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Everything posted by Cesrate

  1. I thought... This thing should be... More popular? Edit: All right there is nothing to worry about.
  2. It's from Kerbals at War 2. Some kind of cannon that gather plasma from solar wind and shoot...
  3. All right, I decided to release it although there're still authors haven't replied my message. It's a compilation, and the first video I've made. Uhh, here's a thing: Because of the music it can't be played on phones and TVs. I've tried to dispute the copyright statement to make this video playable on all platforms (for now) but I'm not sure if it will or won't work forever or something bad will happen. And... Should this thing be in "Live from Mission Control!" ? And... There's a backup on https://vimeo.com/73349778 (It's a little strange to say it's backup as the quality is even better than YouTube)
  4. What should I say, 19 Scott Manleys...
  5. You may know about HyperEdit, for making ships and Kerbanauts editable(Yeah, natural celestial bodies as well, but this function is more to be a visual effect). And KerbTown. This addon allows user to place settled models in game, although it requires users with modeling programs to put models in. They could be buildings, stones, plants, effects... And kOS Scriptable Autopilot System, we can program different ships now. Maybe Kerbals in future are also programmable. And, the game natually supports we to interact with objects. And, trigger is supported. Remember the SSTV hill on Duna? And, parts in game seem to have "HP":p And, Kerbanauts have jet pack:p ... So what come up from your mind? For me it's something like... Spore Galactic Adventures. Spore Galactic Adventures with (almost) real physics and you can drive almost everything (My dream:p). That means we can have stories. Made by not only Devs, but also players. I know it's too early to say about it, currently such an editing is not user-friendly (for basic users like me), the system is not complete, there's a long way, but it's a possibility. May not be in Kerbal Space Program 1.0, but as a DLC. Who can deny it's possible? Just an imagination. Not a suggestion or something other.
  6. Great! It will be the best although it's in alpha-stage now. It should be included into stock game! (With a graphical interface?)
  7. When Kerbanauts are back to command pod, they will be refueled. The point is the EVA fuel is appear out of nowhere, it seems, can be provided without a limit as long as Kerbanauts are board. So... Unlimited ÃŽâ€v project: A command pod A Kerbanaut Kerbanaut can push the command pod forward, then board the command pod when EVA fuel is nearly exhausted, then left the command pod with 100% EVA fuel and push the command pod again... Theoretically with this method they could exert unlimited ÃŽâ€v...
  8. ... Can anyone tell me how to PM YouTube users?
  9. Ouch, that means I have to contact... Danny2462, Scott Manley, HOCgaming, elboutcho, ProBero0, Macey Dean, Ben Davis, Nassault630, UNIVERSEOFSPACE, CptForever, Dippeggs, Yizhou Qiu and moar authors... Dozens of them...
  10. I made a KSP MV to learn about Premiere(and in honor of KSP community), which is composed of lots of clips of different fan-made videos(names and authors given at the end of the video). Question is can I make it public?
  11. Banned for having such a big avatar PS. How did you do it?
  12. The real problem is not the little thrust of ion rocket(although greatly buffed than those in real life), but the low rate of physics warp(4X is obviously too low).
  13. I think it shows the linkage between geeks and cute animations.
  14. Title is the question, is that OK in Youtube or worldwide fan-art groups?
  15. Left: badS = true Right(two): badS = false
  16. Doing mutiple scientific missions on highly realistic planet surface... And of course:D
  17. It works, an interesting missile defend game. I think it's too hardcore when playing it with a documentary film:(
  18. Banned for having less posts than me. PS. I did not survive the Great Forum Purge.
  19. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts#Jet_Engines 7282 max 8192 max Even higher than PB-ion, is that even achievable?
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