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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Tastes differ obviously - I'm also a big fan of sixties batman, with Batman: The Movie beeing the crown jewel of trashy entertainment. If you're more the 2001: A Space Odyssey (I like that movie too, by the way) guys - sure; whatever floats your boat... On a side note: The Core was not only trashy but also non-entertaining and not a good movie in it's own right. It could be worse than Armageddon.
  2. Hm, I'm working on this challenge Just downloaded KOS yesterday end fiddled around a bit with it. By now I get my rocket reliably into orbit and I'm working on a mun-transfer program. But I have to admit - considering the methods you guys are using I'm hesitant to post my ragtag script ^^ By the way - how to I toggle antennas?
  3. Yeah, it's not a movie to be taken seriously. Watch this like you would watch a monty python movie and simply be amazed by the next absurdity they come up with. No, really - it's trash, but I found it to be entertaining trash. Like fast food for your brain....
  4. Hm, well, while Deep Impact was scientificaly more accurate, Armageddon was the more fun movie...
  5. well, I think it was okay - not exactly the stronges Dr.Who episode, but nice.
  6. Now second and third place should be in the right order
  7. Cause I'm an idiot - I'll correct it in the next 24 hours.....
  8. Congratulations, we have a winner! sgt_flyer wins the 8th BSC contest with his Kerbal Y.On close second and third position are Giggleplex777 and antbin!
  9. @Nao: Well, but you also have to consider, that is not purely about efficiency in this challenge. By the way, giggles initial TWR is 1.1 if I'm not mistaken. Even below your numbers
  10. Well, if it has a ~ in front, it neither positive nor negative - I just found it strange. Well, I don't think real life rockets rest on their engine nozzles Gregrox rocket exploded after the first stage was shed - no docking clamps there at that point.
  11. Well, I've done some testing... Now, with all this, my vote goes to Giggle - it's very simple design, the seperatrons work extremely well and while landing is allways more fun, it the perfect apollo-8-style rocket it my mind. Love the description text that is funny and informative, tells you what you can and cannot do with the rocket.
  12. Wish that I had more free time - this challenge sound quite cool.....
  13. Hah, didn't think that I would have a good ascent profile ^^
  14. Exactly, but I they should also teach techniques and have lot's of wiggleroom for mistakes (i.e. exess dV) - what you craft seem to lack ^^
  15. Time to vote for the best better stock craft! Do not forget to check the BSC: Challenge Guidelines Mk.II - it's not a beauty contest! Voting will close in 48 hours.
  16. Well, the main poll is now closed. The final vote will start in a few minutes or so. Hahahaha! I barely have time to manage the challenge these days. Well, I will ponder how to improve the challenge in on the comming weekend. Ah, the shortlist are: GregroxMun - Orbiter X sgt_flyer - Kerbal Y Giggleplex777 - Kerbal G Xeldrak - CROME antbin - Kerbals XX Deathsoul097 - Kerbal Z.Z
  17. @Xolotl You see, the problem is, that by now I would need four seperate voting threads. 2 entries more and I would need five threads! Thats not only terribly annoying, but I also think that the mods would not approve if I clutter the forum with 5 different threads for a single challenge. Right now I'm pondering if a registration would help. You guys would have to tell me you email by pm if you want to vote. Wich is also f*cking annoying - why can't people just behave?!
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