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Prime flux

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Everything posted by Prime flux

  1. We need more pictures of this great looking Lander can! Here is my first lander design with this command pod. Sadly the stock parts does not make the lander pod justices. Later I experiment with a lightweight mono-propellent driven lander. Could also work as assent stage for a 2-stage lander. This design looks rather good but Mono-propellent is not ideal fuel due to a quite bad ISP. As I could not find a service module I fancy, I went "how hard can it be? to make my own. Apparently quite hard... Well this is my first part I have made for KSP. Let leave it with there is room for improvements... Here is some of the things I will try to improve. Like actually make some kind of texture other then a crapy template one. The 3d model could also live with some more details. Suggestions are welcome.
  2. That is because all part are placeholders atm, hence they look exactly the same
  3. Looks like they are from the AIES Aerospace pack http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35383-0-21-1-AIES-Aerospace-v1-4-2
  4. Looking Great! I have been looking of a Inflatable hab unit for quite sometime! Looking forward to try it out. When you have got it working and are happy with it, might I suggest you try to make a Toroidal shaped hab-unit? Like With a 2.5m center module and 3 or 4 1.25m attachments points on the side?
  5. "If NASA had more funding..." Well they would waste more funds in ineffective ways. It is a well known fact that governmental run organisations or program is ineffective and alot of the funds get wasted on other things then the intended purpose. There is always someone how making money of any governmental programs and it is really hard to make sure the tax-payers gets their worth of the funds. It gets even more ineffective when there is is other parties with their own agendas (like politics with a home-state business to support) gets involved.
  6. I will point you towards this great post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52080-Basic-Aircraft-Design-Explained-Simply-With-Pictures Also action groups are your friend when switching from air breather engines and rocket engines.
  7. Yes 0.22 did introduce a feature just like that. A "broken" landing leg can now also be repaired by a Kerbal.
  8. I did build 2 minimalistic science rovers. This comes equipped for science mission with all 4 sensors Barebone Rover mk I 0.26t Barebone Rover mk II 0.32t Without the sensors and the antenna it is only 7 parts. If you can accept a bit more clipping here is a 5 part rover (0.2t). It is of course very limited in range and usefullness
  9. I did a small test by launching a probe core+ battery with SRB straight up. One with and one without a aerodynamic nose-cone. The rocket without a nose-cone reached higher altitude. 44083m compared to 42853m with a nosecone. apparently the areodynamic shape does not offset the extra weight of the nose-cone My bad. the change is about stability in atmospheric flight, which my test does not cover.
  10. If you want to read more about the new international dockingstandard check out this document http://www.internationaldockingstandard.com/download/IDSS_IDD_RevA_Final_051311.pdf Which is not much movement tbh, I would say it is similar to the current "magnetic" docking thingy. Also this clip of the shuttle docking with ISS using APAS-95 can be of interested
  11. +1 indeed. perhaps the dockingport should be more like the APAS and the new international docking standard, with a soft catching and a hard catch. Meaning that it first gets a soft catch with an extended docking part. When the soft docking is done the part retract to a "hard catch" My understanding is that when the docking port is "active" the part is extended and can be steered in both position and rotation to compensate for small miss alignment during the docking. When the system retracts to a "hard catch" the 2 docked craft is perfectly aligned and positioned.
  12. It looks very good! One thing though, the sleeping compartments in what orientation are the kerbals suppose to sleep? The compartments looks kind of narrow, hence i guessing the kerbals will be sleeping standing upright. This does not matter in weightlessness in space but on planet it do. A solution could be to put the sleeping compartments together and rotate them 90 degrees, so it becomes like a bunk bed. On the other hand I have no idea in which position Kerbals prefer to be sleeping. They might like to sleep hanging upside down like a bat...
  13. The trusses are JARFR Tri-Hexagonal Structural Strut http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-jarfr-tri-hexagonal-structural-strut/
  14. Or just ignore that the rcs-effect does not fire for rotations and use Reaction Wheels for rotation and the RCS for translations.
  15. I think the RCS thrusters are to weak (0.125x the normal) to show the effect. The roll is a combination of several thrusters direction at reduced power. the stock RCS block also have a much reduced effect when fired in the roll action. i will increase the power and make a new test EDIT: nope, does not matter. Other theory: It might be because the unit is symetric around the centerline, therefore the system does not think it can generate a rotation torque due to a lack of lever arm. See The endcaps mounted on a extention arms fires on rotation command. the one mounted in the centerline does not. Most likely a function on how KSP works and not a bug for this part. If this is the case, then a module with all integrated rcs-thruster will not show any RCS effects for rotation the one part. The rotational torque seems still be there.
  16. Sounds like a good plan! Also looks like it is a sheer amount of work. Also it might be a good idea to add some small position lights. Preferable placed so they gives references toassist in docking if you find yourself docking on the dark-side. 4 lights placed as + centered around each docking nod should work nicely.
  17. It works, but you want to update the cfg-files for the new SAS-system. Remove And add To update the parts for the new SAS-system. I am not sure about what torgue vaule and electric drain to use. pod varies from 3-15. The stock Coupola have 9 and a power drain of 0.9
  18. I did spend some time practicing my cad skills today. What is better then creating some concept art for my favorite KSP-mod What i did where developing a landing leg module for horizontal landing of the modules. I like to build planetary bases, unfortunately my system does not like when the part-number grew big. This force me to trying to keep the part-number down, one way to do it is using of modules with lots of integrated functions. Landing legs module for horizontal landing The legs are angled slightly outward for enchanted stability. When the landing legs are retracted the foot is flush against the hull for a smooth clean look. The legs does not take up all the available volume. What to do with the remaining volume? Why not integrate some small landing engines and a parachute? Remaining volume can be filled up with Fuel or other supplies. Cut section of the leg-module. Another concept is to have rotation landing legs instead. But I feel this is worse use of internal space and is a more complex mechanical design. When designing critical system it is worth full to try to keep the complicate low. Less things which can go wrong.... Just some thought and suggetions about how complementary part could look and function. In the end it is up to you, Sumghai to pick and chose what you want in your mod.
  19. I did some more forum digging... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25013-Compilation-of-modding-information-links-for-0-19-0-20-Last-updated-18th-July?p=402761&viewfull=1#post402761 Still clueless how to actually bring a part into the game... I am a rather good at CAD (solidworks), but have not tried to use unity or anything of that. Still thanks for good work on the mod.
  20. From http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25013-Compilation-of-modding-information-links-for-0-19-0-20-Last-updated-18th-July Not sure if it helps
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