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Everything posted by Chrisd857

  1. Another question about scoring - nothing for non-Kerbin moons? I don't know about ease, but landing on Gilly with only SRBs would be hilarious. Also, are separatrons considered SRBs?
  2. When you succeed at rendezvous, only to find you're approaching retrograde to said object. Forget to open solar panels. EVA during ascent. Shun aerobraking. I did this for a while with Duna; it wastes a ton of fuel. Build monstrosities because you don't know better. Later, you build monstrosities because you're Whackjob. You attach decouplers backwards.
  3. I really wish they would fix those bugs with persistent tracks, footprints, contrails and reentry trails. Oh, and the volumetric clouds really need to be added to Jool. Kerbin and Eve look pretty and all, but Jool's not cool enough yet. Will they finally add wind loading to 0.39? Please? Oh, have any of you seen this cool WIP mod to add procedural volcanoes?
  4. 203 = !4 * 4! - !4 - 4
  5. Awaras wins (since blue should never link to Svalbard). So, how about C++ to Ford River Rouge Complex. 1. C++ 2. Video game 3. Michigan 4. History of Ford Motor Company 5. Ford River Rouge Complex
  6. If you'll take it: 1. Pi 2. Energy 3. Life (lurking in a template at the bottom of energy) Though, if Pi actually linked to Tau, then we would have, very properly: 1. Pi 2. Tau 3. Life
  7. 202 = 4!! * 4! + 4 + Γ(4) Onward to 300!
  8. Chrisd857


    My guess would be a certain illegal drug, but that's against the forum rules (2.2c), so... Am I categorically right, or is it something different?
  9. 200 = (Γ(4) + 4) * (4! - 4)
  10. More likely than a bug is that you have more lights sources than permitted. How high do you have that in-game setting set?
  11. I believe the spelling is "Mackerel".
  12. Sixthed? It's ironic that it isn't labelled as SF at my library. Awesome all the way. Small caution, he swears a lot, in case that bothers you. But he has grand cause to swear a lot.
  13. I thought I remember that ostensibly the International Fleet was international, but that the United States was the only country really funding it.
  14. 199 = 4! * 4!! + 4!! - !(√4)
  15. First thing that came to mind is Don't Forget the Lyrics! and Name That Tune. but those are both TV shows. Google search for "guess the song played game" shows some possibilities.
  16. That's six fours, not four fours. 198 = √4 * 4! * 4 + Γ(4)
  17. 197 = 4! * 4!! + √(!4) + √(4)
  18. Also, depending on the craft, gravity-gradient stabilization can be used to orient toward Earth, but that is probably outside the scope of physics simulation for KSP.
  19. I see your UP 844, and raise you the POTD on English Wikipedia from the following day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:POTD/2013-10-15 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:POTD/2013-10-16
  20. On an unrelated note, the whole fast-developing civilization aspect reminds me a lot of Blink of an Eye from Star Trek: Voyager.
  21. 195 = !(Γ(4)) - 4!! * 4!! - Γ(4)
  22. I would go for the Mythbusters scene where Grant is decrying the loss of a trailer, but I can't find it, so LOLcat!
  23. 194 = (4! * 4! + Γ(4)) / √(!4)
  24. I noticed it too, and my machine is near the extreme bottom end for playing KSP. Though, I now notice there is a marked (though not really "bad") increase in lag compared to datum when KSC is in view, but the ocean lag is gone.
  25. 192 = (4 + !(√4))! + 4!! * !4
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