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Everything posted by ZedNova

  1. They could have made it go to mach 7 for 20 minutes if they added more Solid rocket boosters... In all seriousness though, i don't think any of you could just straddle it and jump off when the engines cut off.
  2. I'd rather we not make tons of new fighters, the navy is making a carrier that will theoretically stay in service for 90 years. Why can't we make a fighter that has parts that can be switched out depending on it's mission? Something that can be upgraded easily when new technology comes out? I'd take this over the F-35: I swear if building a fighter was like making a computer, we'd need a whole lot less of them.
  3. Why don't you try a 2d animated series? And then animate it like family guy.
  4. Not to get off topic, but we won't be able to stop real war until we invent the matrix and put everyone in it.
  5. This happens to me every once and awhile, it's usually caused by fatigue. Feel around your neck to see if there's any unusual swelling or lumps. If there is THEN i would advise showing your parents and maybe then they would take it seriously. If it persists tomorrow then i guess i'd get it check out by a Chiropractor, it's cheaper than a Hospital visit.
  6. Yeah i do too, i've never seen anyone say Idiot on here. Nevermind...
  7. I hate it when people use a meme outside of the internet. I don't know why it bothers me, it just does.
  8. I shouldn't have stored my winter coat away. It just snowed last night here. ( North eastern Nebraska )
  9. Sometimes. Only when i install a mod where it's required for like switching from VTOL engines and Main engines.
  10. Dell and LG have been the best to me so far. I have an old dell monitor from 2000 that still works great. Although i'm using a 18" LG.
  11. Happy birthday! Are you having a cake or a pie for your party? That's if you're having one of course.
  12. Ewww.... disgusting dinner... There should be a full movie for this.
  13. That's what i was going to say, maybe instead of devoted billions for bailouts, maybe the government could have given out some money to Construction companies to improve their local infrastructure. And they could hire unskilled or unemployed workers to do some grunt work, mixing cement, carrying materials, ect. I'm just wondering if anyone is willing to do that nowadays...
  14. I loved the gospel of the FSM. Funny as heck.
  15. I have to disagree, there are a number of things Science can't explain, and may never explain. Also, what do you mean by " Your life should be boring sometimes....".
  16. Offtopic - Your Signature scared me. Ontopic - I'm not going there, i like Terra.
  17. It's because Atlantis is right underneath the Bermuda triangle. Only joking
  18. Well, i'm an Atheist, although i used to be a Catholic, so I've retained much of the stuff I've been taught, i rarely swear, I don't watch porn ect.... i really don't like fighting with Theists. Everyone Can believe in whatever they want, as long as they don't kill each other over their beliefs...
  19. Why is it that Microsoft Always tries to Cram new things too fast into a new OS? Windows ME - Frequent Bluescreens and crashes, but Microsoft added some great features, like System restore and more support for USB. Windows XP - A bluescreen once in a while, overall it was stable and looked great. Windows Vista - Introduced some a great looking UI, but unstable, sometimes slow, and prone to crashes. Windows 7 - Extremely Stable and fast, the UAC is annoying at times but you can turn that off. ( I've only had one bluescreen with windows 7, and that was because i was messing with the Boot file ) Windows 8 - Neat concept, but way too many foul-ups between the Metro UI and the desktop Areo. ( Like the fact you have 2 versions of Internet explorer, one for metro and one for Areo, and they act completely independent of each other.) And i Doubt any Business that gets stuff done would use it... Where are we going with this?
  20. Whenever my Current system starts overheating, i crack the case open and point a small room fan into the opening.
  21. I agree with grove. You don't want to be left on a planet with a big sloppy Alien with Huge sharp teeth, and baby aliens that suck your brains out.
  22. EVA = Extra Vehicular Activity IVA = Inter(Or intra) -vehicular Activity
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