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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. I'm just really plead with how this one screenie turned out
  2. C'est Magnifique! Let us celebrate with wine, cheese, and running in terror, nón?
  3. That's the 1.25m detachable nosecone from NovaPunch, only thing available as I haven't unlocked any proper fairings yet. I've hit it more than once during "simulations," so I aim for a nice long coast to a high ApA to give it time to drift off. Probably should do some orbital speed reentry testing now that you mentioned it. I've done returns so far up to about 3 km/s. Things that should have blown did and things that shouldn't didn't, but I didn't see much ablative loss either. Ekho-1 came down at nearly orbit speed and something blew up, but what was left slowed down too fast to get any useful info. I've got RealHeat & the latest 64k configs that were supposed to fix all that, haven't bothered with DRE as I think it's just adding g force now.
  4. New computer you said... Ima go out on a limb here... are all your drivers, esp video, up to date?
  5. THAT. IS. AWESOME!!! why was KSP not around when I was into that??
  6. Well that's the thing, anything in fake-Cyrillic is either meant to be something very.... impolite, or a bit of fun poked as common Russian terms "everyone" knows (da, nyet, etc). In the case of the former, I deliberately don't want the *actual* wording, since this is a family forum after all. And in the latter, using proper Cyrillic would need a translation, yes. Any "real" Russian is an italicized transliteration, and I do try to at least get that right. But it is worth noting that Kerbal fiction (at least in my case), borrows the same convention as Tolkien (ie: Bilbo Baggins' name is actually something like Bilba Labingi): Kerbals are little alien beings with their own languages & customs, they don't speak "English" or "Russian" per se, these stories are just translated from the original Kerblish & Ussari (Etc) languages into something that makes it comprehensible to the reader and simply gets the point across. Otherwise authors would have to spend pages describing what a "smeerp" is.
  7. Yes, there's a MM config in the 64k package that boosts all ranges by 6.4, so that much at least isn't any harder. Signal delay, now...
  8. Now if I did that... the mods would probably close this thread
  9. So it seems this latest update has removed all of my RemoteTech ground stations. How would I go about making a MM config to restore them, and so that it doesn't happen next time there's an update? The "wall of text" formatting of the new RT MM config makes it nearly impossible to read for me.
  10. How would I go about setting this up as MM config that will make sure they get added LAST? I had them working for a while, then some mod got updated and they're all missing. I get real confused with MM beyond very basic stuff, and especially when the config I'm trying to figure out is mushed into a big wall of text.
  11. forgive me for being dumb, but does the extracted folder of CFG's go in /damegata or dump directly into /RealFuels?
  12. Cool, come here for a bug fix and discover this now includes a facsimile of EngineIgnitors. :cool:Excellent:cool: So, as it stands right now, just adding RealPlumes effectively undoes the no-exhaust problem, yes?
  13. Me three, unfortunately. No exhaust, no sound. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0q40bwwvqoox3ea/KSP1.log?dl=0 Thot it was stock revamp at first but it seems not.
  14. Hi, after hearing so much good stuff about this mod I decided to give it a try, but it appears all hell is now breaking loose in the log. More importantly, I get no rocket exhaust from any engine. They produce thrust, the ship flies, but no exhaust visuals or sound. I am using RealFuels, but not SmokeScreen/Hotrockets/etc. I realize there's a metric crap-ton of errors from Mechjeb, that's due to a window and has always been there. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0q40bwwvqoox3ea/KSP1.log?dl=0
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