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Everything posted by Climberfx

  1. Massa Felipeaqueiroz! Welcome back. Eu também perdi tudo, mas já estou na ativa recolocando aos poucos o que tinha, de uma forma melhorada. Depois me diz o que acha, já tem 3 posts no Space Craft Exchange...
  2. Thanks ReconXPanzer. I put one more from the initial orbit. Son come more... I'm loving doing this, is therapeutic.
  3. Man, i'm not a big fan of overlapping parts, but you did it so nicely! Good job discovering new ways of superimposing...
  4. Ahahah! The shield stuff. Nice! Good job on the delivering missions!
  5. Oh my God! Amazing, marvelous ship. IT's like a real ship. Don't look like KSP thing, but a real naval ship for me. I love it, this is an awesome and inspirational black mamba cruiser ship. Congratulations. I got inspired. +1
  6. LOL. For me this is a type of modern art, crazy stuff. Nice to look!
  7. Yeah, Party. rsrsrsrsr Let's go Party PopCap! Today i'll made some more...
  8. Feel free to make the changes you want. For me is not a problem. I like then, they are pretty. And i don't need to use 100% on my rockets anymore. Just enough to be efficient and get where i want! But thanks you for you interest friend!
  9. Overhead, yeah, if you use all the way 100%. But if you wanna to be more effective, Put only the effort needed, hold up to 20 m/s2 and you will have more efficiency. (in atmosphere) And when you use it with MechJeb, the mod control this for you. In manual, you just keep an eye on the heat, and trust down a little when needed.
  10. You pic is not showing, i think is because you put a link from your computer. The pics need to be on a server online and then use the link from then to here.
  11. Hi Everyone. So, knowing that i lost everything on the system restore of the forum, like a lot of other's here, i am updating old posts, but only the good ones. In this thread i'll put the Space Shuttle Fusion III, revised, it uses KSPX parts, and are prepared for Mechjeb. For the ones that never see it, is a Shuttle with a cargo bay, that you can put your own cargo, deliver into LKO, and come back to land on Runway. I a bunch of updates in this post, i will bring here pics, a short tutorial how to use it, and the craft with a lot of cargo variations. In this first update, i bring here what i'm trying to do now: The Anim Gifs with some post FX. I hope you like it and stay tuned for the next updates... The crafts are here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ijrpxib1zr959qk/Space%20Shuttle%20Fusion%20III.craft https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ncy97lt5pbtr3m/Space%20Shuttle%20Fusion%20III%20Mj.craft https://www.dropbox.com/s/7nh8ervnhtdcbup/Space%20Shuttle%20Fusion%20III%20Pod.craft https://www.dropbox.com/s/8bvpv0ni0j598ra/Space%20Shuttle%20Fusion%20III%20Refuel.craft https://www.dropbox.com/s/d9009pv397j3t3p/Space%20Shuttle%20Fusion%20III%20Laythe.craft So, to put into orbit is simple, first, it need to have a cargo. Light or heavy, you choose, but at least need some thing to put balance on it. A little pod is enough. (example craft) Then, is easier with MechJEb, but i constructed this vessel in the time i don't use mechjeb, so, it will fly without too, just follow the basic, that is balance. Well, it have a sort of Hotkeys, to control almost everything. But the only you need to now to get into orbit stable, is key bind 6 and key bind 5. On the start of lift off, press "6" to shutdown a lower center rocket from the bus. then, when it eject the two big tanks, you watch if the ship push down, if so, start "6" again. Then in a short moment, when the 2 upper fuel tanks on the bus get empty, the rocket will push down again, so, press "5" to shutdown the upper rocket. In this moment until the way back, don't need to change anymore. Leave with the "5" rocket off until you stop on the runway. Other thing. don't try to land with the cargo still in. Is too heavy. The bus is made to land empty. You can have some fuel on it, but is best it you put all of then, after the retro burn to reenter atmosphere, on the front tank, near the cockpit, in this way it keep balanced. Another thing. Is no needed to eject the two upper tanks, i use the decoupler to keep thing connected correctly. but if you want a light soar land, eject only after the retro burn. If you eject before, you may fell the ship a little unbalanced and uncontrollable with high power. But if you use low power, still can deorbit. Good luck and wait for more pics in this post.
  12. The Italians are more present in the community then the Brazilians. I'm my re post for the Brazilians, only one answer after the forum crash!
  13. You need to know is the maximum TWR the rocket and the stages hold above 1 (not not so close to it), and have enough dV to get an orbit too.
  14. I love lens flare, but i don't' need to say that, right? LOL Maybe in the future updates we have this look on the fly! Lets cross fingers! Yeah, it's not jet like or a ship from SCYFY, but is easy to fly, get an orbit, and if you refuel on orbit, you can go far, far away! Have a lot of dV for that. The next i gonna do is to land and come back from Laythe. I have a RSS on orbit in Kerbin and in Laythe too (RSS = Refuel Space Station). But thanks a lot! If you fell alike, tell me what you think after you fly it. Cheers!
  15. Manifesto is to exchange crew. Both manifesto and Mechjeb, i think, is only in the new models of the rocket. I'm not certainly because i'm repost the things i lost on forum restore (everything) The first one use only KSPX. But because the manifesto is a new plugin to exchange/add crew, i think it's lost on the restore of the system. But i have the plugin here, so, good to you! Mechjeb [2.0.6] - https://www.dropbox.com/s/xw6v35cb5rxi9uk/MechJeb2_2.0.6.zip Crew Manifest - https://www.dropbox.com/s/350gc4y09s3gn6v/CrewManifest_v0_3_5.zip KSPX - https://www.dropbox.com/s/d93u39vw9e79g4r/KSPX_Parts_Expansion_0.2.1.zip Good flight!
  16. Man, the best to have some good ideas is to keep looking for the stuff others post here. And other thing is keep building. Or test to have first a purpose for the rocket or mission, then build it in your way to accomplish it. Good luck!
  17. Yeah, don't tell me, i lost everything. I mean, even my login. Everything. So, now i'm trying to post all off then, or only the good ones. But in a cosmetic way. Be strong...
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