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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 8 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

    It's active docking port, the probe one. Nothing will dock to it. Why is it here? Why the module is not arrached to the spherical node module with it?

    Watching For All Mankind and seeing again the controversy over active/passive docking ports for Apollo-Soyuz (which I think is historically accurate), there may be some, er, virile symbolism here, given the current state of geopolitics... <_<

    9 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

    And based on the current leakage rate of Zvezda, before the station gets ready, the Zvezda transfer chamber will just get non-pressurizable, and ISS will anyway be consisting of two separated segments.

    And the geopolitical symbolism continues, if perhaps unintentional. :(

    6 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

    troll the 'Muricans in their Shackleton base,

    Let’s hope life does not imitate art... :/

  2. 1 hour ago, RealKerbal3x said:

    That's been the issue though, getting those engines restarted, running healthily, and correctly drawing propellant from the header tanks - all the way down to the ground.

    That being the problem. While orbital re-entry is a pretty well understood thing, this kind of flippy-sloshy slightly insane aerobatics is not, and that makes it very difficult to model. SpaceX is having to figure it out as they go along because there isn’t data to go on, or not very much that’s relevant. 

  3. SpaceX’s modeling of the whole belly-flop thing thus far appears to be spot-on: the SNs have been rock solid and 100% under control the whole way down, it’s reasonable to assume their models for the re-entry process, having lots of data from others to glean from, will be equally accurate. 

    It’s the whole “never done before” flip thing at the very end that’s proving a bit... squirrelly...

  4. 44 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

    Updated design, with new landing legs!

    Interesting... I’m not seeing any side-firing mini-Raptors... maybe there’s a ring of even-mini-er engines? The mythical hot-gas thrusters, perhaps, spammed around enough to land in lunar grabbity?

    2 hours ago, tater said:

    That's the least likely thing I can imagine.


    Did I say wow?


    Wonder if this’ll end up being one of those tiny decisions that ends up having world-changing implications down the road? I mean, even if not intended they just “legitimized” (for want of a better term) the whole Starship program. 

    Prolly not, I imagine we’ll see more funding for a second lander eventually. 

    2 hours ago, cubinator said:

    not only that, on the NASA event page it seems to imply that only two astronauts will land on the first mission. Can you imagine having an entire Starship to share with just one other person?

    I’ve seen horror movies that start exactly like that... <_<


    2 hours ago, tater said:

    Orion holds 4, so it's risk mitigation I guess. Halves the possible lost crew if there was a LOC landing event—I was going to say that it allows Orion to rescue crew in case of some issue, but Orion is so awful, that's not actually possible. They can watch from NRHO, and do nothing at all.

    The irony that Starship could just land the whole dang Orion capsule on the moon anyway...

    3 minutes ago, tater said:

    I'd say what this says to Huntsville in plain English, but it's a family forum, so I'll leave the two-word statement as an exercise for the reader.

    Good day, sir! ?

    er, wait that’s three words...

  5. 3 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

    Got first dose today let's goooooo!

    Eeeeeeeeexcellent. The nanites tickle at first but by your second dose you won’t spare a thought for them at all... or, anything else.... [ebil bill gates laugh]

    No but seriously your arm gonna feel like you took a punch from Mike Tyson tomorrow, then it’s all good. ^_^

  6. So, it happened. It actually happened. I own a Model X. :confused:

    Well, the bank does. Along with my immortal soul and firstborn child. 

    Still feel like I got away with something bank’s gonna be waiting a looooong time on that kid but the whole process went pretty smoothly, other than the showroom guy just taking forEVer on the paperwork. And they gave me a truly ridonkulous amount for my trade in. Might be awkward if it’s still sitting there, half-stuck back window and all, when I drive by on Monday. 

    First thing I did: pickup chicken feed:



    Yeah, this thing can hold a lot of chicken feed. And that’s not even the trunk trunk. 

    Promptly thereafter, I committed pure sacrilege: 



    And tomorrow we’re hooking up the trailer and hauling a load of crap to the dump, then picking up lumber and a new toilet. 

    Yeah, it may present like a slightly-dated electric supercar with silly doors, but it identifies as an old farm truck. -_-

    My head is still spinning. 
    I think that second bag of feed might have been off...

