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Everything posted by Cesrate

  1. Originally put forward by ID Sho[Deleted] located in [Deleted]. The Developers of KSP are actually Kerbals trapped on Earth, the navigation system of their ship was broken, so they had to use Earth's computing technology. While, unfortunately personal computers they can find on Earth were quiet awful, so they decided to set up a game-like distributed computation system, using many players' computer to draw the cosmic map. And this evil plan was called "Return to Kerbal Space Program". (XD) Oops, my door bell's ringing. Hold on…
  2. A. Launch into LEO, prograde burn, use Moon's gravity assist to escape from Earth's SOI. B. Launch vertically until reaching escape velocity of Earth (may also use Moon's gravity assist).
  3. Who care the old history? I lost my whole account but take it easy.
  4. The value's based on the computing speed of your computer.
  5. It's not overheating; it's something like If ship is below XXXXm Explode End
  6. In real cases I think the cannon should fire up the engines to prevent the impulse the cannon gives. And… Good, Friendship is Momentum!
  7. Just have a look at the Supersonic Diamond in FAR, 1,000m/s isn't problem.
  8. Umm… What position are the real-world Sun exploration probes in? We don't have so many NTRs and ion rockets right…
  9. According to Oberth Effect, the faster the ship moves in the gravity field while it burns, the higher the efficiency of the fuel will be. As for me, I'd like to do a full-manual landing without RCS, began to do the vertical descend when at several hundred meters above.
  10. I placed three pairs of identical wheels on the rover, although I've tried my best holding them at the same height, one pair of the wheels always idling when testing on runway:(
  11. I'm just asking for suggestion; I used to get into the 100,000,000m orbit, but it was a result came out after above 10 minutes of Debug buring.
  12. Title is the question. Well the ÃŽâ€v is beyond 30,000 m/s and according to Chiolkovski Function, despite of gravity assist and staging, the initial mass / dry mass will be (ÃŽâ€v=Isp•g•ln(mi/md)): Antimatter Rocket(Currently not exist in KSP): 1.0030-1.0003 VASIMR(Currently not exist in KSP; Isp 12,000s): 1.29 PB-Ion Ion Rocket: 2.07 LV-N Nuclear Thermal Rocket: 45.72 LV-909/Aerospike/Rockomax "Poodle": 2543.49 LV-T30/LV-T45: 3886.04 Solid Rocket Booster BACC: 205338.66 Little Separation SRB: 1910630985506.53 (LOL) Any suggestion?
  13. I'm eager to drive the REAL ship to mining on oceans!
  14. If Mün is a perfect sphere and the game have not any physics error and you are the LEGION of Mass Effect, you can; but all of them are not true(while I don't know the third:D). For now, what we can do is to make the orbit a little higher than the peak of surface you'll encounter. I used to achieve about 20m(reckoning) on Mün's equator. PS: Be careful, the ships that get too close to surface may crash during the Time Warp.
  15. Well, does the angular velocity count? I mean, if the rope-linked ship rotates very fast, will astronauts fell they are really rotating instead of just in a simulated gravity field if they can't see the outside? (Seems to be Biology+Physics) And… how long would you support for the rope? And how fast ship rotates? Well, be aware that the formula is g=v^2/(L/2), you must create enough gravity:)
  16. As far as I know, the available mass number for U3D is from 0 to inf.
  17. Is there some... Practicial examples? Like films, TV programs, etc?
  18. Uhh… The iOS dictionary says infatuation has the only meaning of "an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something", and in some other dictionaries it only refers to love, having less antiphrasis meaning.
  19. I mean, in some culture people call some of the beloved one's extremely devotional, adorable or selfless behaviors as "silly"/"fool"/"idiotic" - of course it's an antiphrasis. My question is, which word in English has such a meaning, would causing less misunderstanding?
  20. Well, this is more to be a commemoration. 5 months is not a long period, and I still remember my first thread was in there, stating my English wasn't good:D I've been in game since 0.17, first heard this game from one administrator of Astronomy Bar in Baidu Tieba. Then I learnt a lot from the KSP Forum, met lots of very good developers, players, scientists, fan artists and became one of the propagandists of KSP. All of the days are memories, even the sever breakdown cannot wipe off. Hope KSP to become one of the best games and the community to take off now and in future:) PS. Deeptimes.org, where (one of) the Chinese KSP sub-forum belongs to, used to lost 2-month data in 2010. After that Deeptimes.org back-up the data every day. What's KSP Forum's measure after this accident?
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