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Everything posted by Schmonzo

  1. well, you can put experiments on them, but no satellites don't do anything. You can use RemoteTech so your satellites actually serve a purpose. The devs don't want the game to have too much depth so you can't loose and people of every age can play it without having to learn more than how to get to orbit. edit:ninjaed
  2. so is this going to be similar to the graphotron 2000? Or am I not getting it at all?
  3. is this working with 0.25? Did anyone try?
  4. jupp, thanks! Makes sense too I guess, no science spam till I scanned the buggers
  5. just wanted to stop by to say thanks for this mod and drop off some rep. I am using it with remote tech and I shall never uninstall it after using it today for the first time! Have a wonderful day!
  6. you can also change it ingame by right clicking the science alert button in the regular toolbar. After doing that you are shown the options menu. Also science alert does not seem to work for EVAs in low orbit for me, anyone else got that problem or did I just mess up my settings?
  7. Kerbals only simulate manned missions, otherwise where would be the explosions fun? But yeah, I don't think there is away to simulate remote controlled vehicles on distant planets before you have them connected to your network...
  8. It seems to dissapear after some time in 0.25. anyone else got this problem?
  9. you weren't but bazz was from what I understood from his post, that's why I quoted him and not you...
  10. I just installed this on a completly new install and it works fine, so the problem is definatly on my end... sorry to have bothered you
  11. It's a fresh install (with other mods already activated), but yeah, including a 'parts' folder did not change anything... I guess I'll have to deactivate all the other mods and check if the problem is on my side... It just seems weird to me, because all the other USI mods work without problems...
  12. okay, I think you forgot to put the .cfgs into a 'parts' folder (i.e. there is no 'parts' folder in this release), testing now with manual part folder...
  13. the parts don't show up for me, anything special about this USI release regarding installation? Because all the other USI released work fine for me....
  14. Is this working with kerbal construction time? I mean that mod does make the game way more immersive...
  15. thank you soo much for making this mod, without it the game is only half as fun!
  16. Well, not for me, it says video is not available... I am in germaby, maybe that's it?
  17. hey, thanks for making these videos! I really like the modlist, only thing that is missing for me is kerbal construction time (that is criticism on a high level though) I'll start watching (and probably subbing) now
  18. first of all: thanks for making the effort of making videos, I know it's a lot of work. One question though, what mods are you using in your lp? Just kerbal engineer?
  19. have you thought about adding kerbal construction time and final frontier? I think you might like those mods!
  20. can I change the dishes to be omnidirectional like antennas (so I don't have to set them up all the time)?
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