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Everything posted by OrbitusII

  1. Floor 133: Admiral Ackbar on a small platform surrounded by all manner of traps (including, but not limited to, mouse traps, pitfalls, tripwires, and the occasional landmine).
  2. Banned for saying "banned" too many times
  3. Granted, but it turns out to be my computer which I quickly reacquire, leaving you with the one you have now. I wish I could remove the power cable from my motherboard now that I finished breadboarding it... Edit: Nevermind, got it I now wish for dinner!
  4. > Run Jool.jar The following options are now available: 1) Jool 2) Laythe 3) Vall 4) Tylo 5) Bop 6) Pol 7) Exit WARNING! Exiting the program requires running Jeb.bat
  5. Floor 115: A vampire hiding behind a sofa, looking out cautiously and hoping that the pitchfork and torch-weilding crowd has gone away.
  6. THE POWER OF SCIENCE! You must teach us your ways, O mystical wizard of game engine exploits! I liked the whole presentation format, it's like it was a thrill ride or something. Very good job with the setup and synchronization, you should definitely put this on Youtube!
  7. Banned for designing things. Also banned for having my hotel room number in your name.
  8. > Yes [1] WARNING! Deleting GLaDOS.exe will give executive privileges to Wheatley.exe! Continue? 1) Yes 2) No 3) PANIC!!!!! 4) Input Konami Code. WARNING! Unknown results!
  9. I need not say what game this is from. This one as well. It's games like these that make me regret selling our N64... Ok, so these are REALLY old, but they're nonetheless two of my favorites. Games have turned into profit makers (for the most part, KSP is an awesome exception ) and you just don't get this quality of gameplay much anymore. More recent ones: UT2003, there's a lot of mods out there that really expand gameplay (vehicles, baby!) My first RTS ever, graphics are terrible compared to today's standards but it was nonetheless a good game. (ok, still really old... I need to run through my game collection at home, we've got a ton of GameCube stuff, which reminds me...) Favorite Game of All Time (for me anyway) I have no words to express how much I love this game, I could never beat the Emperor Bulbax final boss, but I loved it anyway. 2 was fantastic as well, I loved the Man-at-Legs, Titan Dweevil, and even the Waterwraith (despite it's terrifying dungeon and fight, it's one of my favorite video game bosses). Not sure how P3 will turn out, but I hope it's at least as good as the original two.
  10. Do you mean the old launch tower? That's been gone since 0.19 and they probably won't be changing it again for a while (granted, they are overhauling the entire Space Center, but the launch pad is more than likely going to stay for a while).
  11. Granted, but upon saying hello he (she?) forgets who you are entirely. I wish I had the waffle maker here with me.
  12. Floor 109: The Book of the Dead, also the Tablet of Ahkmenrah and countless other mysterious Egyptian artifacts.
  13. Granted, but the rest of your body is injured in the same way as the one you wish was gone. I wish I was bilingual.
  14. Yeah, we get a lot of these threads before a new update and it doesn't do much besides speculate as to what might happen in a worst-case scenario.
  15. I've been unable to use the old family laptop for KSP due to repeated crashing, thus my new computer (almost finished!). I'm going to start a new save once it's done anyway, and if 0.21 is released before or soon after I complete the build then it will make it a lot easier for me. I'll keep some of my stuff through to the new game, but I'll be starting from scratch for the most part.
  16. As Harv said, the main issue with compatibility between 0.20 and 0.21 will be the way crews are maintained in the files, so you could potentially change the crew saving formats used in 0.20 and before to the format 0.21. However, he also mentioned that doing this could cause weirdness in the game so it may not be the best option. Even so, I'd be very interested if you could figure out a way to convert previous saves to the new 0.21 format.
  17. Saves use a .sfs format, while craft files use a .craft format. The only time crafts are stored under a .sfs format is when they are saved as a vessel in the persistent or quicksave files.
  18. Floor 98: Space, as in outer space is contained inside of this floor, accessible via a super-high security airlock and a passcode obtained from the Interdimensional Anomaly Police, which is then checked with a 99.99% chance of being denied.
  19. iPad. Google the problem! Still failure... Not even Mott Scanley covered this in his videos.
  20. Granted. You receive computer chips made of potato (capable of providing itself with 1.6 volts of power!) I wish I wasn't so tired after work.
  21. The models are just placeholders for now, so expect improvements by the time this is finished. Let Mekan1k know what you'd like to see in the models, I'm sure he'd be able to pull it off. I still need to get in touch with HarvesteR or one of the programmers so that I can get the raycasting to work, but the current build is close to finished code-wise. However, until I can get some insight as to how to perform the raycasting check I'll be working on the next version of the Frameshift (another mod by Puffin Technologies). Here's the Development Thread link if you want to check out the InDev plugins for both this and the Frameshift stuff: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25420 I'm also taking a little break to complete my new computer (which will help me test things better than a laptop) but I'll begin coding again within two weeks.
  22. Working... :/ I can't really take a day off during my first week.
  23. As a matter of fact, I just got my RAM today (sadly it's only 4GB, but having new stuff and a (generally) clear HDD should help a bit) so I'll have the machine complete within one to two weeks, depending on when I can get together with my friend who has the optical drive and VGA card. I won't have anything done (besides installing the CPU and PSU) this weekend due to my new job and a three-day family vacation starting this friday. Still, I'm very excited to be this close to having it done. Once my new computer is done I'll probably spend a few days getting set up and becoming familiar with Ubuntu, then I'll begin coding and testing again. My estimated for starting up again is two weeks, but it may be shorter or longer due to coordination of schedules both with work and getting the last two parts. I'll be sure to let you know when I'm done building (probably with big, bold letters). For now, enjoy... nothing. I don't have any videos that I feel need publicity, so sit back, pop some popcorn, and enjoy a big blank screen. Or you could find some Mythbusters on Youtube– they're always good.
  24. You could also develop a multi-man SSTO to take them off, but SSTOs are no small task. Still, I think developing an Eve-capable SSTO would be easier than developing a rocket that carries a rocket that can get into Eve orbit from its surface... Either way, it's going to be a big project.
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