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Everything posted by TMS

  1. Yeah, the video also says that the rate of xenon consumption is faster - presumably as it matches thrust. Some of the comments on power consumption seemed contradictory to me... but given his comments about the sheer tedium of current ion drives, I'd say they'll buff it appropriately.
  2. Wow... This is looking really great! I've been using this mod since day 1, but never bothered to take a look at the volumetric tests - beyond watching a few videos. Volumetric Test 3 shows some really nifty ideas. Would agree that lighting needs some tweaking as they look kinda weird luminescent at night! And they seem to persist spawning in hexes even at very high altitudes (170k+). It does, however, seem to hide the 'hole' generated in the 2D clouds as you pass through them. Keep going man!
  3. TMS

    Daily late

    Thread closed, make another. lol... I like your persistence.
  4. Image editors don't contain spell checkers?
  5. Updated this mod into a fresh KSP install. Running TR alongside it with exendrial's textures, but with no alterations (cloud packs) to this mod. Anyone else getting a weird halo effect when going through clouds? I'm sure this wasn't present on previous releases. It's clearer in the first screenshot (was messing around with staging in the second). Also getting the weird flickering.
  6. Small landing gear are massless in flight. They only have mass values in the VAB/SPH. Or... that's how it used to be. Not sure if they fixed that discrepancy yet???
  7. Never used it. Not even sure how to engage it. The whole concept of having to switch between translation and rotation seems like a PITA, and having to press the same button as the one that stages your craft just seems like it's tempting disaster. I always used chase mode and the IJKLHN keys, but the addition of the docking port alignment indicator mod seems to make the need chase mode irrelevant.
  8. Ugh.... Are they really using those chubby 1:4 adapters as an engine cluster??? I don't think KW has much to worry about. *hugs the clipping option in the debug menu*
  9. Tech tree makes a lot of things irrelevant. I got the impression from the last dev webcast that the tree 'shape' would remain, but that it was currently dysfunctional because of a lack of parts (and, presumably, would be filled in by a backlog at some point).
  10. What's so detestable about IR?
  11. Internets is serious. Who knew there was a debacle? Let's hope it doesn't escalate into a -gate. I'm sure much of this could be resolved if SQUAD did a pass on the crossfeeding logic of all parts.
  12. NASA-like please. Hopefully it would signal a move away from the crappy stock look. Yeah, they can slap NASA decals on it if they want, as long as they add the capability of replacing them with our own decals. Yeah... Not happening, I know.
  13. Have you tried hitting it with a sledgehammer?
  14. I'm gonna use the claw to attach wings to an asteroid, then land it on the runway.
  15. Official ISS construction mission schedule?
  16. lol... it's totally wrong that Will Riker's kerbal actually looks more like Will Riker than Jonathan Frakes ever did. Excellent! And Proot... man, that's great!
  17. Improved part-to-part joints: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68489 Much needed. FJR has become one of those must-have mods.
  18. Damn... this mod really came on leaps and bounds. This will be the first mod on my next install (when I actually get some time to play). Well done, Alex.
  19. Craft file uploads should be easily filtered from searches. Ideally, 'mods' that consist solely of a craft file would be kept entirely separate... like on the forum.
  20. lol... a jar! My astronauts take their oxygen up in biscuit tins.
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