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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. I don't know about that but CALL is used to be able to call methods from other mods(plugins) provided that the author registers those methods.
  2. There is. Right click infernal part and select hide GUI.
  3. Yup on both questions. Modders simply just register whatever methods they want kOS to have access to and that's it.
  4. Anyone love kOS? This is what I've been working on... Currently the hinge's range is -90 and 90 according to the cfg. Still a lot of work ahead but I wanted to show the potential in kOS for external mods such as Infernal Robotics. I envision being able to calculate how many seconds before impact so you can unfold a probe/rover for landing.
  5. This is what I've been working on... Currently the hinge's range is -90 and 90 according to the cfg. Still a lot of work ahead but I wanted to show the potential in kOS for external mods.
  6. The limits are set inside the CFG and not available to the user during the game. If you want to customize it currently, copy the entire folder for a part, rename each part something unique and modify the cfg. rotateMin & rotateMax for hinges and rotatrons. translateMin & translateMax for adjustable rails & pistons I may expose customizable min/max in a later update but I'm unsure if I want the GUI to get too busy. Thoughts?
  7. Just register a key with Move+ or Move- action group. When you press the key it will begin to move and keep moving. To stop it, press the action group key again for it to stop.
  8. I would imagine that this is a yes, it doesn't use KerbTown.
  9. taniwah. What's your progress with the version 3 .mu files?
  10. Great to hear! I have some ideas on using these and the IVAs would make this _GOLD_ in my book.
  11. Nice. Do these have custom IVAs too?
  12. Fair enough. Ill take a look when I have a free moment. Working on a few other things for IR at the moment.
  13. I'm not sure if this is the place for a request for springs. There are people making landing legs that act as springs by making wheels without the tire portion.
  14. Set the speed to a large amount like 10000 that will make it spin apart.
  15. I saw the need for a 90 degree infernal robotic hinge so I'll be releasing one. here's what I did with it. I must admit, I LOVE the procedural fairings. Made launching this look pretty. closed open
  16. You are correct. It's not exactly comprehensible. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the code myself. Funny thing is the configurable speed option wasn't originally part of Damned Robotics which may explain why it was never allowed to begin with due to the breaking. Just define it in the CFG and move on. The only thing I've added to the code that would probably cause these issues is the speed. If you eliminate the locking event and the sound it's essentially "stock"
  17. The mod I maintain is called Infernal Robotics. Magic Smoke Industries is the "company name". The older version I forked it from was called Damned Robotics and the plugin will not work with the newer version of KSP.
  18. Mecanum wheels would be fun! I won't pretend that I know half of what the code is doing since r4m0n did most of the work. Quaternions is alien to me so I'm still figuring out everything. I know the springiness of the pistons when a lot of weight is being loaded on it is really goofy and haven't figured out how to fix that issue. I read up on ConfigurableJoint and maybe locking would work but I haven't tested it.
  19. My favorite part of the weekly for MrTinyPirate's videos was "custom mechanical parts." awesome! I'll take a look at the rover bodies. I just made a 90 degree tall hinge so I'll get those to you. Also added a bottom node attachment for the rotatrons.
  20. After working on Infernal Robotics and a few other plugins I decided to have some fun and actually play the game. Here's my crane picking up a soyuz capsule.
  21. I've toyed with the idea of doing some rover frames with Devo. He may or may not help out but I'm certainly going to make some to go with these smaller sized IR parts. There are some things we talked about doing unrelated that should be very exciting once we get them started. Btw. I will be doing a quick little update for the infernal parts. I'm going to release the hinges in a 90 degree setting. Should expect them tomorrow sometime. I need them and it's time to get it done.
  22. First thing I've built since I started Infernal Robotics. RollKage(front wheels,cabin, rtg engine), Catepillar (tank tracks), Infernal Robotics (lots of things), B9 (flat platform, headlights), Alchemy Technologies Modular Girder (rail & counterweights), KAS (winch) and lastly soon to be released MSI Animator (the claw!) Can pick up the Soyuz capsule.
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