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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Maybe they’re gonna bolt together OCISLY with the soon-to-arrive JRTI. A mega drone called Just Course Of The Love Read You Instructions, I.
  2. From what I’ve seen, the bottom “fins” of the booster will still be pretty small, and also (probably) non-movable. And close to the COM, while the upper grid fins are far (really) far, and move for control authority. I think the fixed fins will be more analogous to the wings on an airplane, with the grid fins like the “tail.” Superheavy should be able to “glide” better that way. BO is doing something similar with NG. Even the Falcon 9 booster glides, tho not very well. You can see it very plainly in the most recent launch footage. More gliding=less fuel used for boostback.
  3. It’s raining outside.... in August... and the rain goes clickety-click, clickety-click....
  4. Great googamooga! Plus 24 Starship launches... that’s more than a launch every four days! No wonder they’re relocating the other drone ship...
  5. More like as many pockets as possible need to be greased during the multi-decade building of said intersection...
  6. Curiouser and curiouser... Guess there’s no SSO flights that can’t RTLS planned at Vandy any time soon, but... weren’t they already working on a second barge at Florida? Orrrrrrrr.... could it perhaps be heading for Boca? Also, disagreeable valve:
  7. Hmm, this is interesting... Must've gotten some deep data they didn’t like from the first one.
  8. Quick... someone put his hand in a glass of warm water... and the other on a mouse...
  9. Somebody get this man a malt beverage and a haggis, yeesh.
  10. Finished writing one of my darkest sequences ever. Need some happy little trees now or something....
  11. Sure, sure, start digging big holes in the moon then blowing stuff out of them and pretty soon this happens: Unintended consequences, people!
  12. We already have two, one just happens to be on Mars and the other is leaving for there shortly. Just scavenge a spare chassis, which almost certainly exists, strap a blade to the front, and send it off. The first Starship to the Moon could carry dozens, even. Might not be very fast but they can run nearly constantly and it’s a proven, in-situ tested design. Or this. Just be sure someone double-taps the stalk first to turn on Autopilot.
  13. Well of course he’s in it, it’s about him.* *some events may have been factionalized for dramatic effect.
  14. Au conter counter contry I disagree. While Dave Scott certainly did thump it down, the nozzle didn’t actually contact the surface, it buckled due to (relevant subject!) firing so close to the lunar surface, as mentioned here (about 10:00 in): Hence why the whole subject needs further study. Either way, still wouldn’t wanna take off with it.
  15. Apollo didn’t have to take off again with the same engine. Which, IIRC, would sustain considerable damage as it was, just from the interaction of the plume with the surface. Sadly, the real world is not the Kerbalverse where you can just land on your engines. And maybe pickup a sports almanac while you’re there... place a couple of bets... y’know, no big deal...
  16. Man, it’s like a funeral in here. In happier news: We have a thrust structure in the pipe! ...soon to be literally so...
  17. Thus far I haven’t gotten a single pepper this season. Not a single dang one.
  18. Won’t be seeing any expendable Superheavies... just sayin... Last I heard F9x is down to $50M, Heavy around $150M, but no idea if that’s expendable... or how much it actually costs SpaceX to send up. But, I suppose on the other hand, they are a bit short on the all-important FH cores right now...
  19. Awwwwwwww, man. I thought for sure Heavy would put an end to that.
  20. Dedicated to @tater‘s daughter’s math teacher’s competitors. ...and you should hear about my father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate...
  21. If you watch the vids closely, you can see burning stuff flying around. There’s even something that looks like a sheet of cardboard visible on the engine cam (probably not actual cardboard). With this being the first flight, and so close to the ground for so long, it likely shook loose all sorts of stuff. But like @StrandedonEarth said, prolly nothing left now. Y’know, like that first time you fire up the mower in spring and all the critters go scattering...
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