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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Fair enough. I'll release it. I think I'll send it to ZodiusInfuser so he can scale it to his liking & the attachment points. If he's up for it that is.
  2. yes, i merely moved it there for testing purposes. If I remove the attachment nodes, it will severely limit where you can attach this item which essentially is just the center.
  3. Here's the video. The MK1 Lander can was the first item the gantry connected to. Then I connect the two ibeams that you see in the video... when you go to move it, the Ibeams move along with it while the lander can stays. This is the bug I'm talking about. So until I get around to fixing it (if there is a way), or if someone else wants to have a crack at it, you can only attach one item to be your fixed base while everything else that is attached will love with it. So my question is, do I go ahead and release it with a note explaining this very situation or not allow it to be available to avoid getting flooded with comments about this bug?
  4. No it's not the same as to what I'm talking about. I'll make a video later exhibiting what I'm talking about.
  5. With that setup, I don't think it will work. the child/parent system gets weird.
  6. It can still do surface attachment but it's only at the base which is the thing you see in the middle & above the whole rail system. Even if you use surface attachment, the same bug will occur.
  7. Gantry is skinned & done. Interesting "bug" that I discovered while working on this one. You can only have one fixed base attachment. If you attach more than one structure that isn't supposed to move it WILL move regardless if what you want it to do. So. I'm including 5 attachment nodes as options. Pick only ONE of the five to be your fixed structure. There is a 6th attachment node but that is for the movable platform. The rest are forbidden unless you want floating objects. You've been warned.
  8. Torminator. Download the package again but get it from the post on this thread. The one on spaceport is outdated.
  9. It's being worked on. As for the cfg edit I'm only letting you know if you can't wait for it as I'm not near a computer until later tonight. The update may include a new graphic for the docking washers.
  10. It is a cfg change. Look at the value of stringdamper(i think its called that) on the free moving washer The value should be 0.00001 or something.
  11. I will have the new piston and gantry available hopefully later night! Thanks to ZodiusInfuser for the help in design.
  12. Use the rotate button you see in the right and it will orientate it correctly.
  13. If you haven't tried the 0.7 version of the plugin I would try. So far I haven't had any issues.
  14. attach_node for 8mm was goofy. Other than the legs you have we can release it this weekend sometime.
  15. I made the config changes for both the closed and open hinges for symmetry mode. They should work now.
  16. Wow that was really odd. Especially the size of the washer being smaller than the other half. I plan on redoing those because I use the new node system and I think it's not working correctly.
  17. I'm an idiot. I knew about this when I first tried out damned robotics and completely forgot about it! Until I update it, go into the config for the closed hinge and change invertSymmetry to False. That will fix it. Now when you put items in symmetry mode they wont close on themselves.
  18. Stuck with for now. It was like that before I took over and right now I'm trying to get more parts available. I may look into it but for now just put one hinge at a time if they are on opposite ends of a side. The translation wants to go in the same direction hence the weird behavior.
  19. Yup it was an oversight I never went back to fix. In fact I think all are off.
  20. Well the GUI to me is already too crazy. I could try a release with it as a test.
  21. Bingo. Use the action groups move+ and move- for it to move endlessly until you press one of those keys again to toggle it. I debated making that part of the GUI but decided against it as it will get too crowded.
  22. Ok cool. Helpful tip. Top right of the thread you can do a search thread link. All I did was use 'textures' in the search and found that post. Saves me a LOT of time and I figured I'd share that tip.
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