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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by malkuth
That OnLaunchedFromHangar will work. Anyway the original issue was @etmoonshade asked if it was possible to be able to edit the Conditions MCE sets for Probes in flight. Basically we create a contract that has three properties that must be met. Satellite Type, Satellite Module, and Frequencies, The contract gives you the settings and in the editor you set the conditions yourself.. IE make a satellite type Communication with a Module type and frequency of such and such. Originally I had this set that you could only do these changes in the editor, not in flight... Didn't make to much sense that you could change a Satellite type in mid flight... Be kinda like launching the Hubble Telescope and while its in space changing it to a starlight satellite... LOL.. So I compromised and made an easy fix to allow the changes in flight. (was easy fix at the time) since you cant change any of those settings from a hanger before launch.. (I believe the vessels are pre loaded already made). Anyway now I doing a large make over of the UI for Mission Controller and since I was in the code and changing everything I figured I would find a way around this, without the compromise. But now since you have your own KSPEvent Thats good enough for me, to make it work. Thanks. which basically just means Im going to only make the compromise if that condition is met.. Any other time its going to be the same as old way.. Only Im updating it to people can change settings at PreLaunch too... to help with another mod. IE they can edit the settings while the vessel is still sitting on the launch pad.. But not after launch.. Except Freq... Which Im going to allow anytime.
Nope thats just the Frequency setting.. It replaces the old slider in the old system.. You can only go from 1-50.. Either in 1/2 increments or 1. It works alot better than the slide. I have not got to the new Custom contracts UI yet.. That one is going to take a long time. These last 2 took many days.. And still trying to work out all the bugs. LOL... Only good thing about the Custom Contracts UI is that I don't have to work around the Part Modules, and getting a UI not connected to the part to work with it. Gah.. But for sure the Text Imput for Custom Contracts and Orbital Heights is going to happen. Mostly because it will save me like a half dozen buttons.
No not worried about using sats over and over. They are still just a one use thing.. Dead at least the Mission Controller Part after completing 1 mission with it. I was just curious if you had to launch the vessel, just like taking off from the launch pad. Anyway the new UI for Repair Panels and Satellite Panels.. New Repair Panel New Satellite Panel
Hey just a question for you since I never used Hanger Mod before.. But when you make a vessel from the hanger do you still end up launching it like normal? IE You hit spacebar to actaully launch it still.. Or is it instant out? And more important can you still right click on part Modules and change things while in this state. Only wondering because I would like to make it only editable in Pre-Launch state while waiting to hit the spacebar, for Sat Types and Modules. in the new UI.
sure this is the one I learned most on. Lazy Coders Guide To KSP UI Let me just caution you the TextMesh Pro part is completely messed up. Doesn't work at all for KSP 1.10 (believe 1.9 too).. Even though you still have to have it, and install it just like mentions for Parttools. You have to basically do this that @DMagic mentions in this other thread. I go find it for you.. and post it in this thread when I do. Here it is.. TextMesh Pro Issues
Well I finished my first UI and Re-Code for the repair Panel. Will be shifting to the Satellite Panel next, than redo the whole Custom Contracts UI next. Lots of work, but I learned a lot from this. Thanks to @DMagic and @Fengist for there UI tutorials on how to do this stuff. After done with the UI for the in game stuff I will be doing the KSPedia Stuff! So still be a while for new update. I might release a beta of the repair panel and Satellite panels and contracts just to test things out later.. We will see.
Mission Controller 1. Fixed an Issue with Frequencies not updated in flight, without reloading flight scene. 2. Changed Satellite Contracts to completely use Default KSP Orbits + Orbit checks.. This results in much more variety and accuracy in readings. Also, should make all satellite contracts 100% fool proof in Types of orbits. Meaning 100% compatible with any type of mod planets or Increased size of the game world. 3. Added the ability for all satellite contracts to have a % chance to be launched to another Body other than Kerbin. You must first visit other Planetary bodies (IE Discover) before contracts will be able to be sent.. IE Mun,Minmus,Duna etc. Only Kerbin based Contracts will have ground stations though. WIP - Please report issues, takes forever for one person to find bugs!. 2. Changed Orbital Research Orbits same as satellite. Same reason. 3. All these changes has made the average Orbital Height much higher for all missions. Making them a little more difficult. Increased payout of Contracts to compensate for this. 4. Added new ModuleManger .cfg patch file that was made by KnotaiG. Now all probes including modded ones will have MCESatelliteCore added to them. Allowing all of them to be used as MCE Probes. As always if you notice any bugs please report them. You can download the new version from my Github listed on the First Page Post.
Mission Controller 1. Added ability to change Probe MCE settings in flight. Its strange but only easy fix I could find to allow other mods like Hangar mod + Extra-planetary launch pads to be able to launch MCE probes. The probe can only still be used once though.. So once you transmit you contract settings, the probe settings is no longer under your control. 2. Up the Contract Payout multiplier from 3X to a max of 10X. This should allow for better payouts for larger type worlds with bigger planets. For instance a Navigation contract at KSP default size at 10X low orbits now pay about 600K.. So should be enough to compensate. 3. Fixed Revert cost not showing. At some point I did a quick fix on this that I forgot about that disabled it. So now revert cost again are % of total ship cost + fuel. you can set the Multiplier for this in In game settings.. Default is 10% of cost of the vessel to Revert. 4. Fixed Issues with Repair Contract Payouts. They should be much better payouts at higher orbits now. Quick note on Frequency changes in Flight! I had to add a new button for the changes to be made. Just like in Editor you use slider to select the freq.. But you need to push the Frequency set button to set it in flight. Again quick fix. And for best results changing settings.. you should always choose your Satellite type First! Than choose your Module type! I changed some UI to express this. You can download the new version from my Github page link from the first post. Did not have time to test this out completely.. But everything should be ok. its all good. new version released.. Try it out. Hope I didn't break to much.
