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Everything posted by Cesrate

  1. Oh, tomorrow. Theoretically I can spot every Chinese rockets as I'm near the ascending trajectory, but I haven't done any of it.
  2. Trying to see this in High terrain quality. If still there, it should be a bug.
  3. Jool indeed has an unrealistic super-plastic solid surface.
  4. Oh... I think what I need is OtherDalfite's archaeological instruments. But problem is we all don't remember the name.
  5. A thread without head... Weird.
  6. Kerbin, no Duna, no While camera glitch is happened at all poles.
  7. Like some kind of... Cone-shaped shell...
  8. Ohh, get it, so cells and other things aren't easy to evaporate in vacuum. What if a very large wound?
  9. Why blood coagulated in vacuum? Some kind of biophysics question?
  10. And ya, confrimed in 0.20.2. Put some parts and scroll up to the top then slightly move down the angle of camera, see top left.
  11. In older versions(don't know if the newest have) if you move upward in VAB then set angle of camera a little downward, you can see through the roof and watch the parts interface hanging up there.
  12. Holy crap we see this news on one of OUR contry's gaming sites....
  13. So when a moon is drifting away by tidal force its mechanical energy is reducing for other effect.
  14. Yeah, it could. But you must watch for SOI( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere_of_influence_(astrodynamics)). My advice is hot(or to say, warm) Jupiter model, so you're free to decide the distance. The farther your Earth from Jupiter, the larger SOI of Earth can you have for the place of a moon. BTW the Earth is likely to be tidal locked by Jupiter, and if your Earth is big enough, they may be tidal locked by each other like Duna and Ike.
  15. This thing is significant in low Jupiter moons. It is heated by shape change during orbiting. My question is how and where does these energy come from? As the total energy is conservative.
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