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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

    yeah... I'll be attaching things directly with KIS whenever possible, and only using KAS stuff for cosmetics... the tubes and such. 

    I realize there will still be a chance of invoking a game kraken doing this... I'll just have to be careful, go slow, and make many backups before starting... :wink:

    If you’re not using it already, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is your friend here. It eases physics on load in so there’s not so much jolt, it’s worked well for me so far.

    But as you certainly know, sometimes Krakens gonna Krak (krak krak krak krak, and the... crap :mad:).

  2. 9 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    I believe we can be relatively certain it is not a mockup.

    This. That thing takes up a huge amount of space, which SpaceX does have a finite amount of. If it’s due for static fire this month, it’s a reasonable conclusion that they’re currently assembling it. 

  3. 5 hours ago, DualDesertEagle said:

    Doesn't explain why they do it on loading tho.

    When the game scene first loads, or you approach within 2.2km of something, physics kicks in all at once and tends to give everything a nasty jolt. It’s not at all uncommon for things to break, explode, or just come apart right after loading. Especially if they’re wonkie to begin with, like those KAS attachments. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, eddiew said:

    Also, geebus hell, do those images have horrific artefacts for anyone else? They look shocking on my screen :( 

    Well, given that you've been warned to attempt no landing there, I'd say artifacts are your biggest concern right now.  :o

    Maybe some of that bacon could appease them...

  5. On 11/14/2017 at 3:40 PM, eloquentJane said:

    closest periapsis of Sonnah achieved by anything artificial so far,

    Are you playing with Kerbalism radiation turned on? If so, how nasty are the belts around such a big gas giant? What was the total mission time for that first Münar flyby?

  6. 1 hour ago, Geschosskopf said:

    After reading your most-definitely-it-is-a-novel following the oh-so-subtle links in your sig, I"m beginning to think the narrator here is The Kommisar! :D

    The Kommisar is completely humorless.  I have some bits of rusty metal embedded in my own bones so know how he feels.  Which is what makes it funny :) 

    Heh, well I can canonically say the Narrator is not that Kommissar.

    Tho he's probably a Kommissar, being in charge of a major project and what not... if only out of circumstance. Maybe they've met a Kommissar Konvention or some such, tho.:D

  7. 48 minutes ago, Nightside said:

    Why do people assume "he made it up" is equivalent to "he lied"?

    He "made up" the idea of having a rocket company and went ahead and did it.

    Because this is 2017 and nobody can take a flarping joke anymore. :huh:

    Also, I am reminded of that Mythbusters episode where they tried to launch a car by  strapping rockets to it. 

    Guess it turns out all they needed was.





    wait for it...







  8. 7 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

    It's amazing how you've gradually turned the original base into sea-going ship that actually looks the part.  Was any of that planned in advance or did it just happen?

    This was entirely organic. :P Originally, I really did plan to send a rescue mission ASAP (really, I swear!), but the technology wasn't quite there yet. So first I had to keep them all alive for a little bit. And then a little bit longer. And then... well... there's some more science right over there... might as well have them do something useful while they're waiting... and over there... and over just there... and... wow that's an interestingly named biome, I wonder... Then @KerikBalm's little easter eggs began feeding into my plot so nicely, and suddenly: A ship!

    There's like 20+ gigabytes on board now still waiting to be transferred, and that's not counting the several gigs they've already sent back. 


    23 minutes ago, MatterBeam said:

    Lovely designs and humor that we can rely upon.... but damn if that skybox doesn't make this look like Dante's Space Program: Journey through the seven orbits of Hell

    There's a very specific reason for that skybox. :wink: @JadeOfMaar probably has no idea how much his skybox became the linchpin of my overall storyline. The why and when behind that skybox comes right out of my greater Kerbalverse (expounded upon in the ahem, ever-so-subtle links in my sig). I still don't know if I'll reveal the whole story, here, there, or anywhere; I like to leave the readers with a bit of mystery.

    And also, this particular story is tongue-in-cheek enough that I can get away with canonically denying inconvenient gags at will. -_-


    On 11/26/2017 at 12:42 AM, KerikBalm said:

    It might be possible to make the airport a fixed size by using the same code that is used to make the perfectly flat ground around KSC. The way I have it done now, its part of the height map, and thus its features would scale up as the entire planet is scaled up.

