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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. The European Vega rocket is all SRB, so's the lockeed Martin rocket, Athena.
  2. You'd have to pay for anything beyond the light side of kerbin.
  3. Here's that vid I meantioned: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nM0w17OTzCs&feature=plpp
  4. What are the exact coordinates of the Apollo monument? I'd like to visit it in my trip.
  5. Are you planning to make anything after finishing the Zenit3-SL?
  6. Pretty cheap, how long has this project been going on?
  7. I thought all solid booster rockets would be terribly inaccurate, I have never been so wrong! Nice job i got a Z-MAP equiv made with AIES to a 1 MM by 4 MM highly enclined orbit, now to try with 2-4 in one go!
  8. How much do you expect it to cost when released, $10-$15 USD? Or less?
  9. can you get permisson to re distribute the parts? it'd make it easier then hunting through dozens of parts mods and can you reupload as .zip?
  10. the 2.5 m size pack just the radial decoupler is all you need, it RAM crashes if you put in the entire thing.
  11. 1,0,1,0,1 is correct the a is the attach rules for the jumbo 64 (fuel tank 3-2) and does work i can share an example .craft with you but you need the laztek radial decoupler for it to load as that is the one that worked for me when i made mine.
  12. replace the top and bottom first stage tanks for the falcon 9 attach rules to that of the jumbo 64
  13. Nope, just dormant, we would hear a " I'm not continuing KSP modding" or something from cBBp if the thread was dead
  14. Early awaiting release( as soon as its ready)
  15. Because when asked about permissions to use the parts he never responded.
  16. agreed, this belongs in the spacecraft exchange. you've also got the staging for the R7 wrong, you need to have all engines fire at the same time or it will spin erratically.
  17. True the user below me has strapped Jeb to a LRB and lit it.
  18. Nah, instead I'll report you to the various modders who's parts your using without permission and the moderators too. edit: Done, except to the mods, I'll do that later.
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