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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. The Reaping... [ominous chanting] ...Has Begun.


    Only got a small hand basketful of onions this year, because...




    I cleared out about two feet of an 8-foot planter this morning and scored over 11 pounds (5kg) of potatoes... just on a whim. I have two more 8' planters overflowing with the things. Poor onions just got crowded out. Now, to jot down every way to possibly cook a potato...

    Started with the basics.


    Oh, and eggs. As always, just a really, truly, farcical, absolutely silly amount of eggs.



    31 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

    You lost me there...

    That's ok, the old hippie's been lost in the produce section for years, he doesn't even work there. :D

  2. 46 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

    At Fry's here in AZ they used to have a PB maker in the store. You grabbed an empty plastic tub, placed it under the spout, and it ground fresh peanuts into PB right in front of you. That was the best PB ever. You had to bring it home and mix salt into it yourself, because it was nothing but ground peanuts. Unfortunately they removed it a couple of years ago. So disappointed.

    You can find these at your local Snooty grocery store, the kind of places that also sell absurdly overpriced certified organic non-GMO personally handed to you by the unwashed hands of an agéd hippie produce. Like Whole Foods. 

    The better ones, like Tater said, offer a variety of grindables for butters. I suggest the fresh-squeezed almond butter, tastes great but it’ll suck all the moisture right out of your mouth like a maw-full of alum. 

  3. 2 hours ago, tater said:

    Off the end of my driveway, down into the arroyo between houses I have a leaf/pine needle pile. I started throwing veggie debris in there as well. Ginger knobs, dried out lemons/limes/etc, the guys from the Halloween pumpkins, then the dried out jack-o-lanterns themselves, etc. I turn it now and then to get it to compost. Added some dirt and other stuff trying to make it less dry/flammable for fire season, and figured maybe I should soak the pile maybe once a week. Then we got monsoon, and it has stayed sorta damp (for New Mexico, anyway, not dust, at least).

    A plant popped up with big leaves, the plant about a meter across. Now it's bigger than a car, and spreading up and down the hill, with huge, 5 pointed yellow-orange flowers all over it, under the large leaves with prickly undersides... I think I am growing pumpkins now.

    Pics or it didn’t happen. :D

  4. 49 minutes ago, tater said:

    Seems like part way would be better. They need to make sure it’s well away from dragon, also can’t impact near recovery.

    Given how much quicker it would decelerate, separation doesn't seem like it should be a concern if they ditch it normal/antinormal just after the deorbit burn, like Soyuz or any other capsule. I've heard they need the extra fuel margin, which in turn makes me wonder why they can't just use the SuperDrakes and their larger supply. 

    I'm sure they actually have perfectly good reasons for doing things this way, I'm just curious what they are. :/

  5. 1 hour ago, Ricktoberfest said:




    but seriously, y’all are making it complicated. LEO Starship can just drop off a BLEO payload attached to a kick stage. Can even be a big solid for integration simplicity. Still a big potential cost savings with minimal risk vs FH.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Beccab said:

    Basically, first I turned only that engine on with the heat convection physics turned off and infinite fuels turned on; this made it come much closer to the maximum temperatures than the other three. Then I turned it off, lighted all four together and kept going until it overheated and blew up.

    Oh, and I also clipped on it a second RL-10 switched to the sea level variant so that when the first one exploded it would appear that only the nozzle blew up

    What about that nifty explosion effect?

  7. 18 hours ago, Scotius said:

    It's almost as if spaceships are becoming almost as safe and predictable as airliners.

    We're not there yet, but Starship might take it even further.

    Y'all done jinxed it now, hush up. :P


    Edit: ok, seems the boom in Boca was norminal after all. But still. 

    Stop using the R word or any other euphemism thereof! Y'all are ticking the nethers of some mighty powerful juju with that kinda talk. :huh:

    7 hours ago, Flying dutchman said:

    Mainly because of professional drivers I think.

    As a bus driver, I concur. -_-

  8. 16 minutes ago, SunlitZelkova said:

    How is it supposed to do this with no ablative surfaces?

    I suppose it won’t be going as fast as Tianwen-3 coming in from interplanetary space would, but it still sounds dangerous.

    I think that’s high enough that heating is low enough that no “heat shield” is needed, one of the NASA Mars orbiters did similar. It’s a very very slow process over dozens of orbits. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Brotoro said:

    How many strakes does that Heavy have?

    and what the heck is in the lower right? It looks like giant-sized planks of wood, but that can't be right.

    Like Mad Robert the Second said, it is indeed wood. Called “cribbing” in this use, wood is incompressible (mostly) so it’s often used to support really really heavy things and keep them from shifting or sinking. Used a lot when jacking up buildings for relocation, too. 

    And in other news, seems work on the oil rigs is indeed proceeding, even if at an SLS’s snail’s pace… <_<

    re: launch table segment spotted on highway. 

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