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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. I.S.S enterprise - because they have actual targeting computers intead of an IPhone. Götterdämmerung vs. Battlestar Galactica (remake)
  2. So, just like the title says: Where are you from and where to do live? I'm from Kassel a city basically in the centre of Germany with a population of about 200.000 people. By now I live about 50 km outside of Vienna, Austria (1.6 million inhabitants). You all (should) know Vienna, so let me tell you a few interesting things about Kassel, wich you probably never heard of before. Kassel used to be the capital of Hessen-Kassel, a kind of State in the Holy Roman Empire (a group of small states that would later more or less form germany). Now, in the 18th century our Landgrave Frederick II needed money for his palaces and parks and parties. So he decided to sell mercenaries (if you are american you can probably guess right now) to the british - the infamous hessians. Wich they used in the American Revolutionary War. You might have heard term "hessians" in history classes, in Sleepy Hollow or in Assassins Creed 3. Also, ever heard of Grimms' Fairy Tales? You know, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White? The Brothers Grimm collected a big part of their stories in Kassel, from a Woman that was well versed in folk tales. She actually lived in the quarter of the city next to the one I grew up. Also, my real name is Tobias.
  3. Oh, well, talking about russian monuments. I have newer seen this in real life, but I would love to see the The Mamayev Monument with my own eyes. I wonder if it too, only looks so big of if it IS so big...
  4. No, THIS is the Master of all things quantum...and computer...and physics....an chess......and cats
  5. Because afterward the Borg would occupy half of the galaxy.....and still have a grudge against humanity. You see the problem?
  6. Well, I read some time ago, that in "Escape from New York" they used models to make a simulated wireframe because back then actual computer generated effects would have be extremely expensive. This was a 1981 hollywood production. So I'd guess, that in 1968, when 2001 was released, CGI would have been out of the question. On the other hand, it a Kubrick movie - the guy that bought 3 of only 10 special lenses made for NASA, that where originally designed to fotograph the backside of the moon just to shoot a movie at candlelight.
  7. Is a chevron - not an inverted V... Anyways, I have no Idea what your avatar is supposed to be, but it looks kinda cool. 7/10
  8. There was a battle in WWII where Americans and Germans were allies...
  9. 8/10 I like it, has manga-cuteness while reminding me of a picture of Valentina Tereshkova
  10. meh, no facebook for me.
  11. Well, in my case is a before .21 design, so I had to add a ASAS to keep the plane stable. It's also for the ladies looks. Nowadays it wouldn't be necessary....
  12. Hm, well, thats hard - I love the main University Building in Vienna, wich is where I study (although I'm usualy in another building) And while it's not exactly a monument, there is a commonwealth war cemetary within walking distance of the place where I grew up in Germany. I allways likes to visit it, its very serene and without frills. Walking through the lines allways gave me feeling of awe and thankfullnes. After all they did die for us in a way....
  13. Well, yes, the Iguana was tuned to be more stable and lacks cannards because it had to look good. The plane I posted a picture of 40 minutes ago is more tuned for agility and is more unstable (and harder to fly). Anyways, I downloaded your G-Killer and contrary to all my expectations, it realy does turn like a madman This probably has to do with the fact, that you placed the center of wight and center of lift exactly ontop of each other. Well, it seems to me, that if want a plane THAT maneuvrable the SAS will be wobbly because the plane is unstable and the SAS is working hard to keep it straight. I experimented a bit and if I move the main wing a bit to the back, the plane stops to wobble. But it also becomes more stable and less agile...
  14. Well, this threat go me thinking....and after looking up the X-29, I found a design that is more agile and more capricious.
  15. Yeah, it's the same in real life - if you want a very agile plane, its best to go with a unstable design. Look at the X-29, that thing has not only forward swept wings, but also has its center of gravity well aft of the center of lift. VERY agile - but not flyable without a computer to make corrections. @Torham Well, thanks I'm happy if you download it - that's why I uploaded it
  16. Also, for sharp turns and high Gs, this plane looks just...massive. In these tanks is probably enough fuel to fly around half kerbin. If I were you I would simply go much smaler, less wing surface. The canards are fine... My try one a (fancy) plane like this: Note much smaler wing surface, very lightwight, lost of power (2 engines) a many control surfaces. You could add canards, but that would look stupid
  17. When the first thing you do after getting into your car is "activate ASAS"
  18. Also, why don't you post a picture of your launcher? Maybe we could help with your design...
  19. No, we've allready rules out latin as our lingua franca. It's so old and dusty, while we are posh and classy....
  20. You should have taken the Moloko plus....
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