    Wow. :D That looks so different at regular scale. At 6.4x, the airport is completely flat, ScanSat can't even pick anything up. But the Ancient City is just awesome, the pix really don't do it justice. The way it just sort loomed out of the murk (with the clouds I had at the time) for the first time was creepy as hell. It gives a wonderful otherworldly sense to the place. Your tweaks to the Mars map have added a wonderful bit of story to what would otherwise be some nondescript science gathering... interspersed with epic views. :cool:

  9. 15 minutes ago, Canopus said:

    1,2 tons. Not exactly that impressive for something called Falcon Heavy.

    Logic dictates there’s going to be more than just the car going, tho...But catching up on this thread this morning is like



    first its like


    and then


    and then


    troll level: HEAVY

    but now it’s like






  10. 1 hour ago, 1101 said:

    the lead character lands on Earth from orbit via a car rebuilt for the task, and the ship Arbitrary sends a postcard to the BBC asking for Space Oddity to be played...

    Are you sure that’s not just a bit different?

    if that car ever does come back it will have to be thoroughly and carefully searched for little green balls...

  11. 26 minutes ago, Mitchz95 said:

    That's, uh, ambitious.


    Wait, is... is this still a joke or are they really going for it? (The Mars car thing).

    There's got to be some major regulatory hurdles there, the stage would be out of comm/control at that point, so there's a risk of hitting the planet with something not sterilized...


  12. Year 8, Day 27...

    Hey, how bout that? It floats!




    ...and promptly crashes reality itself if we try to measure the delta-V output of these new electric water engines. Strange...


    The RaldBase FrankenFrog S.S. Baitfish presses north, making 12 m/s in the open sea. The science team has discovered something... also strange, at the north pole of Rald. It's going to be a long, boring voyage across kilometers of open ocean, let's hope the crew can keep it together.

    Here, they pass the oddly squared remains of an ancient submerged crater...



    Soon after, things begin to seem... off. The base ship keeps pulling ever so slightly to the right. Captain Triti is easily able to correct, but still...

    It's all very... strange.

    The crew heads on through the night...



    ...and through the daily Gaelclipse the next morning...



    There's a wide, strangely flat strip of land before they reach the polar island. The RaldScan is having difficulty getting an accurate measure of its shoreline.



    The crew soon discovery why. It's because there isn't one. There's no shoreline at all, the ocean floor rises up from below in an incredibly steep slope, culminating in a vertical wall several meters high surrounding the outcrop. Curiouser and curiouser. It's almost as if...

    Could it be there's some force that doesn't want us going there?




    Full steam ahead, and flood the rear Hitchiker, we need some attitude!

    Leave it to Triti.



    For a wide, perfectly flat stretch of ground, the strip is oddly... not flat. Several times the crew is nearly bounced out of their seats by unseen obstacles. And they've started... humming...

    But soon enough, they reach the far... wall. No sense stopping now.




    ...weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed!

    Hey, stop that!


    If not for the courage of the fearless crew...

    Stop it! You're just doing that with the reaction wheels, there's not a cloud in the sky and the water is perfectly calm!

    Oh no...

    The RaldBase would be lost...


    No, you have to stop! Stop, do you hear me?!?

    The RaldBase would be lost!

    Stop! No! I know where they're going with this!



    ...ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted arctic isle...

    No, stop!


    With Triti...


    And Lodvin too...

    NO! NO! IT'S WORSE THAN I FEARED! Haylotte and Jencine are fighting over who gets to be Mary Ann and--



    Oh, no, Jencine won and nooooo!



    You don't need to see this, folks, trust me. It's like a bear in a bathing suit.

    I do not have chest hair!

    That's the least of your worries, dear.




    And moments later they're all staring at each other with no idea what happened. The stress is getting to them. There's a few percentage point left, but the science team is wondering if they're all on the verge of a psychotic break.

    In fact, the science team is... starting a pool?! Oh c'mon guys, that's not right! Those are your comrades up there!

    Nevertheless, the crew presses on, towards that spine-like mountain range in the distance, and the pole beyond.


    Put me down for √20 in three days... no, it's not a conflict of interest, like you can talk!







  13. 37 minutes ago, DAL59 said:

    Has any booster been flown thrice yet?  

    The current crop of recovered boosters aren't quite up to that test. The next generation (block 5 and maybe block 4) will be able to make around 10 flights with zero refurb (supposedly), hundreds with refurb.

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