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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. You read correctly. You'll be able to query a part for it's positional value through kOS. You can also tell a part to move X number of steps. I'm currently working on groupings so you can tell just one group to move. It's a slow process as I've been extremely busy with work lately.
  2. Thanks but I do have questions. Which symmetry problem would that be? Also what of this persistent group names issue?
  3. Gantry variant, Tall Powered Hinge @ 90 degrees and rotatrons with a bottom node attachment are now available. Masses for each part is now relative to it's size. I abandoned the "closed" hinge at 90 degrees as I didn't like how it performed for now.
  4. Thanks for the kind words. I just hope the additions to the plugin like the custom speed have been proven to be useful! I know it has for me personally. Today I'll be releasing 90 degree variants of the Closed Hinge and the Tall Powered Hinges. The variant of the gantry system will be released for those who don't like editing CFG files as well. Also I will get the masses squared away for ALL the parts. I'm updating the plugin to hopefully support kOS as well as some improvements but my time is pretty limited lately.
  5. Sparker. I've had a quick moment to look. Are you using the model from the WPA pack because that strange cross hatching looks very familiar to the space junk cargo version. The skin just looks different. Also when you attach wings to the cargo pod, the animations have colliders on them as well and I think that is why it's causing the wings to "pop" during animation then appear to lock when it's finished opening or closing the doors. I would try running a beam along each side and attaching the wings to that instead of the cargo pod.
  6. I know I said it before but I will be updating the parts soon. I've had a lot of things happening in RL that has kept me away from KSP. The next major update to the plugin will be to support the external mod kOS. I still have a lot to go with this feature.
  7. That's really odd. Are they connected via the node or slightly offset and connected to the surface of the docking washers? Until 0.22 is released I hope they fix the new node attachment system they mentioned a few releases ago that doesn't work because one of the features is the ability to define the physics of the nodes.
  8. You mean infernal robotics? I don't see any pictures and I have no answer as to what the problem could be. What version of infernal robotics are you using?
  9. Been busy with work mostly. This weekend I will have the new parts available for the pack. The kOS support is going smoothly and I may need a tester for that feature before I release it.
  10. You can use unity and a feature someone added. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47068-mbm-Texture-File-Converter Or http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mbm-to-png-file-converter/ Or if you want to mess with the model AND mbm in blender http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43513-Blender-mu-import-export-addon
  11. I found this: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mbm-to-png-file-converter/
  12. Sadface. You said Damned Robotics which no longer works with 0.21 Infernal Robotics darn it!!
  13. Ah mechjeb. Fixin I meant release the other version as well. Hectic day at work.
  14. I'll be releasing the fix for the gantry including the 90 degree hinges in a pack possibly later today. ZodiosInfuser. How are you keeping the other craft hovering while you control another craft?
  15. Give it a rest guys. They aren't going to just release the shuttle then release the IVAs later. They've already said they want it to be a full package and a testament of what can be done. Just be patient.
  16. You can and I have found that the update is called every 0.02 seconds so that's the smallest you can get on a time interval. If you compile your own don't give it out (not that I can't stop you) I just don't want people flooding this thread with help with something I had no hand in. I really don't want to go down that road.
  17. And you can look at reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/kos
  18. Maybe but it would be up to the individual to grab the kOS source and compile it for themselves or Kevin approves me distributing a dll that supports the new external registrations. Right now I'm just getting things to "dance". Currently I have the following: Via the cfg, the hinge can travel -180 to 180 At the origin of the Tall Powered Hinge, the value is at 0. If you want to move to the +45 degree side, you call: CALL MSIROTATE(45,X) where X is the amount of seconds you would like for it to take to move to the 45 degree mark. Now if you want to move back to origin, you have to subtract what you travelled. CALL MSIROTATE(-44,X) <---have to account for the origin being 0 until i fix this There will be a few other functions one can call but for now that's what I got going.
  19. Once again. Baby steps. I'd like to first get them moving and worry about the names later.
  20. I'm working on the code to do this. As for multiples that's to be determined after I get this part finished. Baby steps.
  21. So far it's just kOS. I don't know what progcom has to offer or if it allows registering of external methods that kOS can.
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