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Everything posted by Fyrem

  1. Ignore the antenna, you no longer need to place it on your ships at all. Just insure that you have updated to the latest version 6.1. Just having the stuff loaded is all you need
  2. TT, does the fps lose happen in the VAB, or while sitting on the launch platform? if on the platform, it wont matter much since you will be 'useing' the space built identifier right after.
  3. Majiir, well that would be a different situation. I presumed it meant conversion effincently, not cooling. my bad
  4. because its his lazor mod,and this is the mj thread.... just saying.
  5. sure, I will put it up on my dropbox in a few min.... (no other mods, other than the Orbital construstion) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/91149971/50t%20Parts%20Lifter.craft Full discloseure: this is a heavilly modifed version of what was orginally a RemoteTech Launch Vehical - called the IPV. This version has no remote tech parts, and has been super-reinforeced to now be a Very Heavy Lifter. Completely capible of bringing 50tons of spare parts, 300 units of RCS, a small fuel tank and orbial engin for rendezvous and docking. (note the Pod is 'hidden' under the docking port)
  6. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/OrbitsHistory/page2.php ok, yeah, I know that isn't what you meant, ... but the Kraken made me do it.
  7. beware, those 25 spare parts modules..... are 25 TONS. it takes a very robust launcher to get one into LKO. I worked for 2 days to build a launcher that can get 2 at a time up. it isn't easy. it isn't meant to be.
  8. I do not have KSP where I am right now, but I am sure if you click on the converter while it is operating (doing ONE conversion), you see it will say 100% effiecentcy. if you click on it when performing 2 converversions it will say 80% effiecentcy. if you have it doing 3, I says something like 60%. (note: these numbers are likely to be off, since I am going on memory, but you get the idea). If you are converting 2 fuel types at the same time, you are losing 20% of your kethane as waste. if you are converting 3 fuel types at the same time, you are losing 40% ------ proof: fill your kethane tank -then turn off your drills. use the converter to produce a given amount of one fuel, then change it to produce another, then a third, but only do it one at a time. - when you are done, note the amount of kethane you have LEFT in the tank. now, refile your kethane tank, turn off the drills, and produce the same amount of fuel but this time do it all at the same time. when you are done, note how much LESS kethane you have in the tank.
  9. Nyan cat? huh? can someone post a screen shot of this, because I just haven't seen it yet.
  10. I have to ask, how? how can a firewall limit ksp, in any way? What did you change on this 'firewall' you have that let ksp use/create a plugin folder?
  11. I realize I am late to the game, but I am about to load the entire Soviet Pack, and I see that it uses an older version of the KAS plugin. Can anyone verify that it works with the current version of KAS?
  12. for those interested in some 3d files, and also 'construction' of model rockets, http://www.rocketreviews.com/ Rocksim files are the 'go to' file type for 3d Rocketry Models, someone may be able to convert them into KSP part files. (but it may not be easy at all) I have not checked yet to see if ksp can handle parts measured in 1-10 cm in dimention, and 0.0001 of a ton in weight.
  13. do NOT convert any more than 1 type at a time if you are looking for efficiency. You dramaticly lose kethane if your convereter is working on 2 types, and horrendously lose kethane if your converter is running 3 types at the same time.
  14. Zekes, it isn't multiplayer, exactly. it is "social single player".
  15. NAR member, and L1 (soon to be L2) cert, Model rocketer reporting in. I have actually been thinking "I suck at 3d modeling, but I should be able to pull off building 'balanced to ksp' verisons of basic solid propellent engins (such as H128, I250, J, K, L, M? N? O?) It shouldn't be too difficult to get the ISP's right. and basic "model sized" rocket parts. What I don't know is if KSP can handle item weights in the range of 0.0003 of a ton.
  16. IMHO: DLC <> Expansions. DLC (common interpretation, not exact definition) : Horse armor, hats, blue robes, pets, ... in other words, meaningless crap that in no way effects actual game play) Expansions (common interpretation, not exact definition) : Truly new Programing, expanding the program into new areas "additional solar systems", "Multiplayer", or examples from other games : +5 levels to level cap +raid bosses, etc.) I will pay for Expansions, even if Squad tells me I "get it for free", because I believe they deserve it. as to paying for DLC, I don't have to worry about this EVER. From what I understand, Squad never intended to even HAVE pay-for-DLC. - I have other things to say on this topic, but due to the Moderators request to keep things civil, I will keep the rest to myself -
  17. to make Fusteks (or anyone elses ports) compatable edit their part.cfg file by adding THIS at the bottom of it: MODULE { name = LazorSystemDockingCamera }
  18. why 20? just get/load the mods you NEED. Putting an artificial goal of "20" makes no sense. and besides your "ideal" mods may not overlap with my "ideal" mods much at all. (personally, I use 7 mods, but I don't even load everything out of them, I pick and choose).
  19. anyone: please stop reacting to the trolls. really. Re-read the first post in this thread. Thank you CM's, KSP, Squad, etc. for everything. I am sorry to see you go DR....
  20. As I understand it, that is the only parameter that is "changed" in the KSP universe. In order to make the Solar system small enough to be "fun" they filled the planets with a very Dense material (that yes, is unrealisiticly dense). but nothing about Time or space measurements were changed or messed with at all. there is no 're-definition' of a meter, nor of G, nor of a second that needs to be done.
  21. I changed mine to F12, which is the same key Steam uses, so it not only takes a KLF pic, it also saves the same pic for Steam.
  22. RomFarer, I think it is just that we are all too stunned by how much this changes the game. In my case, I am completely changing so many things because I no longer need a docking port at every joint where two separate ships would assemble into a larger ship. My orbital construction yard HAS begun to take shape now, and from what I have read from others, ... You will be hearing a LOT about these features and how much we love them.
  23. or another method instead of all the DeltaV math... just Launch something, anything,... and play around with it once it is 'out there amonst the stars'. while you are playing around with orbits, and such, you will begin to understand how much 'thrust' is needed to do various things. until you have a basic understanding of how things 'move' out there, doing all the Delta V math is a waste of time. play around with a big rocket out in space for a bit to get used to the controls, maneuver nodes, seeing what an 'encounter' even looks like. THEN after that, re-build your rocket with 'just enough delta V + 20% extra" and try again... with the smaller rocket, trying to be efficient, etc. But for the first time out.. just use what ever rocket got you there and play!
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