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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. Also what specific mods does it use? The soviet pack and what others?
  2. Can you give us an overview of each individual rocket? I'd like to see pics before I DL.
  3. With PART{} (yes, it's case specific) tags wrapped around the .cfg then presumably yes it would work.
  4. I remember seeing a video of someone controlling multiple planes with MJ, maybe he used that.
  5. About a year, played both demos and eventually bought 18.4
  6. Bobcat, any chance of a zenit rocket? And a RD-0410( the Soviet NTR engine study) I know you like rockets but could you consider this engine.
  7. What are you using for the upload? Dropbox and mediafire are free.
  8. Yay, some actual progress, you've been pretty silent for a few days.live long and prosper.
  9. It seems that he's modeling atleast part of the Titan II, using the RS-24 that someone found/made for him. And using bobcats Soyuz for the R7(presumably with permission) although the fairings are completely different so he'll need to make a different type of fairings for it, and retexture it drab olive green to be perfectly accurate. Edit: Mark, what does your R-36 look like?
  10. He's essentially copy pasting rockets and passing it off as his own, no skill involved, like you making huge promises and showing very little actual work with your mod.
  11. Buran had 4 boosters( but they were LRB'S not SRB's)
  12. Grammar fail, he(sirkut) is allowed to continue/update DR, so it is legal.
  13. Is the shuttle manipulator essentially the buran manipulator re skinned?
  14. That pug is going to give me nightmares, thanks for finding it.
  15. Looking good! Are you going to make an Athena II?more castor motors?
  16. so this is essentially a pack of icbm crafts? no really a mod except for the atlas?/titan II which is yours? do you have the permission of the various authors for the parts your using in the craft pack?
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