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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. "Stock" deadly reentry is more like "dangerous as a hot stove reentry," you really have to be careless or deliberate to get any damage. Crank it up a notch or two and it gets much more interesting.
  2. Ack, apparently godaddy doesn't like these files. Can you PM me an email addy magico? (I hate dropbox)
  3. Ok got my log files, need to figure out how to post them when I get home tonight. I watched the bit in question all the way down, it's getting deleted at 22k which is standard for unloaded suborbital debris right? and personally I think the rocket over the space center is kinda kewl. If you can figure how how/why it spawns where it does and just make it do so in a suitable building, now that would be even better!
  4. What exactly do you need? I'm sending the same ship up again shortly (99% reusable... Crept for the pesky tower... 6 day turn around!) This mod certainly adds a new challenge to the mix... Just a few days out from a "perfect" Moho launch window (no plane change), so focused on mass producing enough tankers in time I realized I still needed a mapping probe! I had to scrap my spare Eve rover and cobble the spare parts together into something that could actually get there AND launch on time!
  5. MOAR...! no. No, not more. Less. That definitely needs less of something. I wanna see when you get that thing to JOOL!
  6. Right here. Boosters definitely not hitting the ground, also an escape tower with RC that jettisons @ 45 km, peaks about 130, then drops back well away from any flight.
  7. I'd settle for just the update fixing the weight bug:D Not to put any pressure on you or anything, but Dildan, Mercott, & Doudas are stuck in orbit until said update gives them enough TWR to land. They've just run out of snacks and Dildan is finding how the other two are looking at him rather... unsettling.
  8. Just throwing this out there, since MechJeb typically works pretty well for me and generally does what it's told... Feature requests: a lock roll, or better yet, climb-then-roll feature on the ascent guidance. A station keeping autopilot! Seems to me the groundwork for these is already there (Smart A.S.S. has a roll lock, docking AP recognizes distance and position), so actual implementation shouldn't take much effort... ...should it?
  9. Yaaay what was it? ETA: so, fixed but no update yet. According to the reddit, the in flight mass is wrong. So that I can keep building while waiting for the official update, is it safe to assume the VAB numbers are correct and should remain so?
  10. No go. With just one tank MJ says the ship looses mass, even when emptying. Removing & replacing the empty tank, or attaching anything to it, however, somehow refills it? I'm not on GitHub but I'll see what I can do today.
  11. Getting a weird bug/inconsistency here when using MechJeb's info windows... the weight its giving me in the VAB is significantly different from what it is on the pad... I traced it as far as these procedural parst, but it's late & I need sleep lol. Built a ship that was showing 4 extra tons on the pad vs what MJ said in the VAB, which of course throws delta-V waaaaay off. Stripped the proceduaral parts one by one. The weight difference decreased with each removed part but didn't go away completely until they were all removed. Then tried it with one huge tank, 144 tons in the VAB.... and it LOST 15 tons (to 130) on the pad?!? Am I missing something obvious here? I don't have KER so I can't check it against that.
  12. You seriously need to YouTube that launch. Having played with NovaPunch 5m parts for a while now, I always thought "who could POSSIBLY need more than five meters of rocket??" What're you pushing at the base there, like 20? Need a kerbal next to it for scale!
  13. Please tell me that thing is NOT! asparagus staged! your frame rate must have been way into scientific notation territory
  14. ....this needs one of those "when you see it..." memes!
  15. The mods scolded me before for just posting BRILLIANT so here's an unnecessarily long post well in excess of 10 characters just to say ​No, really, that needs to be hard-coded into ALL fairings everywhere!
  16. Quick question, can the altimeter be tweaked to fire an action group when going UP, like to ditch an escape tower during launch?
  17. Forgive me if this has been mentioned already... But the SRB's don't seem to work with deadly reentry... The temp bounces around right near max for a while then finally explodes from overheating. Even tweaking max temp to a ridiculously high number in the cfg doesn't seem to help. Oh and long as I'm here +1 for procedural heat shields and how about toroidal tanks too?
  18. Wait a sec... IS the experimental SM for the Radish available anywhere? All I see in the OP download is the SoyJuice parts...
  19. Hmm... Could a couple of windows be stuck on the new Radish service mod so it could be used as a crew tank?
  20. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is your friend... Especially with 5m NovaPunch rockets!
  21. My two cents, although I haven't played with either capsule much yet... The Soy...thing... I'd rather make my own SM. It's an irregular enough of a shape it's going to have a fairing either way, so an "un-smooth" SM can still be blended well with the rest of the rocket, and being that the capsule is just a bit under 2.5m, there's still plenty of room for sticky-outey-bits within said fairing. The Radish, however, practically screams for an SM. It just fits better with the aerodynamic, conical, "nuts-to-you-AND-your-silly-fairings-you-commie-bastage" look of that pod.
  22. Figured as much. If it helps, since it's still being tested anyway I shall dutifully destroy my "free" rocket like a preproduction Viper.
  23. in KERBIN orbit? As in not orbiting the Mün? How is that even possible, I thought this mod only rendered ships 750k away (and the Mün is a lot farther than that)? anyways, long as I'm here, might as well add to the chorus. Something so minor can be so awesome, and I haven't even futzed with it that much yet. I might actually have to stop avoiding night launches.
  24. Possible bug here... KSP died just before landing during a simulation. When I reloaded, the complete rocket was available on the pad and seems perfectly normal, with no simulation revert windows.
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