Why is it that Microsoft Always tries to Cram new things too fast into a new OS? Windows ME - Frequent Bluescreens and crashes, but Microsoft added some great features, like System restore and more support for USB. Windows XP - A bluescreen once in a while, overall it was stable and looked great. Windows Vista - Introduced some a great looking UI, but unstable, sometimes slow, and prone to crashes. Windows 7 - Extremely Stable and fast, the UAC is annoying at times but you can turn that off. ( I've only had one bluescreen with windows 7, and that was because i was messing with the Boot file ) Windows 8 - Neat concept, but way too many foul-ups between the Metro UI and the desktop Areo. ( Like the fact you have 2 versions of Internet explorer, one for metro and one for Areo, and they act completely independent of each other.) And i Doubt any Business that gets stuff done would use it... Where are we going with this?