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Everything posted by ZedNova

  1. First off, i'd probably make it into a cylinder, remove the wings, add a nosecone parachute...
  2. Why would you want to hurt baby seals? They're so dang cute!
  3. 1024x768x8 DirectDrawCreate:0 SetCooperativeLevel:0 SetDisplayMode:0 CreateSurface:0 lpDDSPrimary->Lock:0 Lock result:0 ptr:173674496 pitch=1024 ly=768 lpDDSPrimary->Lock:0 Lock result:0 ptr:173674496 pitch=1024 ly=768 RGB640: SetCooperativeLevel:0 RGB800: SetDisplayMode:0 RGB800: CreateSurface:0 lpDDSPrimary->Lock:0 Lock result:0 ptr:173674496 pitch=3328 ly=600 SetCooperativeLevel:0 SetDisplayMode:0 CreateSurface:0 lpDDSPrimary->Lock:0 Lock result:0 ptr:158470144 pitch=1024 ly=768 SetCooperativeLevel:0 SetDisplayMode:0 CreateSurface:0 lpDDSPrimary->Lock:0 Lock result:0 ptr:158470144 pitch=1024 ly=768 SetCooperativeLevel:0 SetDisplayMode:0 CreateSurface:0 lpDDSPrimary->Lock:0 Lock result:0 ptr:158470144 pitch=1024 ly=768 I can't remember where this is from.
  4. Australia? Yeah they could do it. Will they? I have no idea.
  5. I heard that they were going to use some sort of witchcraft to make methane on mars to use as fuel. Maybe someone smarter than me could explain it better.
  6. You know you play too much KSP when you start creating rockets in your dreams that actually work in KSP.
  7. The warp nacelles are just used the create the warp field. The impulse engines are the only "real" engines, and they're right behind the Saucer, Which is probably pretty close to the COM. The guy that made the Starship enterprise parts for KSP put the engine in the same place it's in here, and it works great in space. In the atmosphere, not so much.
  8. This is how i see it as well. Copyright laws are necessary, but they need to be Tweaked a little.
  9. ZedNova


    Sweat? sometimesihatetheTenletterlimit
  10. That's what i was thinking. Because it only happened that one time. And only with the mainsail engines.
  11. The first thing i'll do when .20 comes out is download it.
  12. ZedNova


    Awww.. i'm too late.
  13. Well, i think like most people. I don't use one lifter+Spacecraft for all my missions. But this one is the most useful, it's a reusable VTOL shuttle. ( I have a separate lifter for it though, it only takes off vertically from the mun or minmus.)
  14. None of these. I try to build my rockets as though i'm on a budget. Then apply them to a realistic mission. Which actually works out very nicely.
  15. I have to disagree with you there. tiny countries DO contribute. In large ways and small. Just look at Switzerland and Denmark for example.
  16. I think Poland should do the Nuclear plant first. But for a country like Poland a small space program should be no problem at all if you get a few tips from the Russians.
  17. Banned for Spelling "Exclamation" wrong.
  18. That is a good idea, but SQUAD would have to make sure legit players never get black smoke. Nope, This was done on my laptop, so i can play on Lowish-medium settings.
  19. So, i built a rocket, that was going to test a orbital tug. Right when i launched i noticed this. So, either my rockets have been been using cigarettes and are now paying for it. Or i fouled something up.
  20. Granted, but now he's president for life because of the huge success the sitcom had on TV. I wish that i owned a bank
  21. I think the closest we'll get to having life in KSP, is some sort of dead bacteria fossil that can be drilled up on duna.
  22. Lets get him elected prime minister of Canada.
  23. It's kinda a Fun-based sandbox simulation. Although aliens are often fun, it's not very realistic to have them within the solar system.
  24. I'm sure every Windows-based os has to get a bluescreen sometime.
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