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Everything posted by Schmonzo

  1. Yeah, it would also hepl with probe cores... On the other hand, there is only a very limited amount of parts that would profit from this, so on second thought I don't really think it's necessary... Have a nice day!
  2. Let me first say that although I don't like the science system I am no dev and have not talked to anyone about my idea, so it might as well be crap. Also english is not my first language so bare with me. Labs make nearly no sense (except for cleaning experiments) imo and since we can transport science via Kerbals now, there is no more need for transmitting data if you can take it all home for 100% yield instead. I think the solution to this would be that you (1.) can not store unlimited science but instead you have a certain data capacity. Then if your mission collected too much science you would have to transmit it in order to create more 'sciencespace' on your Vessel. (2.) How much science can be stored would be connected to the commandpod (higher tech/more space for kerbals=more harddrive space; the lab would add the biggest storage value, thus making it a good station component to store collected data while command pods only have a rather small harddrive). This way you would have a reason for transmitting if you are far away from home and can't bring all the collected data back. (3.) The scienceloss should be connected to the antenna you are using though. The small antennas only have a very bad bandwidth and a lot of data is lost. The bigger the data 'packet' is the more data you loose. This way you can't do big interplanetary missions on a low tech level without a severe science hit. No Antenna would yield 100% though. (4.) Surface samples, goo and material bay experiments could not be send unless processed in a lab, so you need one or need to bring the physical experiments home if you plan a long mission to many biomes. I think this would be a good system that still is not too complicated for all the newcomers. What do you think about this? have a nice day!
  3. Whoops, since I screwed up my Reputation message: Thank you soo much damny, awesome plugin!! Thanks for all the work you have put into this, it is greatly appreciated (by many people besides me I'm sure as well). I think you should release so you get the full blown praise you deserve This is enough to release, all problems are minor imho! Again, thanks for making this and congratulations for making it this cool! Have a nice day!
  4. wow, my thread got remade after the big forum purge! Nice job!
  5. Archived KSPTV stream can be found here: http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/pastBroadcasts Sadly, the dev stream is not named appropriatly, but the links in the following posts guide you there just fine!
  6. I think in RT2 you need 6 guys on your ship to make it a command center...
  7. I actually think that this could be how squad includes satellites. Programing a landing might be too hard/complicated for many users, using mechjeb way too easy. But needing to have line of sight (or power consuming relays) to mission control for probes to work is cool and appealing to many I think. And through direct control of the satellites the player can still pretend he programmed it...
  8. Does that mean that RT2 is working properly now, or can you still not have more than two relays?
  9. I'm quite sure that KSP will not have a 'normal' beta. We will get new features (alpha) and test them (beta) and then repeat the process until we have the final version of KSP. That's how I understood Harvester anyway... So I am not sure if features will be locked soon. Also: What happens when we get user created planets, wouldn't it e cool if the maping mod could map them without any additional work?
  10. What makes you think SQUAD is in the USA? Last time I checked they were based in Mexico, or has that canged?
  11. wow, someone is wearing his/her crankypants Jupp, it was in the name of balance (that's why I quoted what I quoted). It of course just is an idea and I didn't think of hydroponics... How about carrying water then instead or indeed have it use tons of electricity?
  12. How about you need to carry heavy soil to use them in space? So greenhouses would be good as bases, since you can use the soil present on the planet. But in space you have to carry and (from time to time) replace the soil?
  13. I made a trip to duna and eve and back to kerbin. With the intakes and a recycling unit you can restock on oxygen on dunas surface. The intakes produce CO2 there and the recycler can convert it into oxygen. I think this works on every planet with an atmosphere...
  14. It's not really working considering it slows your system down to a crawl, especially when using other mods. So I am wondering too if this is still on development, since we haven't heard from Innsewerants in quite a while. For me this awesome mod stopped working in 0.20 and I am not using it anymore. I would really love to see an update on at least the progress of the mod, i.e. if it is still being worked on. Have a nice day!
  15. Thanks for this truly awesome addition to iron cross, your mod is essential for my spaceprogram!
  16. You did also install the magenta lazor beside the main lazor on your craft, right?
  17. I forgot, how long has dwarf fortress been in development for? ;P All that aside, there is no way of knowing when the next update will be out or how many updates the game will see during the course of the year. Updates have been coming irregulary at best and with the recent changes in dev version distribution among devs there is no telling how long it will take till 0.22 comes out. All we can do is wait... Have a nice day!
  18. well, guess I m just stupid then, hope somene else can help
  19. does the inclusion of mod manager mean I only have to install ioncross and b9 parts have automaticly oxygen in them? Sorry if this has been asked before I searched the thread but my brain seems too small to get how this works... edit: the module manager dll has to be in the plugins folder then everything works...
  20. I'd say your math is of. If you take 1680 units of O2 and get a return of 2/3 of that, the return is 1120 units of O2. If you add the two together you get 2800 units of O2 instead of the 5040 you want.
  21. hi eraeser and welcome to the forum! Awsome story I'm excited to hear how you'll try tp get jeb home... you could take him to minmus on his way there, it's not a big detour anymore
  22. Sorry, my initial post was stupid, since I was too lazy too read the whole thread before posting
  23. I try not to kill my Kerbals, but I don't use two saves. My Kerbals do their projects 'Race into Space' style, meaning that accidents happen. But I try do minimalize the chance of accidents happening. I always send probes first, after they have been successful Kerbals follw.
  24. I think this will be good for ksp, but of course I am sad for damion. Farwell!
  25. I made this little update thread. There indeed is stuff to report, I think skunky and damion are wrong on that... Have a nice day!
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