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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. ?? initiating search for .21.exe..... program crashed, .21 is a no go restart? [y]/[n]
  2. Why yes, thank you superweegeee400 tmccreight651 or Crasher925?
  3. Lemme guess, the R7 is a modified bobcat soviet pack Soyuz?
  4. What are the RescaleFactors for making this fit on the kerbx falcon 9?
  5. I'm not sure i get it, could you explain it more?
  6. That's what I meant, have them in two seperate stacks you would strut together.
  7. What variant are you using? The ones with even numbers of SRBs are easier to control. Like the 441 or the 421 but not the 431 or the 451.
  8. The new command and conquer and total war Rome II.
  9. Hey bobcat, will you change the energia side boosters to how they were IRL( two seperate boosters attached to a centeral strut like you have but in three parts engine/ fuel tank, mounting system?
  10. Mine was with a LK from the bobcat Soviet pack.Didn't take pics.
  11. Granted, but they won't give up I wish for a giant plate of warm poutine.
  12. ExtraPlanetary Launchpads? I guess that's your only option.
  13. About 5 minutes, with ORDA, haven't tried it by hand; don't have the patience.
  14. I don't think they should be painted like stock, paint them like they were in the old pack.
  15. The annoyance of doing the finer bits of the mod, like the above.
  16. It's just the little annoying/impatient 12 year old part of me coming out(not my real age, I'm much older).
  17. I'm waiting for him to give up, probably with the UV unwrap for the textures, I've heard that's hard.
  18. This should go in fan works, but nice vid.
  19. So show us some indev things, you haven't really done that.
  20. Use tags with the images URL inbetween the opening and closing tags
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