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Everything posted by TMS

  1. Harvester wrote some blog comments on this a few months back. Most relevant: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/550-Rethinking-the-way-flights-end?bt=3408#comment3408 Worth reading through the whole of the comments.
  2. Just been using 5.3. First time I've tried this mod, having seen it on scott manleys new series. Having a weird issue where despite being well above cloud cover in orbit, the ship appears to disappear beneath the clouds when I zoom out the external view. I'm running kethane and universe replacer. Anyone else experiencing this?
  3. Agree on the standardisation thing. Irritates the hell out of me. Although all the part descriptions need overhauling.
  4. Their inclusion would be a positive for challenging stereotypes. Also, they should have pink spacesuits.
  5. Ummm... isn't spaceport being replaced anyway?
  6. That's the worst sort. Looking forward to trying the updated version!
  7. How exactly does this work? I know people have been requesting that SQUAD should rework the part connections, suggesting everything from 'invisible struts' (more part physics calculations) to a complete overhaul to a multiple node system (lots of work). How does this mod achieve it?
  8. In thinking about this problem, I have always been less concerned with the inherent ethical dilemma of terraforming, and more concerned with the possibility that the disturbance of a pristine environment might irreversibly destroy something that we could learn from. Other than that, full steam ahead!
  9. Not reading through the entire thread, but just wanted to suggest that you find a way to make the plugin work with stock dishes. Don't bother making parts if you can't actively maintain them between updates - it's the death of many a mod.
  10. Simple way is to 'chase' the apoapsis along your velocity vector when you have an ETA of 1 second, pushing your periapsis towards an equal value. It'll get you as close as possible. RCS will help you fine-tune. But yeah, it's not desirable (or, by definition, achievable) due to the errors mentioned earlier, and it making maneuver placement difficult.
  11. Yeah, lots of problems with the node system doing what you want to do. You can't do a 1-2-and-2-1 node attachment (or a 1-4-and-4-1 in your case). Each node can only have one parent, so it won't attach properly. Only one of your four parts will be attached at both ends. Not quite sure where your decouplers are in that shot. Even if you put decouplers at the bottom of each, you'll also have a problem when they blow their shrouds into each other and destroy your engines. The joys of KSP. You can get around that with a quicksave and reload. Also, four NERVAS are fuel inefficient for most loads.
  12. Why be limited by setting the conics in the config? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47863-0-22-PreciseNode-0-5-Interplanetary-Maneuver-Node-Assistant
  13. Cool, man. I should also say that this is a really excellent mod. Been experimenting with alternatives over the last few weeks and this is another one that's shot to the top of my 'need' list.
  14. This is what needs tweaking: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53667-SOI-transitions-introduce-trajectory-errors-depending-on-warp-factor?p=710149&viewfull=1#post710149
  15. Is there any way that the HUD could be made customisable? So allowing the end-user to add their own choice of variables?
  16. To be honest, I'd be happy if someone managed to take the code out of mechjeb's aerobraking module and made it a standalone mod. It's the one thing about mechjeb that I really miss.
  17. Agreed. Been saying this for a while.
  18. ^ Thankyou for sharing that. That made my day.
  19. Are you ending each command with a terminator, which is a "." in kerboscript?
  20. I docked onto somebody's ship earlier today. They weren't controlling it though. Does have a tendency to explode on unpacking at launchpad though.
  21. I don't want to start a rumour or anything, but... are there any security issues one should be concerned about with this mod? Does connecting to a host pose any potential risk?
  22. Is anyone else getting constant UDP connection losses?
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