the cost of exporting it to Earth.
  18. And the power source to heat it... double ouch.
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