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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Coming from experience it will be ready when Lack says so. I really liked the style and I am waiting patiently to try out the new parts. Especially the land based "truck." I made a docking washer to compliment the LLL parts pack too. I'm not sure if anyone ever shared that link but it was a custom request and Lack approved.
  2. I can published a swapped version later and let you mess with it.
  3. It's something I would have to do within unity. When I finally get some sleep I will see about adding those empty gameobjects and PM you a link to a modified version to test. If it works that is.
  4. I'd venture you got the wrong version. Go to the first page and redownload my zip file. Reinstall. Make sure you don't have duplicate dlls.
  5. I could make videos but my connection is very slow (dsl) and it's bad enough uploading little 30 second clips. I figure people would just experiment. That's what I do.
  6. I think you missed the point. Only one point can be your fixed point. The next point, the part that moves should ONLY be attached to the platform that is in the center (it's the almost squareish platform).
  7. The gantry has 5 connection points outside of the one that is the platform. You can only pick ONE to be your fixed structure point. If you connect more than one it will move as if it is floating. watch this video In the video my initial fixed point is the lander can to the gantry... then I start putting i-beams on two other connections... watch what happens when you start moving. I can't explain it any clearer than what the video shows.
  8. Funny. I didn't bother reading that part of your post, I immediately jumped to github to try this out when I first saw mu import. There I saw the copying file
  9. While his original post has no inkling what the license could be, it is on his github: https://github.com/taniwha-qf/io_object_mu/blob/master/COPYING
  10. Glad you like them. Be sure to thank ZodiusInfuser for the idea and model!
  11. Immensely. It helps to get some dimensions correct with outside parts. If you ever need anyone to test anything I'll be more than happy to help.
  12. So far you are doing a splendid job. You actually saved my butt one time when I had a hard drive crash and lost a part I was working on and all I had was a beta part mu. Odd thing is I've had a few times where I couldn't open one of my Infernal Robotics parts but later on it will work just fine. Weird!
  13. batteryBankLarge import worked for me. Make sure you update your version of blender. It wouldn't work for me when I had 2.66a but when I upgraded to 2.68a I was able to import the batteryBankLarge. This also worked for the microEngine and the rocketNoseCone. Only one that didn't work out of your set was the mk3Fuselage.
  14. To be honest I would like to do some testing and take a break from my Infernal Robotics work.
  15. Now that was impressive TinyPirate. When I saw that you could tilt the fairings to make them paddle wheels I flipped out! drtedastro, I could probably display the angles but I plan on doing that, it will be way after I fix the UI and port it over to the new Module system.
  16. There isn't a way to do steps/degrees with the plugin. Maybe in the future. You can put a camera on the parts just fine as a mobile camera base. I made a model for the hull camera plugin by Albert VDS.
  17. I think it would be safer if a player wants to time warp it first queries the other player(s) if its ok to time warp. When everyone is fine then it would time warp. Would hate to be doing a critical move and all of a sudden ZOOM Murphy's law just popped up and time warps my craft into pieces.
  18. Stack one on top of another. Allow for the top piston to "clip" inside it in order for the nodes to attach. You can descend in size or you could use the same sized one.
  19. Ah yes the thrustTransform is your best bet! This is a really neat btw.
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