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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Fascinating. So apparently I've been littering Gednalna with spent rocket stages and using war torn "debated" county as my designated downrange emergency landing zone. No wonder my crews keep disappearing.
  2. ... That awkward moment when you see your lander airborne & upside down... And have to go chasing after it. Poor Dildan's face just says it all. First he has to grow up with a name like Dildan, now this.
  3. Here's a request: could the setup be tweaked so its possible to modify vessels already completed and in storage? I've hit a couple cases now where it would be helpful to make a small tweak to a finished ship, but I'd have to scrap it and rebuild from parts. Modding should of course carry a time penalty, but less than a complete "tear down"
  4. 1. Why for the love of JEB did you not include pix of the resulting debris field??? 2. Why does it look like lumps of coal coming out of your rocket during launch? Is this some new fuel source I haven't heard of??
  5. So how about all of the above? The craft would retain much more utility if it could redock after separating, like dumping the OM with a couple of Kerbals in it in order to go rescue some else.
  6. This, ss, and another up vote for his choice of palette. If you want a Soyuz, Bobcat made an excellent one. I like this design cuz it's not a clone of either but inspired by both, it's unique. But more and more I'm thinking he needs to include some equally unique & different solar panels with it!
  7. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice :cool: I sense another complete redesign of my crew ferry coming up!
  8. Negatory, just tried it. Only a Kerbal can remove the science and that disables the experiment, unless you also have a lab (with two more Kerbals). Doesn't need to be as complicated as I put out, just thinking for balance... But it'd be really nice to be able to reuse these kewl bits without bringing half a dozen extra. Or a Kerbal.
  9. Lol, but I'm not using MCE, that's the other​ feller who's hassling you
  10. ok, I'll try that, tho that's another rocket you've cost me Lol and I need chutes to pop either way, DRE gets might hungry right around there.
  11. Yup, useful lil thing when you need to give a rocket bit a brain and don't want to reengineer a probe core into it, or for temporary testing. Keep in mind tho, that it does NOT provide any torque (hence the need for rcs), and a couple of batteries may or may not be needed. The power in the box is usually enough if you deorbit within a few minutes.
  12. Ok completely successful launch last nite.. But how does booster recovery work? Is it compatible with RealChutes? Cuz the booster I dumped with chutes armed never came back.
  13. Use a mechjeb box & some RCS thrusters. Lightest way to go usually & easy to squeeze underneath your payload, especially if using a fairing.
  14. Actually I don't think I put any settings file in with the .dll at all, if that makes a difference.
  15. Second this. That does seem rather self defeating, if I need a Kerbal nearby to reset a surface sampler might as well just use the Kerbal in the first place? My thoughts to make it reusable are a sample storage container with power requirement (adds complexity penalty), and a "cleaning" cycle with both a power & time requirement, similar to how transmissions work. That gives the user the option of a quick & easy one-shot lander on the cheap, or a more complex & harder to deliver rover that can gather much more science but has to pause between each sample, or be even more complex to maintain power to the instrument while on the move. sound workable?
  16. Ok I redownloaded 3b and that does seem to work ok, tho I only futzed with it for a few minutes, it did not appear to have corrupted anything. Iirc there's no settings file in that download, just the .dll right?
  17. I had backups from the quicksave, so the minor headache of reverting back & figuring out what went wrong was well worth the half hour of unbridled explodium entertainment (actually it was running so slow it was kinda boring. Kept poking my head in every few minutes, "yup, still exploding," "yup, still exploding.") It was exploding for far longer than it actually took to fix it. One bit of debris made it over 5 kilometers from the center. That's pretty impressive considering deadly reentry should have vaporized it before it got that far. I'll try to get that log figured out tomorrow. If you can isolate what's not quite right here, that in its self might make a fun mod. I wonder how 40 ships spawned in the same place in space would explode.
  18. I tried to install a certain mod. It din't werk. What it DID do, was duplicate a landed flight nearly 40 times. SO, I figured, what the hell, and tried to load it. Computer hung for about 10 minutes trying to. Then it started exploding. And exploding. And exploding. And went on exploding, one frame every few seconds, for another 10 minutes. When the framerate returned to something resembling motion, I had my most impressive debris field EVER, and now the secondary explosions from falling bits went on for another few minutes. According to the tracking station, it made over 2600 pieces of debris. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/VjayF/embed"></iframe>
  19. Hi, I'd really like to use this but it completely kills KSP for some reason. Trying to load any save with this installed goes all wonkie, it says X number of flights in the select screen, but get to the tracking station and there's only one there, even tho the icons say there should be more, and they're all visible on the map. Trying to actually load one just gets me the "nothing there but rushing wind" thing. As long as the persistence file hasn't been saved, I can exit, remove your mod, reload & everything seems fine. Try that AFTER it saves, and there will be dozens of duplicates of a flight. I realize that's not a whole lot to go off of, so let me know what other info you need.
  20. Today my whole problem was getting OUT of space. I have Deadly Reentry cranked up to where it's actually, well, deadly, to return to Kerbin without a heat shield, which made landing on Eve pretty much impossible even with THREE layers of stock DRE heat shields... Kaboom with over 2.8kms left to loose:(. Took me a few hours of back & forth tweaking the part.cfg & trying to comprehend the module numbers and get it to work... Until I finally got frustrated and resorted to overkill:mad:. Now I have a heat shield that could pass THROUGH Jool at a significant fraction of c unscathed and a friggin probe on Eve dammit! now I'm taking my ball & going home!
  21. I've seen this mentioned by Scott Manley & others but I have no idea what to actually use to search for it. It's a plugin that limits you to one launch every x days, or something along those lines. So you can't build an entire space station in a couple of hours, etc.
  22. Better yet, why not just make the adapters into actual parts instead of non-physical shrouds? Then pods only need a single node and it's much easier to use the adapters for more than just looks (like a service module)
  23. Someone help me out here please... KSP crashed the other day, and it seems to have taken several configuration files with it. Lost all my toolbar settings, and I not only lost my mechjeb window settings but I don't have the option in the right click menu at all for orbital info, flight info, custom window, etc. Tried a quick reinstall and no good. How do I debug thus?
  24. Nothing ironic about it, competition drives innovation. Notice how the American space program seemed to loose momentum & direction right about the time the Soviets gave up on the moon? Imagine if we'd kept competing all the way to Mars & beyond. I love the simplicity & efficiency of the sphere (probably the same reason the Russkies have such a fondness for the shape). Maximum volume & strength for minimum material. I'd love to see a not-quite-2m pod that would fit nicely in a straight 2.5m fairing. I may have to tweak your design into an unmanned Eve lander based on the Venereal probes.
  25. Er, yes it is actually. It means PARALLEL, it aligns you with the target axis (like a docking port). Most useful for semi-manual docking where one uses MJ only for attitude control, because the docking AP is too wonkie for a given ship or hasn't been invented yet...
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