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Everything posted by Chrisd857

  1. Am I the only one who's bothered by the spelling in the thread title? Anyway, no body that I've landed on is really creepy, but Eve might count if I ever land there.
  2. Well, I think its "interesting... why is the fuel on top?" Also, is there a ladder to the ground, or do you need the jetpacks?
  3. Hydro- and aeroscoops are coming, probably, maybe, if we ever get resources. See planning chart:
  4. I recall that at least one driving factor was there was a time before time warp was implemented. With the Mun where it is, you can get there within a few hours, which is not totally unreasonable for gameplay. Imagine no time warp and a Mun 3 days out...
  5. I've never experienced it myself, but there was a time when map mode didn't exist, and you used orbital tables to tell if you had actually made orbit. There was a time when landing on the dark side of Kerbin made you explode, and Kerbin didn't rotate, and there was no moon, and the sun was a point instead of a sphere, and...
  6. Probably not what you're looking for, but http://www.kerbalcomics.com/2012/11/11/episode-16-troubleshooting/.
  7. This isn't mine, but I think it is proof that an Eve return is the endgame challenge for mere mortals, but the true challenge is stock Jool ascent. Note: This was hyperedited to Jool, so no one has yet learned how to get it there from Kerbin stock.
  8. 10/10 - I'd give something higher, but that doesn't seem right. I see you a ton.
  9. I've started having pangs of nostalgia about them, but there were a lot of great games on lego.com circa 2005. Backlot, Junkbot and its sequel, Drome Racing Challenge, Spybotics: The Nightfall Incident... I played so much of those games in my childhood, and its sad that some of them are gone. Four of these can still be played (through archive.org or Lego's cache thing), but DRC was multiplayer and that was fully removed several years ago
  10. I'm not sure where we are in the count for black hole interior ideas but: * In a special one, three individual singularities within the event horizon, orbiting each other superluminally, surrounded with a warp-speed event horizon. - some Star Trek book, I think * We find that the degenerate stellar body has not in fact reached infinite density (or infinite anything) and our math was just wrong * The singularity forced open some extra dimensions so that nothing is infinite * ...well, these last don't seem that interesting now, but the first one was pretty good
  11. Well, you can't read, but that is not an excuse!
  12. In a similar vein to the drinking bird is that an LED can achieve 230% (apparent) efficiency, but it makes use of ambient heat in addition to electricity, so is essentially a heat pump. Also, it only was outputting 69 picowatts of power. http://phys.org/news/2012-03-efficiency.html
  13. In the words of user Ninety-Three: Some thread links: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44980-All-solid-fuel-to-orbit-and-back?p=577550#post577550 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32988-Duna-and-Back-with-only-SRBs?p=408822#post408822 And the album itself: http://imgur.com/a/bESYI
  14. True, but on the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog. The user below me lives in the United States.
  15. I would be amused if I got to Jool (or some future gas giant) and almost collided with a previously unknown moon, say, the size of Gilly.
  16. Are you throttled up by chance? Had that happen to me, when I had just a capsule (no engines, no fuel, throttle shouldn't matter).
  17. Climb all the staircases at KSC Jump off the control tower Build a working VTOL plane Fly an air-breathing jet on Laythe Build a submarine
  18. I believe you right-click on the icons to select multiple.
  19. [Operating System]: Windows XP [Memory]: 1GB [ASAS Trouble (Y/N)]: No [Mods installed, pre-patch]: None [Mods installed, post-patch]: None [Joysticks]: None [Description of problem (keep it short)]: N/A Fresh download, fresh save, fresh crafts.
  20. I like this update, particularly as it runs smoother than 0.20.x on my dinosaur of a computer. The only downside is that the flag graphics bug that was introduced (in either 0.20.1 or .2, but not .0) is still here, but that is probably just my machine.
  21. (Store version) So far (after playing only a few hours) I happen to like the new system. One, I actually know what each thing does, with specified control computers and reaction wheels (and a combined one), instead of an all-powerful ASAS and a seemingly useless SAS. Two, pod torque is not insanely over-powered now. Three, the whole shebang uses electricity now for extra realism. I haven't had any exceptional stability problems. On a side note, lag on looking at an ocean planet is now low enough that I can actually fly planes sensibly.
  22. To BeefTenderloin: Do those engines gimbal? Will you try adding reaction wheels or winglets?
  23. Also, if the pre-release teaser videos can be taken as a close approximation of how 0.21 will turn out, they managed to do what they set out to do for this update. List of goals from June. We've seen all of those features that are user-facing, and I can only assume that the internals are there too. As an aside, it just hit me that, with the proper crew management system now, we won't have any problem with duplicate Kerbal names causing any funkiness on docking or crew transfer.
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