Does anyone know if the Hermes probe from Lionhead industry's fits in the fairings of the Titan IIIc? I'd like to try to replicate the mission of the voyager probes and am AFK.
Seconded, what is being worked on its been quite silent the last few months. Imm currently waiting for a minmus launch window for a probe that will be launched on a 542, I'll get back to y'all with pics as soon as I run it.
Hes claiming That ion engines make power that can be used to power ion cannons, from my experience in KSP, this is not fact ion engines use a lot of power, but don't make any.
He says that his battleship ( from a game now discontinued called battleship craft) is powered by a "hybrid nuclear engine/ion drive" which he thinks is some super awesome thing, but when I tell him what it actually is( two low power engines that are useless in atmosphere) he insists that they produce power in huge amounts and are really efficient . How should I tell him to make sure the the knows the correct thing?