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Everything posted by Cesrate

  1. It seems that Devs put some kind of "invisible ladder" on it.
  2. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1111
  3. Oh yeah, no problem. I've found a funny bug http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1111:D
  4. Is this format(XX-XX Kerman) new in 0.21 Kerbal Generator?
  5. Remember this? In previous versions ASAS could stick it on the runway, but in 0.21... Maybe I should add some other things to stabilize it...
  6. http://www.bilibili.tv/video/av662279/
  7. Already doing. Rewriting the guidance.
  8. Just on July 22, a gaming video maker (somewhat same as Danny, Scott, etc) made a funny tutorial video about KSP. And this video has recieved about 300,000 views in my country. And here's the increasing number of members in one of the KSP forum I'm in. Newbee Storm. The point is the viewers in that places are mostly... We are discussing a lot about management.
  9. Not very overwhelmingly; I can drink milk, in fact.
  10. 北京师范大学物ç†系录å–了……
  11. Quite delighted. Three years of playing hardworking pays off.
  12. 3 times since two days ago. PS. Forum is normal.
  13. So that's the end? 71 subjects, not so much. If we leave out 1,6,8,10, the pattern is pretty simillar to normal distribution. The ones that choose 1 and 10 are a little more than 2 and 8, and 6 is a little too high up. Something really amazing is 8. People seemed to prefer 8 greatly, even ignore 7 and 9. Interesting.
  14. A very old one, never come into use. (Looks better when zooming out)
  15. The matter of our solar system and nearby systems were from a blasting event like the collision of neutron stars or the supernova outburst billions years ago. Question is such a event should leave a black hole. Where it could be and can it be observed now?
  16. Interesting. Options in odd number except 1, i.e. 3,5,7,9 seems to be avoided. 6 and 8 are very popular. Not sure if there's too much personal thought involved. Maybe lots of people just select their lucky number? Not sure, if so 7 should also be popular according to a previous survey.
  17. 诶我说…… 中文真的是世界公认的最难语言么…
  18. Strange preference. Maybe we should wait for more votes.
  19. Don't think too much. Vote with your first thought. See what pattern will finally come out... A psychological experiment maybe...
  20. Remember the Atlas Space Station... Has been on orbit for 1y 321d, construction started in 0.18.1, stopped when SAS wobbling problem becoming severe. 83×82km around Kerbin, 65.64 ton. Rest in peace, we will build a larger one in 0.21 with a better SAS!
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