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Everything posted by OrbitusII

  1. Back in 0.20 (a very long time ago, I know) I was planning on taking my Fairing'ed Heavy to Mun with a lander, but I didn't have nearly enough fuel. So instead I just made it into a space station. That is all.
  2. Use the [imgur] tags if you're posting an album.
  3. Which one did you go to? I've been to Huntsville myself, and it certainly is true what they say about not understanding the size of things until you get up close, the Saturn V was gigantic! Picture: For scale, I'm 5 feet 7 inches. And yes, I'm wearing my KSP shirt; I simply couldn't resist! I also got to see the Apollo 16 capsule. Sorry about the glare from the windows. It's really cool to think that we took people to the moon in this, and that we launched them using Kerosene!
  4. Yes, but I clean it out every day or so. My guess was that while I was working on trying to get Tekkit to work during the break I was taking I accidentally deleted that folder as well.
  5. Docking in the dark... Say hello to the Kephaestus Orbital Laboratory! And a cinematic shot for those of you who like that sort of thing. Current modules on KBS5: "Iris" Command Module (Lander Can) "Kermes" Orbital Service Module (Hitchhiker and big RCS tank on back, lovingly nicknamed "Kermit") DDE (Double Docking Extension, it's holding the Fairing'ed Heavy right now) "Kephaestus" Orbital Laboratory (vertical hitchhiker)
  6. Well, now I feel EXTREMELY stupid... I accidentally deleted my entire mod folder, so unless I can find some way to recover it or redownload the models from Sketchfab I'm screwed over. Any changes I did to code (which is fortunately almost nothing) are gone entirely...
  7. Fairing'ed Heavy KTS almost docked to KBS5. 20-minutes to docking is a bit too fast for the Fairing'ed Heavy, it only has an LV-909 to move all of its mass, so burning 200m/s for orbital insertion and rendezvous completion is a bit much. Done! The crew of KBS5 now includes Rodwin, Adoly, Jebediah, Erley, and Shoogs Kerman. I'll be sending up an unmanned Fairing'ed Heavy to bring supplies and provide another escape vessel next.
  8. I agree. Take on Mars didn't look nearly as interesting as KSP is; when I saw it I thought it looked kinda cool, but it didn't hook me like KSP did.
  9. Don't worry, I'm not abandoning Puffin Technologies, I just need a break from modding for a while. Did you give the mesh a collider? And next time if you could please send me a PM (click on my name and choose "Personal Message") to ask for help that would be great.
  10. I feel like we were just here... Nah, just my imagination.
  11. Another one for mods! Frameshift, or The Big Dangerous Ring That Explodes Things: This thing is a ring that uses wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff to make other not-so-wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff stuck to it go really fast. Sometimes it doesn't work and creates birds that live on cliffs and have beaks like toucans, except they're not toucans. If you touch it the wrong way, it will break you and make the cliff-living toucans that aren't toucans all over space and space will be broken. If your Up Goer has things on one side but not the other, the Ring will make your Up Goer spin when you turn it on, making the bottom end point towards space, which means you are having a bad problem and will not go to space today.
  12. I keep stations and Kerbal Transportation Systems at roughly 90km*90km. That's it.
  13. It's so epic! I honestly don't know where I was going with this... Seriously though, this is great! Good job Needles!
  14. TG_bigboss: Unity does support 64 bit builds, but they are unstable except on Linux. rpayne88: This has been suggested multiple times in the past, as has multithreading.
  15. Granted, you get nothing. I wish for a new phone.
  16. Honestly I'm not quite sure... I know that your class has to be a PartModule and not a Monobehaviour, but that's about it. Go ahead and try it! I'd be interested in results.
  17. New space station (again), this time with a service module partially (read: not really) inspired by Zvezda. Had to do a Collision Avoidance Maneuver to avoid hitting the orbital insertion stage of the service module though. That was a close one! More Kerbals will head up soon in a Fairing'ed Heavy KTS after the station finishes boosting to a 93*93km orbit.
  18. I use mods that add good things to the game, for example the Editor Tools and Subassembly Manager. I've been trying to avoid too many mods recently, because I can get burned out from too much stuff to try and use (e.g. B9 Aerospace). I like your thinking, Gus. People who dislike mods just for the sake of disliking them confuse me, but people who don't use them because they enjoy the challenge of going pure stock are people I can respect, especially as a mod creator.
  19. The fact that you have to put some significant (compared to other games) effort to get anything cool or useful done in KSP is what makes it such a game. People who play games just to troll other people or get free stuff with minimal input are put off by the fact that it takes so much effort to get fulfillment out of the game. For those of us who can put in that effort, the fulfillment the game provides is that much sweeter. That's my understanding of it, anyway.
  20. I could quote your own post on you, but I won't.
  21. [Dramatic Fanfare] Introducing the WIP version of the Fractal Space Containment Canister! [/Dramatic Fanfare] As you can see, I've started to extrude some details on it; more will come on the top cylinder and some on the icosphere in the center (yes, I intend for the final mesh to use that icosphere). As for the drive itself, I just need to finish UV mapping and then I can start texturing. It's going to be epic! On a side note, I should really work on some concept art for you guys... just so you have some inspiration for crafts to build. Edit: Haha! No. I now have a gif that explains it better.The new Frameshift is going to be
  22. Back in 0.18, when docking was new. Also this one, because it was my first docking ever.
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