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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. The claw is finished. We are just wrapping up some stuff for the Animator plugin and parts. The claw will be a separate part from the Infernal Robotics because everyone will use the MSI Animator plugin which essentially is "similar" to the robotic parts except you are controlling an animation. This works because we are only attaching one point and it's not necessary to perform translations like the robotic parts do. BUT now that you mention it. It wouldn't hurt to release a claw that is part of the robotics pack so you can build custom claws (ie. a 2 armed pincher). I'll see what I can muster up.
  2. Who's going to do the first true plane refueling video?
  3. I made a goof in the CFG file that prevented the model from being reloaded. I refreshed the update.
  4. Albert VDS: That's the plan is to have it a limited amount. I'm thinking maybe 5 or 10. I have a few more things I'd like to add to this plugin.
  5. I was finding myself using external seated rovers quite a lot and realized I would have to drive all the way back to the lander for another flag. Just annoyed the heck out of me so I made this quick & dirty. Hopefully someone will have a use for it. I'm currently working on something else for the plugin.
  6. Ever taken a rover for a far away joy ride, planted a flag and wished you had a spare flag? Ever ran out of RCS fuel too? Why not pack extra flags and RCS fuel while you are away? Sure we can just drive all the way back to our lander, get inside the capsule to replenish the flag but that requires you staying near your lander. But what about RCS fuel? With the Magic Smoke Industries Reflaginator you can do just that. Replenish your RCS, change your flag, and replenish an additional flag so you can plant more than one. 0.2 Update 1. Allow refueling of RCS fuel 2. Allow selecting mission flag on the fly, plant as many different flags as you want. 0.3 Update 1. Fixed an exception bug 0.4 Update 1. Updated to 0.23 2. RCS refuel no longer supported. Fuel is now a read only variable for KerbalEVA. 0.5 Update 1. Fixed RCS Replenish thanks to taniwha! 0.6 update will feature limited rcs fuel either from the case or possible from the attach vessel's rcs tanks. Preview of 0.2 update: Plugin & model for 0.23(0.5): http://www./download/opaix744wxg3al8/Reflaginator0.5.zip Source for 0.23 (0.5) http://www./download/rps35kh5vsis7bf/ReflaginatorSRC0.5.zip Plugin & model(0.3): http://www./download/j6ljuc6dba2m3rx/Reflaginator0.3.zip Source(0.3) http://www./download/3g0mvsr3eek6h6u/ReflaginatorSRC0.3.zip License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ (Just give me credit if you wish to use the code in any form. Also keep the credit for the creator of the model/artwork) Credits: Nobiax @ deviantart for the model & texture which can be found here: http://nobiax.deviantart.com/art/Free-Weapon-Box-Pack-146439131 Credits for the Iron Maiden flag goes to the user ~croatian~crusader @ http://www.deviantart.com/art/Iron-Maiden-Union-Jack-TFF-174070735
  7. Go to the rotatron CFG and add this line right under the node_stack_top line. node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 That will give you what you want. Do it for the other two occurences in the file. My DSL is acting up so I can't make the change.
  8. Something you are doing is wrong. Are you using damned robotics or infernal?
  9. Helix935. What does your log file say? Did you look in the Utility section?
  10. I'm going have to try out OBS although my dsl upload is dismal it may not be worth trying.
  11. Looking at your picture, why don't you flip the middle gantry and connect the probe core to the other side of the platform, then it won't float.
  12. The octagonal object is the Platform. Everything else on that gantry is called the Base not just the part you circled.
  13. That was pure awesome TinyPirate. Had me grinning the whole time. The ferris wheel at the end was spectacular.
  14. You already can use kOS with infernal robotics... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47399-kOS-Scriptable-Autopilot-System-0-42?p=618682&viewfull=1#post618682
  15. Hah. The motor sound is from a song I wrote that is a soundscape. Took it and pitched down a little and did some noise reduction.
  16. Very cool! Looks like it should work! Just to let everyone know I hope to have a truss pack out in the next day or sooner.
  17. As usual I'm floored at what some of you guys can do with these parts.
  18. This mod keeps getting better and better. Good work!
  19. Actually if you want to test it out, copy the cfg and paste it below the original and make just one change. Look at fixedMesh. Instead of Base change it to Platform. Give it a unique name as usual and give it a whirl.
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