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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Are there any plans on adding a clickable periscope/camera system for the PPTS?
  2. Would you like for me to take a look to see if I get the same issue?
  3. No worries. Yes the legs have been an issue but thats Devo and his real life happenings. It's beyond my control at that point. I get what you are saying I was just a little nicked and the translation gets lost on the internet. All is well.
  4. Look up how to do a UV map. You basically have to click the little white sphere and select the one that is red/black checkered. That tells blender to render the model with the texture.
  5. I'd like to go ahead and let a small cat out of the bag so others don't think that MSI is dying off. ZodiusInfuser is now an official member of MSI and has some really great ideas and the space station rings are a set that will be coming out soon. Why bother? Because they will be robotic parts, that you can attach things to and when in orbit you can then activate these rings (though action groups is great because then it will keep running). In the past, some space station parts would have a ring that would just animate but you couldn't connect anything to it. Here I connected a group of solar panels. Here's a quick demo of an unskinned space station ring (there's actually 2) on the launch pad.
  6. MSI infernal robotics vapor ware? I'm in charge of infernal robotics and there are things being done like space station robotic parts, VTOL mounts, kOS integration, and I'm workin on the Dyna-soar. Work and real life gets in the way and some serious things happened on my end that don't warrant explaining.
  7. I just wanted to add that I enjoy these parts. I use a few to house small space tugs to do various work at the space station. I use them so I can park the tugs and get them out of the way.
  8. I've been busy elsewhere trying to model the Dyna-Soar. I only glanced at the thread since I knew what was in it (made mention of the SCANsat support) so I didn't notice the license/source issue. As for the mod I gave it last minute testing and I too didn't have the source code. Didn't prevent me from digging nonetheless.
  9. The planets name is correct. There is a reason why that name was chosen.
  10. Sentar wot work because it's a copy of jool. I do know that the others, when I tested it before release did map correctly.
  11. Insert stock reply: send log file. Hope classes are doing well. I hope I speak for everyone when I say take your time.
  12. Ah scaled mesh. Makes sense. No worries on derailment. I'm ending conversation about that now. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve.
  13. Actually I'm going to rescind my last comment. I believe the .bin does indeed contain the mesh.
  14. There are .bin files that contain the meshes. Not sure what you mean by modified versions of existing bodies. One planet has a large volcano on it too.
  15. Oh. The hope with kOS is you can control groups via commands registered with kOS. One method is "advance group by 10 increments" or "go home" that sort if deal. I have it almost workin correctly.
  16. Future? Sure. Got new VTOL engine mounts in the works. Also some space station related robotic parts. ZodiusInfuser(he's part of the team now) is designing them and frankly it's pretty awesome what we got coming.
  17. No. I hit a snag and I need to step away from looking at it.
  18. It's an annoyance of mine too. I'm going to rework the UI to something more manageable in the future. I'm taking a _small_ break to work on my modeling skills. I have a few ideas outside of MSI that I'd like to make for KSP that are just parts or crafts (like possibly the Dyna-Soar for example).
  19. I'm glad the development and status was relatively quiet on the forums. That last debacle was painful to watch especially from some demanding releasing of the code before he was ever finished.
  20. That's because it is a slide show. A large dollop of screenshots set as a video.
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