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Everything posted by TMS

  1. Backing a tag and 'filter' system here. It works for online shopping. Trouble is, it sounds like an advanced feature and I can see SQUAD wanting simple categories for new players. Would also be nice to be able to 'favourite' certain items into a commonly-used list.
  2. They are ground-only biomes, I believe.
  3. Ah, great news. Look forward to seeing how you handle that. Therein lies the problem.
  4. I figured that given that this mod is all about soothing the frustrations of players who are tired of fighting the manoeuvre node/map GUI, I'd ask this question here as it may well be a feature request. Does anyone else sometimes struggle to even place a manoeuvre node? As in, you can't even get a blue orb to show on your patch line to allow a node placement, thus the PreciseNode GUI never gets the opportunity to show up? Typically the problem occurs when patches overlay each other (usually on interplanetary travel) or when you're at the far end of an incoming hyperbolic trajectory. Is there a way to place a node without clicking on the patch line (kOS used to allow you to do this with a command)? Even just arbitrarily placing a node 5 minutes ahead of you ready for dragging/editing would be useful.
  5. Assuming you are in career... Go into R&D screen Identify node with a little number on it (probably the first node, far-left) Click it Click on specific parts in window on right of screen Research as necessary
  6. I note that here it's suggested that one can select a more compact GUI output... but I can't find a setting to make that possible. Anybody else find a way of getting a mechjeb-like layout, without the padding? Currently using
  7. This assumes that the mods know what the devs intentions are, and that the devs actually read this forum. The forum is mostly for playing the "already suggested" game.
  8. Why does the screenshot look like it was taken from an Atari ST?
  9. Confirmed. I had PNGs for the planet surface textures and JPGs for the skybox - hence why only the skybox has been failing.
  10. A couple of points: Physical warp will never be increased to a point where current ion engine burn times become reasonable. Not gonna happen. Automated flight and manoeuvre node execution will not be made stock. On rails execution will not happen. Thus, you can either buff the ion engines for ease of use (they'll still have comparatively long burns for role-play purposes), or leave them as-is so that long-standing players can impress others with their anecdotes of washing the dishes while mechjeb plays the game for them. I'd vote for a buff, because SQUAD won't be overhauling the physics glitches or making an about-face on automation any time soon (read: ever).
  11. I avoid the use of mods that are part-based - precisely because I don't want the hassle of having to wait for updates. For mods that provide functionality via parts (engineer, mechjeb), you can use Module Manager to give stock parts those functions built-in - thus avoiding cluttering up your ships with parts.
  12. Not sure if you heard it, but the latest squadcast indicated that 0.24 will bring dynamic conics patch switching, dependant on planetary focus in map mode. Hoping that won't create too many problems?
  13. I seem to remember that this has been achieved in modded command pods, but not necessarily stock.
  14. You can rendezvous with a sub-orbital trajectory. Tricky to get the timing right.
  15. Devs decided that it made the game too interesting, so removed the feature.
  16. Best proposal I've ever read regarding this: Barycenters and non-spherical Volumes of Influence (an idea for binary planets/stars)
  17. Contrary to popular belief, travelling by sea is probably the best route. You can easily make in excess of 250m/s. The original kerbal regatta thread was a very interesting log of the evolution of design ideas for sea travel. Alas, it was lost in the forum crash. I'd be inclined to have some sort of amphibious transporter dropped off in advance at the sea crossing.
  18. I've had the Duna thing as well, a couple of versions ago. It was caused (I think) by adding a layer. I couldn't resolve it and just ended up removing all layers.
  19. I've been waiting for something like this. A little nervous about it as the whole scene loading appears to be associated with status saving and persistence. Anyone using this yet?
  20. Yeah, I figured that might be the case. Much appreciation anyway.
  21. That's great news! Still using your last, very awesome release for UR.
  22. I did a return mission from Duna this morning and it worked flawlessly. Can't see any issues resurfacing with the text boxes. Well... it's well-deserved IMO. There's very few mods that I actually consider essential before updating. This, KER and mod-manager are pretty much it. So, in case you don't hear it enough... thankyou. Without wanting to be crass, have you considered taking donations? I'd sling you a few beer tokens.
  23. Some very nice crafts in there. Well done! I like that you've made a Virgin Galactic replica, too!
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