  7. On 4/5/2021 at 7:42 AM, Gargamel said:

    Then.... :( ..... went to change the lightbulb.... whole housing crumbled in my hands.   What's left is held on by magnets until the replacement housing can arrive from where ever I ordered it from, local shop didn't have it, and couldn't find it.   Just want to keep water out of the trunk lid till then.   

    Ah, the allure of old rides full of, er, character... <_<

    I think I’m more looking forward to not having to deal with such anymore. For a while. 


    T-12 hours... :confused:

  8. 1 hour ago, tater said:

    Presumably the danger area they have planned for (and the FAA has signed off on) includes what they would expect if they unzipped the vehicle at something like maximum altitude (or min alt and more propellants, not sure at what point the danger is maximized).

    This. The system worked. The rules worked. The existing regulations worked

    However, just add a bit more mud...


    now, “RUD” to me sounds like it wasn’t deliberately terminated...

    2 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    Tater - I'm on my phone... What's the image? 

    grimes in a rather strange outfit standing before BN1 in the high bay. 

  9. 49 minutes ago, CastleKSide said:

    I think there is a substantive difference between uncrewed test flights developing a new vehicle and operation flights of a commercial airliner after approval. 

    This. One is a thing where large numbers of passengers are guaranteed to be involved, whereas the other is a proof-of-concept test series where explosions are guaranteed to be involved. It is expected that an airliner should be able to fly for umptillion hours with no incidents, just as it’s expected that SNs will go foof.  

    Inspiration4 should be carefully observed and regulated. 
    DearMoon should be carefully observed and regulated. 

    But the SN tests should be given a decent amount of leeway as they are, after all, tests, and everything I’ve seen thus far points to SpaceX exercising due diligence with existing safety precautions. We know something’s gonna go boom, they know something’s gonna go boom, but apparently the FAA is all like “you never said anything was gonna go boom!”

    And speaking of booms, I predict that there will be no booms tomorrow. In fact, I guaran-ding-dang-diddly-durn-tee it.

    Because I’m going to sleep through it. -_-

    or it’ll just scrub anyway...

  10. 1 hour ago, RealKerbal3x said:

    That's one of the oddest reasons for a scrub I've ever seen. I can just imagine the conversation.

    Engineer: We're scrubbed for today.
    Elon: Why? We're tracking no issues on SN11 and the weather is looking good for the planned liftoff time.
    Engineer: Well, the FAA inspector's car broke down, so we can't launch.


    Tuesday morning: a Tesla pulls up at the inspector’s house, no driver, just a sign taped to the window reading, “get in, loser, we’re launching Starships!”

  11. On 3/24/2021 at 8:53 PM, StrandedonEarth said:

    I am like sooooooo jelly. Congrats 

    Remind me after I make the first payment. :confused:





    On 3/24/2021 at 10:28 PM, kerbiloid said:

    Now you can just put a cistern of fuel and the noisy smelly diesel next to the neighbors backyard and attach a generator to recharge the eco-friendly green Tesla!

    Tried that. Din't werk. <_<




    4 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

    I made a thing.

    I had those exact same bunk beds in college. :D

    while I was busy flunking remedial algebra... 

  12. So, this happened... :blink:


    Excuse me while I...



    It's been a rough couple of weeks after all.




    I'm telling myself it's an entirely sensible decision, playing whack-a-mole  with my 17-year-old noisy smelly diesel is just no longer tenable, and I've come to really hate stopping for fuel. Besides, it's "only" a used 2018 that can tow and haul and make it up the hill to the cabin on the back acre. Yes, quite sensible.

    I'm almost starting to believe myself.


    I think I need an adult beverage now.

    Or maybe just an adult. :/


  13. 1 hour ago, Ziggy Kerman said:

    Canadarm vs Lyappa, who's the better space arm/assembly device? 

    They should wrestle to settle it. -_-

    1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

    Lately, the oxygen regeneration  system Ekectron-VM  was out of order 7 times. Also there were troubles with toilet and food heater.

    It would be a cruel irony if the US segment has to separate from the Russian segment because it’s irreparably broken, after the Russians threatening the opposite a few years back. :/

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