Ill up the Multiplier for Payouts for it can go higher than 3X next patch. As for contracts, I would basically have to rewrite the code to make more settings available to players. So don't really have enough time at the moment to change that. And Ill check out the Github report. Biggest problem Im having is with the last issue of making players able to edit the Freq etc in flight. And finding a way to do it that doesn't offset the balance of not being able to change the Types and settings of Probes on a whim at any time.
Another New Update. Version 3.1.1 Ready to Go: Mission Controller 1. Added First Stages of A Manual To KSP you can find it in the Mission Controller Folder called "Mission Controller Manual" This is first stage of maybe adding in game manual. If someone wants to help with this it be great! Added Directions for How To Do Mission Controller Satellite Contracts, How To Change Module + Satellie + Frequencies in VAB for Satellite Contracts and how to Finish Mission Controller Satellite Contracts in Game! More to come soon. 2. Redid the UI for Changing Module Types, Satellite Types when Doing Mission Controller Satellite Contracts. Much easier now to select and read what your chaning when selecting Satellite Types and Module Type in the VAB when Setting up for these types of contracts! Module and Satellite types are now Push Buttons when you right click on any Non Manned Probes. All probes are in vanilla game are Populated with Mission Controller Modules using Module Manager. You can add your own Modded probes via Module Manage by using the "MCESatelliteCore". Example located in MCEProbePatch.cfg in Parts Menu of Mission Controller.
When working on Update version of KSP 1.10 and MCE I found more reasons for this error. And as I suspected it because the contracts don't exist yet. The reason this error comes up (easy repeatable) is that MCE actually loads at the Start Menu when loading up game. The problem with this is that the Contracts don't load until you load your saved game. Hence the errors that show up on loading up game. No easy way for me to fix this, but it also is not causing any real problems, once you load your saved game it goes away and should never show up again. (so no slowdowns) so I see no reason to really spend time to try to get rid of the errors. The good news is that I was able to fix a ton of other errors that came up (not all errors but messages MCE shows during bug tracking). while tracking this one. So again nothing to worry about and its not effecting the game. Hopefully I get new version of MCE up soon. Working on some more things.
A lot of the errors in this are actually missing contract types. If you have Contract Configurer installed and have disabled some contracts it could cause these errors. Contract Config does a much better job of disabling contracts then Mission Controller, I use a pretty old method way back from 1.0 to disable them. Basically MCE is looking for contracts that no longer exist. Should not cause to many problems. Should only happen once. Since MCE only checks once.. Or everytime the contracts files are loaded. Might just get rid of this ability since CC does it so much better. And most people use CC more than Mission controller.
Sorry been gone so long guys. But really my interest in KSP has almost vanished. I have been working on Mission Controller 3.0 when I do manage to play KSP every few months or so.. Usually last for a few days though, than I move on again. But this is what I have done so far. Its not close to what I wanted to do. But since KSP 8.0 broke everything I decided to release what I had so far, and fix Mission Controller (now version 3.0). So here what I got so far. Best to PM me in a message to get my attention at this point. I don't generally read much anymore on the forums. Mission Controller 3.0 Finance Missions Update (Custom Contracts) KSP 1.8 Update For Mission Controller. 1. No longer have Historical Missions in this version of Mission Controller. 2. Custom Contracts have been renamed to Finance Contracts. Use these to have companies finance your own Missions.. Want to build a station on Mun? Well fill out the contract for Building stations, and send it to the companies to Bid on.. Someone will offer you a contract soon for your Mission! 3. Added new Finance Contracts (work in progress, will add more) 4. Did a lot of work on Satellite contracts. And SVM20 helped me fix the random altitude for all planets, including modded ones and modded universes like RSS etc.. So hopefully no more contracts that hit the atmoshpere of planets! 5. Work on the UI and got rid of old refrences to code that does not exist anymore. Including the Older Historical Missions. 6. Reworked the Research Contracts for Orbit Scanning and Lander Scanning. 7. Repair Contract Reworked to actaully show up again. (seems this one has to be fixed all the time). Using KSP randomness now for this mission instead of custom code. 8. Updated code for KSP 8.0 Using NetCode 4 etc, and all new refrences for Unity. This update is still a work in progress.. If you see any issues (and you will) please report them via either the Forum page (page me) or Github issues.
Looks to me they just watched Scott Manley Video, and read the forums.. And regurgitated it for their own use.
Hmmm I thought I got rid of that in the latest download (try github?) But anyway you can find the option to shut that off in the Advanced Options of KSP options menu under Mission Controller. You also have a lot of other settings you can adjust in that. Hit ESC and select KSP settings/ than advanced than mission controller.. Good luck.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/954850/Kerbal_Space_Program_2/?snr=1_7_15__13 they have pics on the official steam page. They look very kerbal like. But the game is built from the ground up and new code.. So hopefully its a little better than KSP1 code was. More user friendly for Modders too.
They need to make exploration much more interesting. The planets we land on need variety, and just things to do.. The Ground Experiments in breaking ground are a good start.. But it has to be more than hey I landed, 5 mins later lets get back. We need substance on the ground, things to keep us there long enough, and life support.. Life support and clouds, and dust... Etc.. Just saying. It should work Like this... Take off, land on body, gather science... oh no not enough time to do anymore, not enough snacks... take off, land. Plan mission 2. Or rescue.. what ever comes first.