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Everything posted by TMS

  1. By channelling the ghost of Steve Jobs.
  2. Still waiting for this to be released on iPad: http://www.space-simulator.com
  3. The tutorials aren't very helpful. For anyone.
  4. You mean... you didn't find career mode's lack of useful parts liberating? You didn't embrace the reduced choice and, in doing so, find the game easier to approach? Hmmm... funny that. For all the subtle bashing this guy's taking, he's exactly the demographic that the crippled tech tree is supposed to be making the game more inviting for.
  5. The short answer is "yes". It'll be changed.
  6. Long-term user of the "Maneuver Node Improvement" plugin here. Thought I'd check this out as I read the thread a few weeks ago and have been meaning to evaluate it. A new KSP version is always a good opportunity to try out alternatives! Initial impressions based on about 20 minutes of play: Love the ability to switch between nodes. I don't often use multiple nodes due to the accumulated error in their execution. However, I do plot multiple maneuvers as part of an exploratory flight plan when slingshotting etc, and it's a neat trick to be able to quickly edit them and see knock-on effects. I'm actually finding that I'm attempting more complicated maneuvers now that I can simulate them with finer control. Love the additional data readouts of ejection angle and dV. I would also second the suggestion for accumulated dV calculations (if possible). The apoapsis/periapsis readouts are an absolute godsend. No more fiddling around trying to click the apo/peri points to get permanent readouts. Although the increment is global, rather than per axis, I actually think this is more intuitive to use. I also quite like the fact that it restricts itself to map view. Great stuff, man!
  7. Shouldn't this be in the support/bugs forum?
  8. wat dat? I assume this is a universe replacer texture? You have a link? On topic... I spent hours going through old save files from previous versions, looking at successful designs that I'd failed to copy across, with the intention of rescuing them and converting them to sub-assemblies. Mod parts always complicate things.
  9. The old one looked ridiculous in it's 'stowed' position, poking out the side of your craft like a pokey thing.
  10. You should be able to force the shocks into a fully-extended and locked position.
  11. Agreed. The best solution would have been to leave it there as a file, but put some condition in there that stops it from appearing as a selectable part in the VAB/SPH (thus slowly filtering out it's use), then remove completely at 1.0 release.
  12. This is a neat addition. I like how it's in-game as well. On a similar note, any chance of a "revert to tracking centre" or "revert to KSC" option on the pause-revert menu? Would save several clicks.
  13. Yeah, not enthusiastic about career mode at the moment, I'm afraid. Never was. I'd like it to be a bit more fleshed out before I start getting involved with it.
  14. Haha! Pro modder! The replacement drill part is rather pretty!
  15. You're stuck in a particularly tight verbliebend.
  16. Only took a few minutes. My bandwidths are untroubled by 0.22's awesomeness.
  17. Might be worth starting a "has it been released yet" thread, just in case Kasper finds out late.
  18. Some nice work in this thread. Love the spike. Cute!
  19. A day's notice is really appreciated. They should maintain that practice.
  20. You should receive calls from Roman, and he should say: “Hey cousin, let’s go bowling!â€Â
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