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Everything posted by Schmonzo

  1. I thought I did... it's the first two lines. I thought I wouldn't go into too much detail, the main thing he is talking about are the shortened loading times, aren't they? If I missed an important point in his blog please tell me though, I am quite busy doing playtest on another game and only read the posts quickly. I'll add the links to the blogposts I used, so you guys know (and can read) the sources. Have a nice day!
  2. get your fix here. Have a nice day!
  3. Hi everyone, since Damion didn't give us an update or a stream, I thought we might collect what happend last week. If you have anything to add just post it here and I'll update the opening post. 25.04.'13 The team is back at work on 0.20 and everything seems to go smoothly. Mu is still working on the database with C7 helping him, while C7 is also working on a new loading scene, that should shorten the initial loading time of the game about 10%. After he is finished with that he plans to return to upgrading part modules and systems. source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/245-C7-DevBlog-4-23-13 Harvester is working on map filters: but states that this picture is very much work in progress still. A feature that has been asked for a lot in the suggestions forum since persistency was integrated in the game. He also stated that this feature could be easily integrated into the map screen. But he has not worked on that yet. He is also working on flags. A Kerbal will have one of these with him on EVA to place on a planets surface. The flags will be like any other vessel, so you can focus on them in mapview of example. The flags will also get a timestamp so you can see when they have been planted. Harvester also said he would want the texture of the flag to be changeble by the user and would want us to have the possibility to change and read text on the flag once our kerbals are close enough. source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/244-Map-Filtering! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/242-Flags! That's all I got for now, of course this data is collected only by me so this thread is in no way official and everything is subject to change! Have a nice day! Edit: added source links
  4. That's what I am talking about, nothing but guesswork... Also: I think that your first statement is wrong.
  5. I agree 100%! No livestream, and no post on kerbalspaceprogram.com. And now that the forum is back there is no weekly update not that he would put too much work into those anyway. Would be interesting to know if the devs were still able to code for the game or if they were all working on the forums. I thought the community manager would be employed and payed by squad to inform us... sad kerbal Still it's nice that the forum is back, eventhough a ton of content is forever gone... along with it more that 300 of my posts and a thread I worked on for three weeks that can't even be restored via google cache. I think I won't be spending too much time here in the future, at least not activly.
  6. You have to focus on the sat and timecompression mustn't be bigger 10x (three arrows)... If these two thing weren't true the mod would be near perfect imo. It's still awesome of course, so thanks to the dev!
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