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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. I got the truss modeled and the attachment nodes squared away. 5 on each end of a square base. Skinning tomorrow and I'll have it available in many sizes of course. I'm also going to include an attachment cube that you can use all 6 sides to attach stuff to. Here's a screenshot of the WIP. Single truss in the center with the other 8 trusses connecting to it.
  2. Someone has already requested this part and I've been working on it. So far the results haven't worked yet.
  3. Now that was impressive. I'm loving these creations. Wished I had something to show but I'm just building parts and testing theories.
  4. Would an empty gameobjects help you with which way the rail is pointing?
  5. Already planned. That was the one thing that bugged the hell out of me about the ibeams, trusses, etc.
  6. I just sent the guys a newly rescaled cfg file. Yes, Mihara, it contains the 1.25m cargo bay. Hopefully this will work for everyone.
  7. Fair enough. I'll set some time to start making trusses.
  8. It was my idea to include the other attachment points on the gantry. It just gives itself so many uses depending on how you want it to be used rather than limit it to just the 'base.' Glad you are enjoying the parts. Just trying to make it more powerful.
  9. You should make the launch pad over the water look like a fireworks barge.
  10. It will work as long as you assign it action groups as GavinZac said with one caveat. When you want it to move you must also toggle the action group for it to stop. for example. toggle AG1. WAIT 3.0. toggle AG1. - this will let you move an IR part for 3 seconds then stop it. hope this helps!
  11. Never ported the trusses over. I suppose I could if there was demand for it.
  12. My plan worked! Actually it was an oversight on my part. I never used the cargo bay so my familiarity was bill. I'll see about Fixing it.
  13. it doesn't extend that far out but for me it's for spreading landing legs (oh my) or engines so I can docking with a rover. keeps the craft compact.
  14. It's like a chaperone. keeps things at a distance. Attach one side to a body, attach whatever else to the other. When you activate it, the distance between the two items increase.
  15. It _may_ break your craft. I did a test with the old legacy washers and removed the folders and replaced it with the new version and it didn't bomb on me. It's just a CYA.
  16. Updated to 0.8 which is just a parts update. Please read the entire post before asking questions. Docking washers _may_ break your save (make a backup!) since I redid the textures and now using the same model.mu and textures. Free moving docking washers still do NOT lock nor do they move. Yes the GUI still shows that you can move them but they still don't work. Also, there's a lot of parts. I'm crazy and I use them but if you don't simply edit the CFG files at your own risk.
  17. It's stored in the cData which is binary. Won't do you much good unfortunately. It's one of the things brought over from when it was Damned Robotics. I do plan on rewriting it when I have a free moment.
  18. While it won't work for the keys you define during the editor you can at least use the move+, move-, and move center action groups to get what you need.
  19. Crashed a rover going on the offramp. Picked up a lot of speed down hill.
  20. There are Move+, Move- and Move Center action groups. When you press a key assigned to one of those it will keep moving until you press the key again. Been there since Damned Robotics.
  21. No I have no input right now about the springiness of the parts. I'm looking into it is all I can say.
  22. I finally had a chance to try out the Pegasus. You have outdone yourself. This is a smooth craft to fly. Turns on a dime too!
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