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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. This should work in 1.3 with the 1.3 versions of the plugin dependencies, right?
  2. Im running this on Mac OS under the latest stable Wine, and It gets to the "would you like to check for updates" box, I click yes and it promptly crashes. What kind of logs do you need to diagnose the issue Im having? I looked at the OP and saw the CKAN.app, i'll try that. .app didn't load (set security pereferences to let it, but just opens a console window. the .exe under wine opens now, but seems to think the ksp.app is a folder so I cannot select my install. @politas @linuxgurugamer
  3. @Paul Kingtiger I don't know why it isn't working but it isn't. See above for logs.
  4. whatever issue I was having with solar panels deploying in the VAB has been fixed, idk what was the cause or solution. I also see that the Castor 4's have real plume configs, nice.
  5. the part names might have changed between 1.04 and 1.3
  6. Another problem, this time actually with Kopernicus (Kscale2) the .cfg doesn't appear to be working. I posted in the Kscale2 thread as well. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6eyex4u2ivy8d9t/Kopernicus.log?dl=0 gamedata: http://imgur.com/a/ETlDo @Sigma88 @Thomas P.
  7. I downloaded and installed this, sigma and MFI 2 times. Doesn't seem to work ( the Set orbit widget is at 68750 for kerbin not 130000 like it was) so I don't think it's working, yet has in the past on this install. Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hllrp1nlqp21e26/Kerbin.Body.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/3rj2rv3zy7yvj70/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6eyex4u2ivy8d9t/Kopernicus.log?dl=0 Gamedata: http://imgur.com/a/ETlDo
  8. Steps taken today: New fresh install of 1.3 Fresh copy's of Probes plus ( the latest from the master on the Git) Firespitter 7.6.0 Dmagic Module Science Animate Generic 0.18. Conclusion: It worked! now testing on my main install. ALLES IST BESTEN!
  9. There appears to be a conflict between Kopernicus and Probes Plus for some reason, here's my log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3rj2rv3zy7yvj70/KSP.log?dl=0
  10. I have Kopernicus 1.3.0-4, the latest version. i thought actually having MFI installed would fix all the things but it didn't. DmagicScianimate generic 0.18 didn't fix it. Gonna try clearing my MM cache. edit: later found the fix, not having the proper Firespitter.
  11. the Poe's law is strong with this one.
  12. I am trying this now, will post log. Did not work, here's the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3rj2rv3zy7yvj70/KSP.log?dl=0
  13. NASA Goddard press release, S-band omni antenna damaged. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/tdrs-m-status-update-july-15-2017/
  14. Mods, I would like my name changed to Kerbal01, I think it isn't taken
  15. The solar panels are deploying automatically in the VAB, every BDB one. Gamebreaking as you cant retract them in flight. @CobaltWolf @Jso
  16. got v0.18 of science animate, replaced the DMagic one. Still crashed.
  17. I have the latest version of DMagic Science, so I should have Dmagic Science Animate working.
  18. The Landvermesser parts are causing a crash. using beta 0.15r in 1.3. Edit: all the Probes Plus parts were causing the crash, removing them fixed it. Unfortunately Probes Plus is the basis for 90% of all of my space program, so this is save breaking. Update soon!
  19. Same issue, glad to know its not something I did. Rotating the 1207's around so they face as they should seps cleanly but is a little sketchy.
  20. When your loading time is 9 minutes, but removing KSpedia because you never use it cuts it down to 95 seconds.
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